
Wolfowitz Doctrine - American Imperialism

Wolfowitz Doctrine is an unofficial name given to the initial version of the Defense Planning Guidance for the 1994–99 fiscal years (dated February 18, 1992) published by US Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Paul Wolfowitz and his deputy Scooter Libby. Not intended for public release, it was leaked to the New York Times on March 7, 1992,[1] and sparked a public controversy about U.S. foreign and defense policy. The document was widely criticized as imperialist, as the document outlined a policy of unilateralism and pre-emptive military action to suppress potential threats from other nations and prevent dictatorships from rising to superpower status. Wikipedia

This imperialist doctrine formulated by Wolfowitz is the underlying assumption of American policy since the Bush Administration and privately promoted and put to practice by both the Bush and Obama Administration. It was all about the American Empire and no country is allowed to challenge that position. Once a potential challenger is identified, it would be put down at all cost. China, Russia and the EU are all considered as potential challengers to the dominance of the American Empire and must be put down. Japan used to be the target and was put down for good.

This hawkish policy means that the Americans would attack any country that comes near to challenging their number position, and war, destabilising countries and the use of might are what the Americans would do to protect their dominance. The American Empire will only be peaceful and accommodating if they remain sitting on top of the world but would swing the club when threatened.

The unceasing flow of anti China and anti Russia invective coming from the Americans are daily bread of the American Empire. The current crisis in Ukraine is engineered and conceived by the Americans to secure their number position. The Americans are the biggest beneficiary of this war. With one stroke, Russia and EU would be stuck in a war that would weaken if not, destroy both countries.  China too would be targeted and demonised for not lending a hand to support the devious American scheme to bring down Russia and Europe. In the process, China would be labelled as non cooperative, not supportive and an enemy of the American Empire. It would be China's fault though China is thousands of miles away and has nothing to do with it while the Americans, the mastermind in this war stood up as above the fray, the innocent party but the biggest winner in this crisis.

The European and Russians would be direct casualties of this war. Ukraine is just a pawn to make it happened. Thanks to the stupidity of Zelensky for making it so easy. When this war is over, China would be left alone to fend itself against the next onslaught from the Americans. China would be fighting the Americans in a much weaker position without the Russian backing. The dominance of the American Empire is assured. All 3 potential contenders would be knocked out in the cold.

PS. This scheme is so brilliant. The Americans started this war, dragging the whole of Europe into it, Ukraine and Russia, but no need to risk any American life. Everyone in Europe gonna die for the American Empire.

Clinton's top secret speech to Congress after the bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade in 1999.

'The goal of the new strategy I am going to describe will be that from now on, the United States will become the last and only empire of mankind. 

We have set a detailed goal: the first step: NATO's eastward expansion. You have seen that in the Kosovo war, we originally had lingering fears about him(Russia), Now, he has almost become a naked beggar....The purpose of our eastward expansion is to control the entire Eurasian plate....'


  1. Possible destruction of USD as reserve currency:


  2. American Military Biolabs Discovered in Ukraine

    Russian forces during their special military operation in Ukraine uncovered a network of about 30 biological laboratories that was formed in the country at the request of the United States.

    On Monday, the chief of Russia's radiation, chemical and biological protection force Igor Kirillov, reported a network of more than 30 biological labs was formed on Ukrainian territory at the instruction of the U.S. Department of Defense's Threat Reduction Agency.

    The discovery raised great concern as the biological laboratories were storing large quantities of dangerous viruses which the U.S. were using for its biomilitary projects.

    The U.S. Department of Defense has absolute control over the biological laboratories in Ukraine. All dangerous viruses in Ukraine must be stored in these laboratories, and all research activities are led by the U.S..

    The U.S.' biological military activities in Ukraine are just the "tip of the iceberg," said Zhao Lijian, spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, noting that the U.S. Department of Defense controls a total of 336 biological military laboratories in 30 countries.

    For two decades, the U.S. has exclusively blocked the establishment of the verification mechanism of the Biological Weapons Convention and refused to accept multilateral inspections of U.S. biological facilities within and outside its borders.

    - RB News


    I am appealing to all the kind souls in the world to prevent a tragic death from happening in Singapore's KHOO TECK PUAT HOSPITAL.

    I have been admitted to KHOO TECK PUAT HOSPITAL on Monday 8 2022. Today is the third day in ICU. The crazy doctor in charge of me, Dr Alex, has refused to give me food, the very nutrition I so badly needed to strengthen my body to fight the Covid-19 viruses. Where in the world have you ever heard of a doctor who deliberately starve his patients to death? Whatever reasons he may have, he kept them to himself.

  4. When missiles were short range and planes unable to reach the USA mainland during the past two world wars, that Mafia policy work very convincingly as no one can retaliate with a counter strike. Russian hypersonic missiles destroyed that invincible myth, and are said to be game changers. The USA therefore cannot play the same old game. It is over.

    Today, missiles can reach any part of the USA from any direction. The USA had been assuming that Russian missiles will only come from the North, but recent events have upset the apple cart. Now it is different and those missiles today can carry nuclear loads, coming from any direction.

    Added to that are Russian nuclear submarines lurking close to the USA mainland. How good or advance the USA intelligence are, even their top of the range submarine still collided with a static rock, or did it? They do not know? Laughable! And their F35's have been involved in so many accidents. But one thing they have that others cannot hope to possess and that is their F35s are submersible and can operate under water as well. LOL.

    China does not even want to touch that F35 wreck in the South China Sea. China's J20 is said to be far more advance than the F35 in range and speed. And the USA keep chanting that the Chinese are trying to get to the wreck ahead of them. Well, the Chinese have little interest in the wreckage and salvage work. The biggest irony is that the salvage work was carried out by a China built ship belonging to a Singapore based company. Did they not always say China can only build unreliable things. Why then make use of a China built ship for the salvage work? Anyway, this is not news for the MSM.

    The most important thing for the world to hope for is that Russia and China stay close together under their strategic alliance, despite the attempts to break them up. The purpose of their strategic alliance, if I may venture to say so, is for the purpose of getting rid of the Anglo Saxon White Curse that has done so much harm to mankind after WW2. That will make the world a more peaceful place to live in.

    Thankfully, many countries are wising up. India is slowly waking up. Countries in the Middle East are no longer hardcore USA allies. Saudi Arabia and UAE are examples. Many countries cannot tolerate the arrogance, untrustworthy character, bullying and dictatorial behavior and using unreasonable double standards to advance their agenda. In a word a country that thrives on lawlessness and adopting lawless behavior. They even wanted to impose their 'Rule of Lawlessness' on the world.

  5. Poor A non yes mouse. Hospital protocol, only immediate family can visit you and limited to 2 a day, I think.

    You need to fight for you life, alone. See if the nightingales can help you.

  6. This crazy doctor is so determined to starve me to death that he gave his crab reason as:

    To ensure I have an empty stomach so that when need to insert a tube into my tummy, my stomach will be empty. For his convenience, he is depriving me of my nutrients. What an idiotic, screwed-up doctor! I will have to speak to his supervisor/consultant.

  7. Now, after all the hues and cries, the crazy doctor finally gives me food. Thank God. Three days without food is terrible in a hospital full of food. Why must I be treated like that? I habe to literally beg for my food!

    Thank goodness, the ordeal is over, I hope.

  8. Whether you are fully vaccinated or not fully vaccinated, it is of no difference. You still get infected. You still enters ICU. You still needs oxygen. You still has to keep your fingers crossed.

    So, all those talks about vaccines are merely money-making profiteering schemes to make big money out of all of us. That's is cruel and vicious

  9. https://www.dailysabah.com/business/economy/trade-can-be-conducted-in-ruble-yuan-gold-erdogan-tells-putin. Turkey President agreed to use roubles and yuan with President Putin fir their unilateral trade. Other countries could follows.

  10. That is good news for Russia.

    Countries should start moving away from using USD for any transactions internationally.

    The world must stop the US from holding ransome using the USD as a tool of foreign policy of blackmail and intimidation.

  11. That action by the USA to sanction the Russian Central Bank is the catalyst that will be the start of the end of the US$ Hegemony that people have been talking about for decades. It was a decision made by ill informed politicians, and not discussed with even the Federal Reserve or business people. It was thought of and implemented by politicians, who do not and have not thought properly of the consequence arising from it.

    Countries are now asking the question - When will we be targeted if the USA thinks we are not to their liking. Now it looks like India, Middle East countries and ASEAN are moving away from the US$, besides Iran, China and Russia. The implications are enormous and it will lead to the end of the US$. It is a direction created by the USA themselves.

    The other action taken by Western companies moving out of Russia is also a bad move. They are basically throwing away assets that they have spent decades building up in Russia. Putin is going to nationalise those companies and their left behind assets and the West can do nothing about it. It will be another windfall for the Russians to inherit something so easily without any effort.

    The USA and the West keep shooting their own feet, cutting off their noses to spite their faces all for nothing. Russia will not collapse, just like Iran. In fact Russia will do even better than Iran, having China as an alternative to the West with systems to rival SWIFT..
