
21st Century has no place for Evil American Empire

 The Americans are still trying to expand their Empire to all corners of the earth. They have about 1000 military bases all over the continents, mainly in Europe, Africa, Middle East and Asia.  The Americans also maintain a fleet of 11 aircraft carriers and hundreds of warships and thousands of aircraft to maintain this Empire, using their military weapons to threaten countries to obedience, sanctioning countries and their people into poverty. And their ultimate weapons of mass destruction is the arsenal of thousands of nuclear weapons and tons of chemical and biological weapons.

In order to maintain this military dominance, the Americans have been finding all kinds of excuses, fabricating lies, labelling countries as enemies and conducting wars of oppression against any country or anyone they conveniently called threats to their dominance. They freely and unilaterally conduct military wargames and fake 'freedom of navigation' to send their warships to threaten other countries, all because of the Empire.

With their obsession to support this Empire, they are spending nearly US$1 trillion annually just to maintain the soldiers and weapons, excluding the trillions in unceasing warfare.

The world cannot have peace with this Evil American Empire threatening every country and faking lies to oppress and suppress other countries. The countries of the world must come together to put an end to this Evil American Empire. Say no to the American Empire. Say no to their overseas military bases. Japan and South Korea should stand up to break free from their status as semi colonies of this Empire.

The British have given up their Empire decades ago and many countries have regained their independence. Why should Japan and South Korea, to a certain extent Nato countries like Germany, continue to be the semi colonies of this Evil Empire?

There is no reason for Empires in the 21st Century.  The so called military alliances of the Evil American Empire are not for peace but oppression and suppression of other free nations and threatening them with wars. There is no need for fake policemen of the world. The American military bases and warships are like gangsters threatening the world, not to protect the peace and security of the world. Without them, there will be no major warfare. The differences between tribes and countries could be settled peacefully among themselves, no need for the military might and interference of the Evil Empire.

The world must put an end to the Evil American Empire for the good of humankind. No country is a threat to the Evil American Empire. It is the other way round.  The Evil American Empire is a threat to everyone, to every country. Any country that dares to attack the Evil American Empire would be turned into smoke. The evil Americans have been spreading the lies that everyone they deemed as enemy is a threat, including tribesmen in Afghanistan. Do not believe in the evil American lies.

Go home Yankees, you are not wanted, you are the real threat to the rest of the world.

To preserve their Empire, these hypocritical rogues would flatter the Communist Party of Vietnam, court them, when their fundamental policy is hate Communist Party and communists.

To preserve their Empire, they court Taiwan, a Chinese province, when deep in them they hate Chinese. In the same vein, they pretend to love and support the pro independence Hongkongers, pretending as if the Hongkongers are not Chinese.

To preserve their Empire, they pretend to be speaking out for the Uyghurs in Xinjiang when they are killing Muslims and Arabs everyday, still doing it in the Middle East and Afghanistan and several African countries. These evil white rogues have killed millions of Muslims and made many millions homeless and these Muslim countries dysfunctional. 

Who would be silly enough to believe in their lies about genocide in Xinjiang when the population of Uyghurs are tens of times more than the native Americans they genocided to near extinction!

For the sake of their Empire, these white rogues would lie and lie, and kill and kill and agitate and incite wars everywhere.


  1. Trump is he biggest murderer of Americans, 400,000 died and the number still growing.

    The number of infection is more than 30m if they do the proper testing.

  2. Its called "preserving a way of life" the greatest BS argument to maintaining a strong presence either locally or globally..eg PAP'S gerrymandering is necessary to keep PAP in power even if if its popular vote can drop to 40% .. that's why China thumping n crowding must continue by US n its allies regardless of how much it costs them.. but the facade is slowly fading as the world realises.. money talk BS walks. Singapore, slightly more difficult, as PAP controls the money..but ..it will come

  3. The problem is most of the countries of the world have sided with the evil one, either beholden or held hostage.

    Some are discreetly weaning themselves away, but very very gingerly for fear of sanctions. The threat of 'either you are with us or against us' is clear and is instilling fear among the poodles. We know they have little choice to exercise freedom of association, whatever nonsense that means in democratic language that is never followed.

    To bring down the evil one is not easy. The US$ hegemony must be the first step to dismantling the evil empire. Without the US$ hegemony, the US military bases and aircraft carriers etc cannot be sustained, thus their military power will be greatly curtailed. That in turn diminishes their military threat against other countries.

    Russia and China together have that capability, with Russian military and Chinese economic power combined, and are chipping away at the problem. The evil one knows that and is resisting frantically and trying desperately to bring China down.

  4. Then how u explained Obama became two terms president some more


  5. Ref: Anonymous 4:40 PM

    You must be one of those brainless uncultured bananas, yellow outside but white inside and the type that has no self identity with no self-respect and a total faceless White American fawning dog with not even an iota of dignity. You probably must be the incidental by product of a loose woman who slept freely with wayside wild dirty white loafers.

    'My Singapore News Blog'deals with serious international affairs and is meant for intellectuals to discuss and exchange ideas. It is not meant for entertainment.If you want unboring entertainment you should follow your mother to the red light districts in Soho, London or Los Angeles in America, places where the likes of you come from.

    All essays and articles in this blog serve the dual purpose of lambasting the evil white Americans which are based on historical facts and recordings and at the same time to debunk all the tons of shameless lies and bahomeys that the white American political rogues have been peddling year in and year out about other countries like China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, Syria, Cuba, Venezuela and many more others.

    Please educate yourself properly in world history and international politics before you make any stupid irrelevant frivolus comment.


    Sunday, 31st January, 2021

  6. Mr. Glory who are you referring to as there is no 4.40pm anon post unless rb has deleted it to censor the post already

  7. RB blog is not for entertainment but about serious issues that evokes exchange of ideas and news, that would benefit those that do not or refused to read the MSM.

    For entertainment there are many other channels providing that and for 4.40 pm bemoaning RB not providing that entertainment value says a lot about who this dog is. He jut wants to show he can bark.
