
Another Group Of Traitors Revealed Their Hands!

Hong Kong's pro-Western, anti-China, anti-Government, pretentious pro-Democracy Lawmakers, instead of helping the HK Parliament to make good, patriotic, pro-national and pro-locals' laws, have deliberately resigned en masse, all 15 out of 19 of them (4 others have already been disqualified and dismissed as undesirable anti-national elements out to sabotage national unity and progress).

They openly held a press conference in Hong Kong yesterday (12 Nov) in order to continue their ulterior motive of blemishing, demonising and damaging the good names of the Local HK Government and the Central Chinese Government.

This group of traitors have been trained, groomed, financed and directed by anti-China Westerners to pretend to fight for independence, but actually to cecede the island to Britain or USA. They have been at this traitorous game for the past four years, since the staunchly anti-China Donald Trump came into power as the US President on 20 Jan 2017.

These traitors of the Chinese people have just resigned en masse, after the expulsion of four of the members of their Cecessionist Gang.

The mass resignation of these Western stooges, who have managed to infiltrate into the HK Parliament as lawmakers, has raised fresh questions about their loyalty to Hong-Kong and to China, exposing their hidden motive of becoming Hong-Kong's lawmakers.

The future of the territory's well-being and stability has now been shakened and threatened by this small group of traitors, who have disguised themselves as the true and sincere dissenting voices of the Hong-Kong people.

"We owe a display of solidarity with our colleagues who were ousted. We need to protest against what could be the ultimate Beijing crackdown on Hong Kong - to silence the last bit of dissent in the city," said Ms Claudia Mo, one of the 15 Western stooges who announced the walkout on Wednesday.

"They're lining us up to oust us bit by bit. What's the point of staying on like this, thinking will I be ousted today or not?" Ms Mo added.

Hong Kong has witnessed a rapid erosion of its economy, security and global financial status since these treacherous Western puppets started to create disturbances, disruptions, chaos, riots and violence under the direction and instructions of Western Powers that have been secretly and openly instigating, encouraging, supporting and financing them.

They intend to turn Hong-Kong into a lawless city so that they can do whatever bidding their Western Masters instruct them to do. That is why they are very much against any law that they deemed disadvantageous to their treacherous cause of helping Western Powers to seize Hong-Kong and put them up as the defacto Hong-Kong Governor and Representatives of the Western Powers.

China and the Chinese people must, once and for all, eliminate and destroy these traitors, in order to stop them from creating further havoc to the lives of peaceful and patriotic commoners in Hong-Kong and neighbouring cities. They should not be allowed to infiltrate the HK Parliament ever again.

It would be stupid and careless to let them continue along the same destructive path again and again. Four years of unrest and destruction is long enough. In fact, much too long already. Serious damages have already occurred again and again. The costs are immeasurable.

The time has come to take a strong stand and carry out deterent actions so as to convey a distinct, unmistakable and definitive strong message to all these traitors and perpetrators of chaos and instability in Hong-Kong and elsewhere within China.

No decent government should allow or, worst still, facilitate the growth of Traitors within the ranks.

PS: First posted on November 13, 2020 9:15 pm. Reposted here for the benefit of those who asked whether the 4 HK lawmakers are traitors or not.

SSO - 16th November, 2020.


  1. When parliamentary democracy mother into a parliamentary dictatorship by one single political party, and one single cabinet led by one single person, is this rule of law or rule by law? One party's laws.

  2. Typo: replace "mother" with "mothed".

  3. China should weed out all the foreign spies, agents and CIA operatives in Hongkong. They disguised themselves as journalists, photographers, businessmen, teachers and lecturers, professors, and tourists.

    HK is their main base in China. From HK, they branch off to Shenzhen, Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu, Xinjiang and Tibet.

  4. SSO I think all 19 of them should be sodomized by tuakee jialat jialat to teach them a lesson lor.

  5. All 19 of them, plus their hiden sponsors and instigators (whoever they are) must be arrested and put behind bars or send to rehabilitation camps in the cold northern region of China to do hard labour until they repent and swear allegiance to their motherland.
