
Traitors, Traitors Everywhere; Not A Country Can Be Spare'd



Traitors are public enemies number one because they are the most cunning, slimy, vicious, unscrupulous and dangerous, and they can create the most harm to their motherland, to their people.

Traitors are like cancerous cells that exist in our body stealthily to devour and convert all the good cells into cancerous cells and grow to enormous size and power, and then together they finally caused the self-destruction and demise of our body.

Traitors existed since time immemorial. They exist in every country and every corner of the world. They can be found in our own families, in private enterprises as well as in government ministries, departments and agencies.

Main Objective of Traitors

The main objective of most traitors is to sell out their families, companies, organisations or countries for selfish purposes - money, sex, status, power or vengeance.

Some of them have been discovered, identified, caught and duly punished.

Some of them, though identified but are still free to do havoc to their own families, companies, organisations, countries and countrymen because the masses are either powerless or so disunited to be able to bring them to task.

However, many of them have not been identified nor discovered because they are able to hide behind the laws and inside the organisations from which they operate. These are usually people working as double-agents or even triple-agents.

Traitors Must Be Exposed

All traitors of their countries and of their people must be identified and singled out, and publicly shamed and forced to quit any position of power and political office they may be holding. They must also be banned from holding any government or private appointments where they can assert influence on the future of the country.

How To Deal With Traitors

The best way to deal with traitors is either by public execution or jail for life.

The latest example of a traitor uncovered:

The Headline

Nagorno-Karabakh: Armenian Protesters Urge 'Traitor' PM To Quit

Armenian citizens are protesting against the decision of their government to allow foreign invaders to keep several huge states the invaders have captured and are calling for the Armenia's Prime Minister, Nikol Pashinyan, to quit after he signed a peace deal with Azerbaijan, to end the fighting over Nagorno-Karabakh.

Under the Russian-brokered deal, the Armenian PM allowed Azerbaijan to keep the areas it has invaded and captured in the recent conflict.


Capitulation to foreign invaders (or investors) is a direct indication of a weak leader with a traitorous character. It is tantamount to selling out your people and your country to foreigners. It is inexcusable and unpardonable.

P/S: Once a traitor, forever a traitor, down to the descendants. It is in their DNA!


Posted on behalf of SSO


  1. If a father has been a traitor to his country or to his fellow country folks, then, by extension and logical deduction, his children and grand-children will most likely to become traitors too. Down to nine generations.

    This has been the acquired wisdom of China since ancient times.

    It is equally applicable today.

  2. Traitors are overly ambitious people who are never satisfied and unable to take "No" for an answer. He wants to win all the time and cannot take defeat. A good example is Dotard Trump.

  3. Are the 4 pro-democracy HK lawmakers or oppositions members traitors?
    Kind Regards JC

  4. Pearl Harbour! Japanese nationals living in Hawaii were providing information on strategic targets to the Japanese Military before the aerial attack. Were they traitors? Or were they spies?

    Likewise, would the HK pro-democracy lawmakers not capable of doing the same? These are dangerous characters willing to sell their grandmothers for a song. Of course the West and USA would love to cultivate them for use in case of a conflict. And so the West are championing their rights. The same with the USA arresting Chinese Nationals on suspicion of spying. All is fair in love and war. Go figure!

  5. Yes, the 4 HK lawmakers are actually trouble-makers in disguise. They are foreign agents working in the interests of a particular foreign power, not in the interests of the Chinese people.

  6. Another Group Of Traitors Revealed Their Hands!

    Hong Kong's pro-Western, anti-China, anti-Government, pretentious pro-Democracy Lawmakers, instead of helping the HK Parliament to make good, patriotic, pro-national and pro-locals' laws, have deliberately resigned en masse, all 15 out of 19 of them (4 others have already been disqualified and dismissed as undesirable anti-national elements out to sabotage national unity and progress).

    They openly held a press conference in Hong Kong yesterday (12 Nov) in order to continue their ulterior motive of blemishing, demonising and damaging the good names of the Local HK Government and the Central Chinese Government.

    This group of traitors have been trained, groomed, financed and directed by anti-China Westerners to pretend to fight for independence, but actually to cecede the island to Britain or USA. They have been at this traitorous game for the past four years, since the staunchly anti-China Donald Trump came into power as the US President on 20 Jan 2017.

    These traitors of the Chinese people have just resigned en masse, after the expulsion of four of the members of their Cecessionist Gang.

    The mass resignation of these Western stooges, who have managed to infiltrate into the HK Parliament as lawmakers, has raised fresh questions about their loyalty to Hong-Kong and to China, exposing their hidden motive of becoming Hong-Kong's lawmakers.

    The future of the territory's well-being and stability has now been shakened and threatened by this small group of traitors, who have disguised themselves as the true and sincere dissenting voices of the Hong-Kong people.

    "We owe a display of solidarity with our colleagues who were ousted. We need to protest against what could be the ultimate Beijing crackdown on Hong Kong - to silence the last bit of dissent in the city," said Ms Claudia Mo, one of the 15 Western stooges who announced the walkout on Wednesday.

    "They're lining us up to oust us bit by bit. What's the point of staying on like this, thinking will I be ousted today or not?" Ms Mo added.

    Hong Kong has witnessed a rapid erosion of its economy, security and global financial status since these treacherous Western puppets started to create disturbances, disruptions, chaos, riots and violence under the direction and instructions of Western Powers that have been secretly and openly instigating, encouraging, supporting and financing them.

    They intend to turn Hong-Kong into a lawless city so that they can do whatever bidding their Western Masters instruct them to do. That is why they are very much against any law that they deemed disadvantageous to their treacherous cause of helping Western Powers to seize Hong-Kong and put them up as the defacto Hong-Kong Governor and Representatives of the Western Powers.

    China and the Chinese people must, once and for all, eliminate and destroy these traitors, in order to stop them from creating further havoc to the lives of peaceful and patriotic commoners in Hong-Kong and neighbouring cities. They should not be allowed to infiltrate the HK Parliament ever again.

    It would be stupid and careless to let them continue along the same destructive path again and again. Four years of unrest and destruction is long enough. In fact, much too long already. Serious damages have already occurred again and again. The costs are immeasurable.

    The time has come to take a strong stand and carry out deterent actions so as to convey a distinct, unmistakable and definitive strong message to all these traitors and perpetrators of chaos and instability in Hong-Kong and elsewhere within China.

    No decent government should allow or, worst still, facilitate the growth of Traitors within the ranks.

    PS: First posted on November 13, 2020 9:15 pm. Reposted here for the benefit of those who asked whether the 4 HK lawmakers are traitors or not.

    SSO - 16th November, 2020.

  7. The CEO of NTUC LearningHub, BG (NS) Kwek Kok Kwong, died on Saturday (14 Nov) at the age of 53. He collapsed after a cycling session with a group of friends and could not be resuscitated.

    The media said that BG Kwek was with the Singapore Armed Forces from 1990 to 2012.

    He reached the rank of Brigadier-General in 19 years, in 2009 and retired 3 years later from the SAF.

    Why die so young?

    Very sad. One more paper general less.

    1. It's karma.
      The Almighty One Up There got eyes to see & probably sending messages to the elites minions to look at the ordinary Sinkies who r mostly sufferings day on n day out, where do these ordinary Sinkies find time to do exercises like him, most r struggling to put food on their tables.

  8. How come career SAF regular given CEO job of training business? Teach people how to strip rifle, shoot, FIBUA or IFC in the jungles? No wonder die young.

    Actually ALL OF US are traitors. We are only really loyal to ourselves & our own families. All others can die & fuck off.

  9. Some people also sell out their own family.

    Some people never do national service and still can represent NS citizens as MP in Parliament. Do you think they are traitors or not?6

  10. Traitor
    has no qualm to betray others to preserve and gain oneself.
    Traitors are ruthless, selfish, egoistic, vicious and downright evil.
    most end up in infamy in history as most shameless did and shall be.

  11. Traitors usually have no conscience.

    You can know who they are by observing their unconscionable acts, speeches and decisions.

    For example:

    They label their fellow citizens as "xia shuay".

    They give themselves minimum wage by the $millions but refused to give even $1300 minimum wage for fellow citizens.

    They still dare to justify their unconscionable acts/decisions by giving cock and bull statements publicly.

    They always use perverted and reverse arguments to confuse and poison the minds of the masses.

  12. Sin
    stands for viciousness and evil.
    Simple English that is easy to undrrstand.

  13. @All,

    From the way you people talk, it seems traitors in S'pore are rich & happy. This means that traitors here are the smart ones and you're the stupid ones.

    Learn from the true blue traitors you numbskulls. Your family & children will thank you for it.


  14. Annon @ 11:30 pm

    No, traitors are not the smart ones.

    They are the cunning and slimy ones, just like you.

    They have no conscience, just like you.

    They think they are the smart ones and everybody else are the stupid ones, just like you.

    They look others no up, just like you.

    They use reverse logic, just like you.

    They have no qualms to hit everybody in one go, just like you.

    Not all traitors are happy. On the contrary, most of them are unhappy because they can never be happy. They can never be happy because they are never satisfied, never enough. Nothing is enough for them.

    Smart ones don't sell out their organisations, their country folks or their countries. Smart ones think long-term. They don't jeopardise themselves by doing traitorous acts that are punishable by death of life imprisonment.
