
String of Pearls - India believes in American lie

'The “String of Pearls” refers to the Chinese sea lines of communication which extends for over from the coast of mainland China to the Port of Sudan.

The term was first used in 2004 in a classified internal report to Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld titled “Energy Futures in Asia” which was produced by defense contractor Booz Allen Hamilton. The report which was leaked to the public by the Washington Times, stated that China is adopting a “string of pearls” strategy of bases and diplomatic ties stretching from the Middle East to southern China.

“China is building strategic relationships along the sea lanes from the Middle East to the South China Sea in ways that suggest defensive and offensive positioning to protect China’s energy interest, but also to serve broad security objectives” [1] .

The “String of Pearls” is also described by Lieutenant Colonel Christopher J. Pehrson in his study String Of Pearls: Meeting The Challenge Of China’s Rising Power Across The Asian Littoral'

The above is quoted from UKessay.com.

This concept was first mooted by the Americans to describe the Chinese strategic plan to overcome the American plan to choke off Chinese shipping in the Indian Ocean through the Malacca Straits.  The Americans have been carefully developing all the choke points along the Indian Ocean and the control of the Straits of Malacca and could cut off Chinese supply of oil from the Middle East by controlling these waterways.

China is the largest trading nation today and is heavily dependent on the sea lanes for its oil supply and to export its goods to the Middle East and Africa. The American control of the sea lanes is a serious military and economic stranglehold on Chinese shipping and could cripple China in the event of hostility with the Americans. It is in China's interest to secure the sea lanes and develop alternatives to move its goods/oil to and from the Chinese mainland. Developing ports in the Indian Oceans, in Africa, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Myanmar is a matter of life and death to China.

The building of these port facilities is mainly to counter the Americans and has barely any direct consideration of controlling and competing with India. Similarly, the BRI, the development of rail and roads across the Central Asia to Europe has the same strategic considerations, to provide alternatives in case the sea lanes are blocked by the Americans.

For some egoistic reasons, the Indians chose to take this American concept as a direct challenge to their dominance in the Indian Ocean and sought to erect all kinds of barriers and resistance to the Chinese activities including refusing to be a part of the BRI.  China's inclusion of a highway through the India subcontinent is the best proof of Chinese intention to bridge Asia and Africa for trade and communication and not to contain India in a strategic competition. India in all consideration is inconsequential to China's strategic thinking. The enemy of China is the Americans, not India. India and China could coexist and grow and prosper together by having more trading and economic relations. China does not harbour any ill intent to challenge or invade India. It is unnecessary and meaningless to do so for China.

Unfortunately this egoistic India, thinking too highly of itself as the next superpower, chose to interpret every Chinese action as aiming at India. And thanks to the fanning of the Indian ego by the Americans, they exploited this Indian weakness to drive a wedge between India and China, pitting India as a competitor to China and China's rise as India's fall. The string of pearl concept falls in nicely into the ambitious thinking of the Indian planners. They must oppose the string of pearls that China is developing in the Indian Ocean as a plan against India, not against the Americans. The Indians also include the BRI as against the interest of India as it promotes the interest of China.

Sino India relations thus keep going downhill with the Indians becoming suspicious of every China initiative north and south of India. India thus chose to continue to remain a slum country, refuse to join the BRI and prosper together with the rest of Asia by becoming part of this international trade road initiative. If Indian thinkers were more forward thinking than being consumed by their wild ambition of being better than China, instead of both developing together but seeing China's development as a threat to this backward country, India today could rebuild its infrastructure to mirror what is happening in China with Chinese assistance and cooperation to better the lives of Indians and at the same time push India faster into the ranks of developed nations.

But small minds would not see goodness in all the developments around them and chose to bury its heads in the sand, thriving in a mentality of enmity against cooperation with both parties moving ahead together.

At the rate India is going, on its own, with the Americans only able to sell it more weapons, its economic and infrastructure development would only be on a standstill and its big power dream only a fleeting dream. The only country that is very happy with this development is the USA, with India as one of its pawn and wasting precious little resources buying useless American weapons at the expense of its economic development and the well being and prosperity of its people.

India can continue to live in its imaginary fear of China that historically had not invaded any Indian territory and neither has any ambition to want to seize any Indian land. India can also continue to believe in its own lie that the 1962 border war was initiated by China to seize disputed territory despite China defeating India and withdrew to the original LOC. If China wanted to take advantage of the war, China could simply sat on the new land that it occupied after the war. This act of generosity did not sink into the heads of the egoistic Indians till today.  The pride of the Indians would not allow them to admit their guilt, and chose to believe in their make belief, their own lie, that China was the invader and not India. Why would China want to invade a slum country and inherit all its problems?

It is so pathetic that India, despite having so many brilliant minds, could not face reality squarely and chose to continue to live in their own lies and myth of China.  The string of pearl and the BRI are parts of China's strategy to break free from the American fence built to contain China, nothing to do with India. India should not think too highly of itself, its self importance that these are to contain India.


  1. If Singapore is forced to choose between USA/India or China if geopolitical decoupling occurs, which will the PAP govt most likely choose?

    Hint: CECA ; yellow bananas

  2. Soon Singapore would have an Indian President and an Indian PM.

    1. Forgot to add.

      India chasing up Italy and USA soon with their COVID infections and Deaths.

      Still dream of Super Power?

      In their. Nightmares.

  3. Red Dot already have Indian President!

    Let India enjoy it's pipe dream of taking over the world No. 1 position in military status and GDP in the near future, when the USA falls. The UK passed the baton to United Snakes of America, and the Indian black mamba is thinking it is for them to take over.

    China has made all the right moves in reading the intention of the two snakes. The OBOR, besides helping so many countries, also is ensuring trade routes are not completely closed in case of an entanglement with the US. The US is trying very hard to choke off China completely, and Trump is even using the G7 to increase the pressure, inviting India and Russia, among others to further his plan. A few G7 countries are against this and very soon G7 will become G1.

    Germany is taking the lead, with France telling China it still supports the one country two systems for Hong Kong. Of course the five eyes will always be lead by the nose and will not dare be going against the US. China has taken action against Canada and Australia over their agricultural products. Their China market has gone into a black hole and might never be back, when other countries, like Russia, fill the gap. Others linked by the OBOR are eager to do the same.

  4. 5 eyes is 5+1.

  5. India's infection is now the fifth highest in the world. Who knows, they may even be No. 1 soon, with a population about four times the USA!

    USA infection is closing in on the 2 million mark, with death touching 110,000 and will certainly exceed 135,000 soon. Wonder what is Trump's next moving target?

    Brazil is in big big trouble, and like the USA, losing control and, like the USA is now blaming the WHO, to deflect self inflicted damage.

    1. Brazil's president is a carbon copy of the lunatic at the WH in every way. No surprise this pandemic hit the country just as hard. And no surprise the response is just the same incompetence, blamegame and responsibility-evading.

  6. There is a neo colonialism going in the USA and UK and Europe, a kinda reverse colonialism. When the Europeans colonised the world, they came in and take over whatever the natives have, whatever the natives have built as their own.

    Today, the Indians are taking over many big American and European corporations and run them as their own. The Americans and Europeans built, the Indians take over.

    Without these MNCs and big corporations, these Indians employees would be jobless and have to go back to find a job in India or in Singapore.

    The Americans and Europeans are going to wise up one day to know what is going on to their big corporations and would want to take them back for their own people.

    The colonialists did not built up the assets, ie countries and big corporations. They took them from their rightful owners.

  7. When the Whites stole the land, everything belongs to them. Founding or discovering someone else's land is just bullshit and rewriting history to justify their daylight robbery.

    Time for the rightful owners of the land to rise up and claim back what belongs to them in the first place.

  8. The natives must rise up to take back America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii, Diego Garcia, Guam and many islands in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.

  9. While Trump and Pompeo and his gangsters were trying to stir shit against China, to rally countries to go against China, they failed miserably. No one except a handful of crony countries are standing on the side of this evil Empire.

    While Trump and Pompeo failed, the ONE above succeeded in turning the whole world against the Trump and Pompeo Administration. There is an uprising world wide against these evil men, both at home in America and across the world. China does not need to lift a finger or say a word.

    When heaven has enough of the evil Americans and turn against them, it is the end. First the pandemic, crash of their economy and now uprising and street protests.

    What will be next to put the final nail into the coffin of the Evil American Empire?

    1. Dotard Trump isolated from the EU allies not want to turn to Putin and Moody and Auss Land to be in the G-7. Joined Carabet G strings better.

      India and Auss land GDP Super Power.meh?

      Suka, suka as though he owned the Universe wants to appoints anyone he desires and carry them.

      Aussland ALREADY in deep shits.

      This Morrison still thinks that the Asians and PRCs are liabilities to their country.

      Without their patronage on their exports and also their Educational Unis, they are Paupers.

  10. I squirmed in my Chair when I heard Trump accusing China of using the ongoing protest for propaganda.

    The USA used everything against China for propaganda. China's OBOR is a debt trap for those countries involved. China's help with infrastructure developments in poorer countries is also a debt trap. China's building installations on it's shores is provocation. China's Xinjiang issue is human rights abuse against Muslims. China's attempt to install security in Hong Kong is against whatever. China's Huawei's success is a security threat, without any shred of evidence.

    As with everyone who does better than them, like Toshiba and Altron, making trumped up charges and threats of sanctions is the only way they know of putting down competition.

    That is why the US is falling behind in manufacturing, technological advancement but only still holding the fort in weapon sales and production. In essence nothing productive but all destructive.

  11. Trump accusing China of using the ongoing protest for propaganda -

    Did Beijing openly claim to stand with the American protesters?

    Did China’s legislature pass “US Minorities Human Rights and Democracy Act”?

    Did Chinese diplomats meet with American demonstrators?

    American whites did all these on Hong Kong issue.

  12. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has compared China’s policy with regard to Hong Kong to the actions of Nazi Germany during World War II. (Sputniknews)

    But China had not fought a war in 32 yrs, while the US has fought continuously on 4 continents. The US withdrew from many UN agencies that help bring world peace, while China is a staunch defender of UN. The US also launched an unprecedented trade war. Who is more like Nazi Germany?

  13. This mad dog Pompeo proudly told Congress that he was a professional liar. Not only that, he even cheated and stole as part of his profession.

  14. Nazi Germany wanted to conquer all of Europe and made one miscalculation taking on the USSR.

    That was also somehow a Heavenly punishment for Hitler's multiple crimes, when his army got bogged down during the Russian winter, and ran short of supplies.

    The USSR fought back, pushed the Germans back and defeated Hitler. The USSR suffered a total of 27 million casualties, the most among the European states. History tells us that the Normandy landing led to the defeat of Nazi Germany. That is all bullshit. The USA and it's allies did basically nothing more than a mopping up operation, just to take the credit away from the USSR.

    In what way can Pompeo compare China to Hitler? The USA after it become the sole superpower, would make a perfect fit for comparison to Hitler, bullying every country and destroying those who cannot agree with it. China has not even send troops or military personnel into Hong Kong.

    1. Ya agreed that the fatso needed to be sodomized jialat jialat

  15. Expansionist India grabbing Nepalist land.

    Together, the three areas cover about 370 sq km (140 square miles), Nepalese officials say. The strategic Lipulekh pass connects the Indian state of Uttarakhand with the Tibet region of China.

    Nepal and China have been angered by India's recent moves. Delhi's published its new map of the border region in November, after it divided Indian-administered Kashmir into Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh. The map incorporated some of the territories disputed with Nepal inside India's borders.

    "We all agree that international boundary between two countries is defined by bilateral treaties. Any unilateral type of action cannot establish any legitimate claim of their presence," Pradeep Gyawali, Nepal's foreign minister, told the BBC.

    Mr Gyawali said there was no other agreement beside the 1816 Sugauli treaty that defined the western border of Nepal with India, and that treaty clearly states that the three areas belong to Nepal. BBC News
