
GE Rally Speeches?

Mr Lee will launch the series on Jun 7, with the rest of the ministers speaking according to this schedule.

national broadcasts (1)
All speeches will be broadcast at the following times on these TV channels on the
respective dates.

national broadcasts
The speeches will also be available on the Gov.sg website, Facebook page, YouTube 

The above is reported in CNA. Does it look like the start of the GE campaign and GE speeches?

PS. Thought of posting this tomorrow, but since Virgo raised it, here it is.


  1. Good morning Mr RB.

    Sorry to upset your schedule.

    Anyway, just loved to see another interesting posting tomorrow.

    Cannot live without it.


  2. Fear and uncertainties will be ignited for sure in those speeches. They always work. Nothing political for sure, but everything to do with the GE.

    The opposition has no platform to stand on now, with rallies not visible on the cards in this virus scenario . If rallies can only be on MSM, the final nail in the opposition's coffin is going to be hammered in. It is the perfect time for those in power to take away the last card that the opposition can play, neutralising that piece of ballot paper into toilet paper.

    Many around the world have warned that this epidemic has provided the perfect occasion for them to tighten and remove whatever remaining rights that citizen's have, whether in democratic or communist countries, without exception.

    1. Right you are Anon 9.27

      The Govts of the day are actually using too much dictatorial force to coerce and enforced many unnecessary protocols which they themselves are not even too sure whether they work and fumbling along.

      With new hao kow yews mantras from what's expurts they kept changing here and there.

      Same time they enforced that you obeyed into obedience.

      See that Low Ran Wong talking down to us like lecturing school children and recruits.


  3. Hi a very very good morning to everyone.

    No need to talk talk before GE by ministers anymore lah.

    As many Many many many many many many many had forecasted, Pap smelly smelly will get at least 80% at next GE with 1oo% seats! A GRC and G SMC will both return to Pap! Sure sure sure!

    Yes! 80% votes! 1oo% seats! Sure sure sure!

    Don't believe? We shall see........


  4. Wow! Oh! How ? The signal has been raised. They have oredi timed it and started the battle. So, they have brought out their generals, ammo, cannons and all the fire-powers. All ready. No wonder the oppo parties asked for the electioneering new campaigning rules, but they said not ready.
    The Mediacops should not be biased for not according the oppo parties airtime, so it looks like one-sided talking-cock sessions. No wonder our world index rating on freedom of press and media is going towards the bottom. No other choices now. The oppos must step up quickly.

  5. Singaporeans are in the process of being mandated to wear a 'dog tag' for contact tracing.

    We are already being watched and tracked, with all the cameras positioned outside and inside lifts, walkways and malls. Where we are at any time is already no longer subject to argument with that tracking device called a 'handphone' in our pockets.

    More than that, computers and programmes installed are being used to track your every touch of the keyboard, your habits, preference, where you surf, how often etc. Privacy is now another word that is going out of fashion in the dictionary, like shame and pride. Of course, some love to tell everyone their everything on Facebook, what they eat and who they are banging.

  6. Just vote Opposition.
    - no need to think

  7. Is the opposition ready? Have they come to agree on how to contest all the seats. Still no sound. If tomorrow, after the speeches, the PAP announce GE, they may be caught with their pants down.

    I hope not. Praying does not help anyway!


  8. Anonymous 11.03am

    Do you know how many opposition parties are there in Sg? Where are many of them now?

    How to vote? Just anyhow vote? Imagine, so tiny a city state we have so many Opposition parties! Correct?

    How to vote? You tell me lah! You tell me lah!

    Hahaha....no need to think?

    1. @ 11.23am & 11.24am

      It's really very simple.
      I will vote for any Opposition party that stands against PAP.

      It does not matter which Opposition Party.
      - it does not matter if the Opposition Party is "well qualified" or not

      I will just close my eyes and vote Opposition.

    2. We don't care if Opposition is ready to be government or not.

      We are voting Opposition.

    3. You guys better do what u said else I am going to ask matilar to sodomize u jialat jialat

  9. Talk is cheap.
    the PAP Regime has been talking for over 60 Years.
    What's the Results of those talks ?
    They talk, turn here and there and end up lost, despite enriching themselves Sinfully. The Prosperity that comes from the Sweat and Blood of the Pioneer and Merdeka Generations is squandered away in remunerating themselves, oversea investments and white elephant infrastructure.
    the End is near,
    we shall see the Exodus of investor, the loaded, elite and whoever that can afford to leave Sin. Even the Ruling Class are likely to 'zhao lor'/'run-road', run-away. Maybe many of their successors are already domicile abroad living opulent live.
    Sinkies shall have to face the Consequences of entrusting theìr fates to the Sin Regime of Charlatans.
    lt is time to face the Reality and hope for the best as there is no running away from fate.

    1. @ 11.44am

      Some of these elites buy Australian properties and vineyards in Australia.
      Got bullied by the white Australians.

      Now they run back to Singapore because Singaporeans are easier to bully.

      Vote Opposition to stop the bullies dressed in white uniform.

  10. I'm not going to waste time listening to all these PAP Ministers give their speeches.
    It's always the same.

    Singaporeans must sacrifice for Singapore.
    Singaporeans must pay million dollar salaries to the elites.
    Singaporeans must be welcoming to foreigners who come to steal our jobs.

    When there is shit work to do, the PAP will call Singaporeans.
    When there is anything good to give away, only foreigners and elites benefit.

    #Singaporeans lives matter
    #Vote Opposition


  11. anon 1135am

    hahaha..... you will just close your eyes and vote opposition......

    wah....why so see broken?

  12. Not to worry. All the uncles here are opposition supporters. They all walk the talk.

  13. Politics Is Not Dirty, Politicians Are

    People like to say that politics is dirty. Actually, politics is not dirty. It is made dirty by dirty politicians.

    Most politicians play dirty in order to reach the top. Those who are unable to reach the top also play dirty in order to rub shoulders with the person on the top.

    Politicians, priests and lawyers are only as truthful and sincere as they want others to believe. In reality, they can never be so. It is in their professions to lie, to cheat, to deceive and to con, in order to win votes and voters.

    Perception is everything, and politicians know too well that truth is not as important as perception. Therefore, they endeavour industriously and continuously to make you perceive that they are truthful and sincere, to the extent of using the law to sue you until bankrupt in order to undermine your believe and change your perception. However, in reality, you have to see deeper and closer into their actions and dealings, not their words, especially so for those that happened behind closed doors, behind the scenes.

    That is why investigative journalism is of paramount importance in a true democratic system. But, alas, in Singapore, investigative journalism is practically non-existent. In fact, most of those who called themselves journalists are merely reporters, regurgitaters and copy-cats. Tragic.

    In the final analysis, generally, no politicians, priests and lawyers are sincere and truthful. Therefore, you trust these professionals at your own peril.

    Say Say Only.



    While walking down the street a Singapore Minister was tragically hit by a car and died.His soul arrives in Heaven and is met by St. Peter at the entrance.

    "Welcome to Heaven", says St. Peter. "Before you settle in, it seems there is a problem. We seldom see a high official around these parts you see, so we're not sure what to do with you."

    "No problem.Just let me in," says the Minister.

    "Well, I'd like to, but I have orders from the higher ups. What we'll do is have you spend one day in Hell and one in Heaven. Then you can choose where to spend eternity"

    "Really? I've made up my mind. I want to be in Heaven," says the minister.

    "I'm sorry, but we have our rules." And with that St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down, down to Hell.

    The doors open and he finds himself in the middle of a golf course.In the distance a clubhouse and standing in front of it are all his friends and other politicians who had worked with him.

    Everyone is very happy and in evening dress.They run to greet him, shake his hands and reminisce about the good times they had while getting both exalted and rich.

    They played a friendly round of golf and then dine on lobster, maliputo,caviar, and Macallan 1926.

    Also present is the devil who really is a very friendly guy and who is having a good time and telling jokes.

    They are all having such a good time that before the minister realizes it, it is time to go.Everyone gives him a hearty farewell and waves while the elevator rises.

    The elevator goes up, up and the door reopens in Heaven while St. Peter is waiting for him

    "Now it's time to visit Heaven." So, 24 hours passed with the minister joining a group of contented souls moving from cloud to cloud,playing the harp,Cebu guitar and singing.

    They have a good time and before he realizes it the 24 hours have gone by and St. Peter returns.

    "Well then you've spent a day in Hell and another in Heaven. Now choose your eternity."The minister reflects for a minute before he answers:

    "Well, I would never have said it before, I mean Heaven has been delightful, but I think I would be better off in Hell."

    So St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down, down to Hell.Now the doors of the elevator open and he's in the middle of a barren land covered with waste and garbage.

    He sees all his friends, dressed in rags picking up the trash and putting it in black bags as more trash falls from above. The devil comes over to him and puts his arm around his shoulders.

    "I don't understand," stammers the minister."The other day I was here and there was a golf course and clubhouse and we ate lobster, maliputo, and caviar, drank $10,000 Macmillan and we flirted, danced and had a great time.

    Now there's just a wasteland full of garbage and my friends look miserable. What happened?"

    The devil smiles at him and says,"Yesterday we were campaigning.

    Today you voted".


  15. I have a different view regarding the spotlight on pap which the alternate parties are deprived on. In the past, prior to election, people always attend the alternate parties rallies. Few attend pap rallies. Therefore, we don't know how bad at public speaking and uncharismatic these pappies are. Now, there is no distraction from alternate parties. And the spotlight is on pap. Which would be a good thing if they were good. Thing is, they are so incompetent, arrogant and even at script-reading, they cannot do it well. Someone pointed out that yesterday's speaker had his eye positioned slighted elevated above the camera throughout his speech. That's because his script camera is placed above the video camera. They are just reading from scripts! No heartfelt message for the electorate. Score: F

    1. Hi Anon 11.13

      Fair playing Field should have equal time slots and time for all parties to debate their Manifestos and policies for all to access and decide on their choices.

      Not unfair advantage just to the Ruing Govt or Party.
      Voters can judge their competence and articulate speeches amongst them.

      But, as our Great LKY said:

      NOT our job to help the Opposition.

      Same breath. Need diverse voices in Parliament and appointed their own parrots Non Constituency MPs.

      So does these have diverse opinions for the good of the Country?

      That's you have ministerial calibre of Kee Chiu and OYK.
