
George Floyd Case - Contempt of Court


NBC News’ legal analyst Danny Cevallos details the latest developments in the George Floyd case with new details emerging that rookie officers on the scene reportedly issued cautions about the way Floyd was being detained.

In the above clip the NBC News' legal analyst was on air discussing about how the prosecution and defence lawyers could make their arguments on the murder of George Floyd by Derek Chauvin.  He did not seem to be bothered by the Contempt of Court Act whereby what he said could influence the case. Though he could fall back on the American First Amendment that protects freedom of speech, but this would not rule out the possibility of sub judice and had the case thrown out by the court. 

One wonders if such high profile discussion in the news was done with good or bad intention. Is there a deliberate attempt to discuss this case in great details and risk it being thrown out by the court and thus setting the crooked cops free? Or were they just exercise their rights to freedom of expression?

What is sure in the Singapore context is that the NBC legal analyst would be charged for contempt of court. We have freedom of expression but not the same version as the USA.

So, what is the real intent and purpose of publicly discussing this case?

Below is quoted from Wikipedia on Sub judice or Contempt of court

Prior to 1981 in English law the term was correctly used to describe material which would prejudice court proceedings by publication. Sub judice is now irrelevant to journalists because of the introduction of the Contempt of Court Act 1981. Under Section 2 of the Act, a substantial risk of serious prejudice can only be created by a media report when proceedings are active. Proceedings become active when there is an arrest, oral charge, issue of a warrant, or a summons.

In the United States, there are First Amendment concerns about stifling the right of free speech which prevent such tight restrictions on comments sub judice. However, State Rules of Professional Conduct governing attorneys often place restrictions on the out-of-court statements an attorney may make regarding an ongoing case. Furthermore, there are still protections for criminal defendants, and those convicted in an atmosphere of a media circus have had their convictions overturned for a fairer trial. One example is the murder conviction of Sam Sheppard.


  1. America had so many so called Laws called "Amendments" like the "Ten Commandments" meant to be broken.

    There they can talked anything under their damn sky.

    It's fun to tune in CNN bombarding the scandals and sins of the Republicans.

    Likewise, FoxNews on the scandals and sins of the Democrats.

    Now Dotard even called ex Chief of Staff Powell the disasters of the ME Wars.

    Washing their dirty linen and evil deeds to the World.

    Think the Americunts just have no sense of shames and human decency in their genes.

  2. Fairfax County police officer Tyler Timberlake faces three different charges of assault and battery over an incident involving the tasing and arrest of a black man.

    Body camera footage released by the department shows the officer violating use of force policies, authorities said Saturday.

    Timberlake, an eight-year-veteran of the force, faces up to 36 months in prison, Steve T. Descano, Fairfax County Commonwealth's Attorney, said.

    The unidentified victim in the video was treated at a local hospital and released, Fairfax County Chief of Police Colonel Edwin C. Roessler Jr. said, adding that he personally reached out to the victim and his mother to “express [his] disgust with [his] officer’s unacceptable criminal actions and assured her justice will be served.”

    Roessler said Timberlake was relieved of his duty and law enforcement authority in accordance with Fairfax County personnel regulations. The other officers on the scene have also all been relieved of duty pending the outcomes of both the criminal and administrative investigations, according to Roessler.

    CNN’s attempts to reach Timberlake were not immediately successful.

    Descano called the body camera video “unsettling. “I want our community to know that we are pursuing charges that are aligned with current law, and supported by the evidence which with, with which we have been presented,” he said.

    The body camera video was released by Chief Roessler, who said the video shows Officer Timberlake committing “criminal acts, which violate our oath of office, and they ignore the sanctity of human life. The video also erodes the public's trust of police officers, not only in Fairfax County, but throughout this world.”....

    This is the norm in the USA for police to treat the blacks as subhumans and to attack them brutally with maximum force regardless of whether the victim is a child, woman or a non violent man, as long as he is black.

    1. Mr RB.

      Just crying crocodiles tears.

      This is the Culture of their Police Chiefs and their Department Wayang acts of condoning these brutalites.

      When the Chiefs or Heads of any Agency strictly enforced their Code of Conducts, the kia kias will definitely be afraid and followed their procotols.

      But, as their own Chiefs are in a way encouraging these criminal acts without any punishments, they are embolden to commit these acts.

      For example in Matland. Practically all Government departments especially the Enforcement Agencies are helmed by their own Bumis.

      There Mats had prejudiced minds against all races especially the Yellow.

      So, their Chiefs closed their eyes and ears and even in a way encouraged them to make lifes very difficult for others besides their own.

      You see their Immigrassi and other enforcement agencies purposely created problems especially to Sinkies.

      They purposely don't endorsed your passports on innocent travellers to their checkpoints.
      Later, they made HELL for you claiming that your duties to check.

      Whose duties to work properly?
      JB causeway they worked like tortoises to torture you with the blessings of their Leaders.

      Also, at their KLIA airports, you can find them missing from many counters with queues long aa reaching the tarmacs.

      Their Superiors can come out and start shouting at the travellers ordering us to line up properly.

      So, actually all these boils down to the Culture of their Leaderships who sat these practices.

      They are the Ones that should be prosecuted.

  3. Trump does not even recognize the importance of the Constitution and belittle it recently.

    In any case, if the four police officers are not severely prosecuted, hell will break lose for sure. The Blacks are not taking it lying down.

    The drama is far from over.

    1. What's there still to protect these criminals?

      Just simply throw the books of first degree murder on that Cop that killed George.

      Second degree or accessories to the murder for the other three.

      Chinese race will NOT hestitate to do this. Have to show justice and have law and order and justice to be seen and follow.

      This will simply pacify the protesters more or less.

      Then slowly get their own to hai kow yew the bkacks to return to normalcy saying we wayang look into the matters and reforms.

      Aiyo, learn from the Papies lah.

      This is the tactic by our great LKY. He knew that the only way to pacify the mobs of a Race when they are angry is to have their own to calm them.

      No other races or anyone is more effective than their own to talk them down.

      Human behaviours is such. They will trust their own more than the others as prejudiced minds are inborn in them.

    2. Just simply jail for life the First Cop or hang if the Law allows it.

      Jailed the balance three and no need what's Reforms.

      The Rest of the Chickens saw Monkeys kena punished will never ever try to do these again.

      Simple as that.

  4. Sinkieland's GE is imminent. They are telling those who are not well not to vote. Everything looks to be well prepared for voting during COVID19 season. It means very very near.

  5. Is
    it accurate to suspect that the Black and Some Other Races brought into the US in the Old Days, had helped the Whites to subjugate the Original Red Indians and or almost innihilated the Original People??

  6. Sincere Apology.

    Annihilate to correct
    innihilate in my above comment.

    Anon 1030am.

  7. 谷歌翻译如下:


    Here an Interesting Read from an opinion of a White American on sometimes Asians and Chinese are too sympathetic to the Blacks and not knowing their behaviors:-

    Web Post

    I questioned the white police’s murder of the blacks, but the words of my American colleagues made me think

    Macro said Yesterday

    Yesterday, my white American colleague David and I participated in a video conference about the export project. He was late for 30 minutes.

    After the line entered the meeting, he explained that it was late because the demonstrations by the people caused traffic jams.

    After the meeting, I specifically asked him not to go offline, and talked to him about the unrest in the United States.

    I asked him: Is the United States safe now? He told me it was safe, I smiled and sent him a few pictures:

    Demonstrators burned the American flag

    While he was looking at the photos, I asked ridiculously: Is this America safe? If yes, o you tell me what is unsafe?

    David already understood what I meant. He smiled embarrassingly, shrugged, and said: This kind of thing is very common in the United States, but this time someone recorded a video, plus the police did a bit too much, so A large-scale black riot occurred.

    He said it very easily, as if nothing had happened. I asked him: Don’t you worry that black people take up arms and retaliate against white people?

    After listening to my words, David gave a hearty laugh. He seriously said to me:

    James (my English name), black people are absolutely afraid to use guns against white people. They are not stupid. What kind of consequences will result from doing so, black people are very clear.

    Since the establishment of the United States, black people have served white people, and this is what it means for them to live. In the United States, as long as a white man is killed by a black man, the black man will be sentenced to death or life imprisonment.

    However, if a white man kills a black man, the probability that the white man will be guilty of betraying is very low, the most serious being a fine or a short sentence.

    After hearing what he said, I was very angry. I told him: The United States is a country with serious racial discrimination. Apart from white people, any colored people living in the United States have no human rights and are sad.

    David was so excited to see me that he asked me why I was angry?

    I said: I feel sad and indignant for the black man who died tragically under the knee of a white American policeman.

    David listened to me and asked me seriously: Are you really sad about the death of black people?

    I said: Of course, should an innocent person be abused by white policemen, shouldn't he be sympathized? David listened to me, sighed, and then asked me:

    Do you know who has the lowest status in the United States? "Black", I blurted out.

    He smiled contemptuously and told me meaningfully: It is Chinese.

    Looking at my startled expression, David continued:


  8. Contd: 2/3

    The status of black people in the United States is higher than that of Chinese people, and black people are particularly willing to attack yellow people, especially Chinese students and Chinese.

    This is: white people despise everyone, and black people despise the Chinese contempt chain.

    David asked me if I knew that in this riot, many Chinese shops and Chinese students have become the targets of attacks?

    I have serious doubts about his remarks, because this riot has nothing to do with Chinese and Chinese students.

    He sent me some photos of the riot scene:

    Chinese restaurant lit by demonstrators

    Even a Chinese student who was a takeaway deliveryman became the target of the demonstrators' attack. His head was seriously injured, his head was filled with water, his eyes were broken, and his life was in danger.

    Seeing me not speaking, David went on to say: Black people are the most willing to attack Chinese or Chinese students. When they are angry, unhappy, and need to vent, Chinese often become the target of their attack. During the previous epidemic, many Chinese and Chinese students were attacked by black people:

    Because the Chinese were wearing masks, a black man hit him with more than 40 punches in the head

    A black man poured sulfuric acid into the head of a Chinese woman who came out and dumped garbage, causing serious injuries

    David told me: James, you are sad for the death of the black people, and they are humbling for them. I really have a hard time understanding. When black people face white people, they are very pitiful and cowardly, but when they face Chinese or Chinese students, they are different.

    They will never let go of any opportunity to insult or beat your compatriots. Can you understand what I mean?

    I was stunned.

    I ended up having a video conference with American colleague David, and I was very confused.

    Much of what David said is true, but can this be the reason why white Americans abuse black people.

    But when I think of my persecuted compatriots, my heart is so chaotic!

    This is a message from a Malaysian working part-time in US

    1. Just to add Think the Nehs also same mentality like the Blacks in USA.

      Always had disputes with CHINA at their borders.

    2. Wow. One of my kakis read this the original message as send to him and he told me it's the same here in Sinkieland.

      Asking me : You know who has the lowest status here in Singapore?

      Your guess is as good as mine.



  9. 3/3



    宏说 Yesterday










    This is a message from a Malaysian working part-time in US

  10. Just
    like to say that Sinkies are living in well and coconut shell.
    Their perspective and understanding of the World and Living have much to catch up with history.
    Too much indulgence with just material gratification does not make a wholesome existence. There needs to be social and spiritual fulfillment to live meaningfully.


    1. Like
      to add that History and Current Worldly Event are guidances to survival as well as relevant to knowledge and intellectual discourse.

      Anon 12:03pm

  11. If anyone thinks the murderer of George Floyd would have to pay for his crime, read the news below and you will be surprised. The murderer Chauvin has been out on bail while the other 3 of lesser guilt are still in jail. And the next court sitting is on 29 Jun.

    What does all these means, they are going to let Chauvin run away despite the prosecutor saying that Chauvin is a flight risk. This is white men justice system with respect to the blacks.

    The only difference, if there is a difference in this case, is that time has changed, and hopefully the blacks would turn violent and attack the whites. But if you read what Virgo posted above, the blacks would turn sheepish again to the whites and would vent their anger at the Chinese. The stupid blacks are not stupid for nothing. They were made slaves and suffered racial prosecution for 400 years without any real attempt to fight back speaks a lot about what kind of shit they are made of.

    George Floyd would just be another statistics and more blacks would continue to be killed by the whites, just like being lynched for centuries, hapless, helpless and not daring to fight back.

    Hennepin County District Court Jeannice Reding set his bail at US$1 million with conditions, and US$1.25 million without conditions.

    Meeting the conditions would require him to surrender his firearms, not work in law enforcement or security in any capacity, agree not to leave the state and have no contact with the family of Floyd.

    State prosecutor Matthew Frank had asked for a high bail, calling Chauvin a flight risk due to both the severity of the charges and the strong public reaction to the case.

    Reding sat a Jun 29 date for the next hearing in the case.

    Three other Minneapolis officers who were with Chauvin when Floyd was arrested have been charged with aiding and abetting the murder and are still being held in a local jail.

    1. Right you are Anon 2.06

      That Black Girl taking that video..

      If only she is brave enough just to shove that white gangster off George Floyd.

      A life would have been saved.

      They are just too timid against the Whites.


      another White cop telling a White motorist When ever you see or heard of a White Cop gunning down a White man?

      We only gunned down Blacks!

  12. Derek Chauvin, a murderer, is out on bail, a free man! He must be laughing at the stupid demonstrators thinking that he would be executed for killing a black man. He is now partying somewhere with his white friends planning for his escape into the wilderness, not to be found again.

  13. Do the blacks believe all the policemen and police chiefs did not know what was happening and how the policemen were beating up and killing the blacks all these years?

    Do they believe the judges and the whole justice system also did not know that these were happening?

    Do they believe the senators and congressmen and women also did not know and now only they know?

    Who is bluffing who? The whites are not bluffing but pretending to be in sympathy with the blacks. The only white or few whites that were honest in this case is Trump and his white supremacists in the White House. They hardly display any sense of guilt or misgivings over the killing of George Floyd. Look at how violent the policemen were in bashing up the demonstrators and the press? There is no sign of remorse in them.

    Only the blacks are bluffing themselves, that there will be change now because of the death of another black man.

  14. Which is better, for the young girl to push the white cop and save George's life and more blacks would be targeted and die when the young girl would not be around to save them?

    Or the young girl video the killing and let the world know and now protest all over the USA and all over the world, and may bring about a major change that could save more black lives?

    1. Hi Anon.

      Better to save George's Life.

      After the protests, don't think the Whites will turn into Angels.

      It's a inherent vice inbuilt in them.

      Their Supremacist Crusade Faith that will never change.

      All these wayang going by their White Leaders of all Political Parties are just showmanships and Hollywood Oscars movies in the making.

      The Whites for donkey keys been dominating all coloured people and as what's that American told that Malaysian6 guy the Blacks been there to serve the WHITES will never ever dared to revolt against them.

      Likewise, their thinking that it be the same for other coloured people.

      That's why they are so aggressive and behaved so arrogantly towards the Rest of the Coloured World.

      Now, feared that the Chinese, the PRCs in particular and also the North Korean been supported by China be only Races able to stand and fight against them tried in unison to contain and cripple and kill them.

      They knew that these two particular race or countries their people are stout and determined and fearless beans.

      Able to even annihilate them.
      So, so much fears and aggressions, provocations agsinst them.

      Whereas, the Rest are enuches, where they can put in their pockets being manipulated, divided and already mostly been brainwashed and control by them.

      The bullyings and the killings by the Whites will never STOP after these protests die down.

      It will only end when WWIII ended the World and another human form resurface again.

    2. Don't ever believe that they will give or grant what's their bullshits human rights to the Blacks.

      Anyway, nowadays human beans watched too many National Geographic and also became their cameras crew just watching the preys being killed or maimed by the predators without lifting a finger.

      Just carry on recording scenes of horrors to put into their Fark or Face books or Instagram just to show off.

      Just to get their likes.

      Became Brains dead robots.

      Anyway, nothing to sympathise with these blacks.

      Just like the Whites been ingrained with their Mentality of Bullying, they also bullied other coloured beans.

      Thus, it is retributions or karma that they suffered such fates.

      Unless, they fight their survivals for themselves like the PRCs and the North Koreans, crocodile tears shed round the World is not going to save them.
