
This is racism

This white man wanted to beat up a Chinese in the street of USA because of the colour of his skin.


Watch his 9 minute clip on lynching blacks in the USA. Listen to Kamala Harris and Cory Booker.
Rand Paul wanted to amend the anti lynching bill to disregard a lynching if it ended only in scratches or bruises, not death or the victim's gut been cut open to drag out the unborn child.


  1. How come the whites feel so safe in Singapore?

    Why are Asians so threatened in America?

  2. For our own safety, do you think we should avoid travelling to white majority countries?

  3. Do you think Asians in America should always carry guns when they go out?

    This is called "concealed carry" in America?

    Yellow lives matter !!

  4. Mr RB.

    Saw this video as sent earlier by one of my friend.White bastards with aggressive genes will never change.

    White Man how lian wanted to beat yellow man but was knocked out cold by yellow man.

    The Yellow Man student of Ip Man?

    Dotard Trump should see this and be afraid, be very afraid of Xi.

    After kena bash out COLD by Xi.

    Got to carry him out of the road.


  5. Time to send our white thrash back to their home countries.

  6. U.S. Senator Josh Hawley on Hong Kong rioters:
    "I just have to say having been there myself, having been to the streets, having seen the protesters, having met with them and talked with them, their courage and their bravery under pressure is really something to behold ."

    U.S. Senator Josh Hawley on American rioters:
    "They endanger innocent citizens and police officers, they destroy the livelihoods of neighbors and friends, they deface and disfigure the communities we call home. And they must stop "

  7. Angela Merkel of Germany is trying to distance herself from the US and does not want any part of Trump's agenda to bring the G7 members to condemn China in Washington. She knows China relations is important. Other EU members should wake up in the face of increased US tariffs on exports to the USA.

    In the face of the snub by Merkel, Trump now wants to invite other countries to the G7 meeting in Washington, notably Putin and Modi. Modi of course will take this as a badge of honour to show his countrymen how highly rated he is by Trump.

    Putin, ousted from the G8 previously by pressure from USA in particular, over Crimea, will probably not be there. Why should Putin even want to attend a group meeting after being kick out before. He surely has his pride and integrity to uphold, unlike Trump.

    On other happenings, Canadian protestors are also demanding Trudeau not to bow to the USA. Brazil, now number 2 in infections and ballooning, is threatening to withdraw from the WHO.

    The world is in turmoil and the virus, known to be fond of crowds is having a great time. We will know shortly, and fighting that first wave may be just like a walk in the park.

  8. Should we continue to make the whites feel welcome in Singapore?

  9. Good as I still wanted to enjoy the blondes with two large melons in my bucket list

  10. Anon 11.28

    That is how widespread the lying is in the USA. From top to bottom. And they take that as the normal.

    When Trump hid in the bunker he claimed he was just inspecting it. And saying that he did not go into the bunker but contradicting this straight away by admitting that he went in for a little while just to inspect.

    When law enforcers pushed an old man, causing him to fall backwards and hit his head was initially spun into a claim that the old man tripped and fell. Videos showed the old nan was shoved strongly and fell. Without the videos, the perpetrators would have gotten away with the tripping story.

    Does all this collaborate Pompeo's admission that the US lie, cheat and steal all the time?
    In fact much of US technological development was stolen from the UK, which in turn stole them from the Middle Eastern countries like Iran, colonial India and ancient China. Where does paper making, printing, gunpowder, the compass and seismometer originated?

  11. China has issued an alert, warning its citizens not to travel to Australia.

    The Chinese Ministry of Culture and Tourism published a statement on its website on Friday night saying that discrimination and violent behavior against Chinese and Asians are on the rise due to the Covid-19 epidemic. The ministry told Chinese tourists to be on alert for their safety and not travel to Australia.

    In April, Australian prime minister Scott Morrison suggested that Asian international students who are facing economic hardship because of the pandemic should just go home.

    It was “lovely to have visitors to Australia in good times”. Mr. Morrison said. But now they should “make your way home” and “ensure that you can receive the supports that are available…in your home countries. At this time, Australia must focus on its citizens. Our focus and our priority is on supporting Australians and Australian residents with the economic supports that are available.”

  12. Why is the Singapore government not doing the same as the Australian government - i.e. deny all foreigners of Singapore government's supports? We should be focusing on our own citizens and residents only.

    Singapore government should reciprocally deny all government supports to all Australian citizens and Australian residents who are in Singapore. Tell them to go back to Australia.

  13. In the US, Black bullies Black.
    Many of the Protestor and Demonstrator in USA and Europe are Caucasians.
    No protest in AFRICA, Middle East and Asia.

  14. All countries, especially Asian countries, should boycott all Australian citizens and tell them to go home.

  15. WASHINGTON: President Donald Trump sparked controversy Friday (Jun 5), calling it a "great day" for George Floyd, the man whose death in custody last week unleashed nationwide protests over police brutality against African Americans.

    "We all saw what happened last week. We can't let that happen," Trump said of Floyd, who was killed as a white Minneapolis police officer knelt on his neck for nearly nine minutes.

    "Hopefully, George is looking down right now and saying, 'This is a great thing that's happening for our country.'"

    Great Day for George Floyd????

  16. NZ journalist admits New Zealand institutions are racially bias, that throughout Anglo colonial states there is a constant habit of defining people who aren’t white as a problem.

    In his essay, Aaron Smale says:

    "It constantly comes up in the language – in the US it was called the Negro problem or the Indian problem, in Australia it’s the Aboriginal problem, in New Zealand it’s the Māori problem. Maybe it’s not a Native American, African American, Aboriginal or Māori problem. Maybe it’s a racism problem. Maybe it’s a colonial problem. And maybe it’s white people who need to take a look at themselves and make more effort to understand how institutions work for them but too often victimize people who are not like them.?

  17. If you view the video clip above on lynching, the white senator Rand Paul is introducing an amendment to protect the lynchers if the lynching did not result in death or severe harm to the victims. According to Rand Paul, if the lynching only resulted in some bruises or scratches, then it is not lynching. You accept that?

    The whites can lynch you from a tree, and for some reasons, the victim was saved or taken down and did not die or suffered too much injury, then it is not lynching, the anti lynching act should not apply.

    This anti lynching act is now hanging in a balance because of objection from this white senator.

  18. Trump tried to create trouble for Xi and China, thinking that only he could do that and no one could do it to him and his America. Yes no one, but ONE he could not bully or control or push over.

    This Mighty ONE would kick his ass and bring him to his knees.
