
China must answer to the call for help by the oppressed Americans

China, it is time to do something to help the victims of American white racism.

Stand up, speak up for the blacks and coloured Americans.

Stand up and speak up for the native Americans.

Stand up and speak up for the Arabs and Muslims in the Middle East.

Stand up and speak up for the Palestinians.

Stand up and speak up for the North Koreans, the Iranians, the Venezuelans, the Cubans, the Yemenis, the Colombians, the Somalians, the Diego Garcians, the Hawaiians, for the people of the world oppressed by the Evil Empire.


  1. There are two things that China could do:

    Rename the road in front of the US embassy in China to 'George Floyd' avenue.

    Call for Chinese citizens to remember George Floyd's murder with an annual anniversary vigil like the 'Tiananmen vigil' that the USA supported in Hong Kong.

    The sword cuts both ways.

  2. Yes, should set a day each year as the "I can't breathe" Day.

  3. Mr RB

    Why here the American protestors carried the China's Flags and the Hong Kongers carried the the USA and UK Flags?

    Is it a soccer's game after that exchange flags and jerseys?

    You should also posted one of them wrapped up with the Chinese Flag and shouting China we need you


  4. If you can send me one I will definitely post it.

    Thanks for the above photo.
