
Trump carrying a bible to order troops to quell the demonstrators

'He also called on state governors to "deploy the National Guard in sufficient numbers that we dominate the streets" before heading on foot for a photo op at the riot-damaged St John's, the two-century-old "church of the presidents" across from the White House.

He stopped in front of boarded-up windows at the yellow church, where many presidents have attended services, along with several members of his administration, including Attorney General William Barr, national security Adviser Robert O'Brien and other top aides.

As an acrid smell still hung in the air, Trump held up a Bible for cameras before walking back to the White House, but took no questions from reporters.'  CNA

This picture says it all and why I have to always talk about God, invoke the name of God to talk to these so called God fearing gangsters and murderers.  Whenever they are in the mood to shoot and kill, they will bring out the bible, invoke the name of God to justify their killing. It is blasephemy!

In this case Trump went there just for a photo op. He did not to the church to pray. The priest of the church and a bishop slammed him for his fakery. Trump is trying to con his Americans that he is a man of God, carrying a bible to guide his actions.

Now that God is against their wickedness, they are still oblivious to it. Killing coloured people, especially the blacks and Arabs and Muslims are authorised by the Christian Doctrine of Discovery. All non believers and natives are sub human beans and can be killed in the name of their God.

Trump is calling the demonstrators as terrorists. What about calling them heroes like the Hong Kong rioters? 

'WASHINGTON: Police fired tear gas outside the White House late on Sunday (May 31) as protestors again took to the streets to voice fury at police brutality, and major US cities were put under curfew to suppress rioting.

With the Trump administration branding instigators of six nights of rioting as domestic terrorists, there were more confrontations between protestors and police and fresh outbreaks of looting.'  CNA

Below are some beautiful pics from the American cities posted in CNA.
'He denounced "acts of domestic terror" after nationwide protests against the death of an unarmed African American George Floyd in police custody devolved into days of violent race riots across the country.

"I want the organisers of this terror to be on notice that you will face severe criminal penalties and a lengthy sentence in jail," Trump said as police could be heard using tear gas and stun grenades to clear protestors just outside the White House.' CNA

Trump is turning his soldiers to attack his own people, Americans. Can China denounced the domestic terrorism in Hong Kong and punish the organisers with severe criminal penalties and a lengthy jail sentence like what Trump did? Or only the US can do this and right to do this but not China?


  1. Trump, who has rejected the traditional presidential role of healer, voiced glee on Twitter over the response in Washington and accused the leadership of New York - led by the rival Democratic Party - of succumbing to "Lowlife & Scum".

    "Overwhelming force. Domination," wrote Trump, who a day earlier declared himself "your president of law and order."

    Yesterday was a bad day for the Cuomo Brothers. New York was lost to the looters, thugs, Radical Left, and all others forms of Lowlife & Scum. The Governor refuses to accept my offer of a dominating National Guard. NYC was ripped to pieces. Likewise, Fredo’s ratings are down 50%!
    — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 2, 2020

  2. War in the name of Christianity has been the hallmark of the West for centuries, against Islam in particular, and even among their splintered sects. This is the only way to jell supporters of war in the name of fighting for a religious cause, and makes it justifiable. Did God say or condone that?

    Jesus was against violence. Buddhism, for two thousand five hundred years, did not advocate going to war to promote their greatness. Only when they are forced to by outside provocations, like emperors attempting to destroy their temples using the excuse that they are rebels, will they attempt to protect their religious sites and beliefs.

    Some religions have huge followers gained by coercion and threats. Buddhism does not proliferate because their belief is totally voluntary, even among family members, all without family insistence or coercion, which is against the teachings of Buddha.

    Anyway, just look at Trump, trying to show his grandiose, swaggering towards a church just to take a photo. He ordered the police and national guards to fire tear gas and use force to evacuate the area in front of the church, for him to show the world that he is holy and religious by holding up a Bible.

    He is insidiously injecting the issue of religion into the largely racial discrimination protest, rather than focusing on the underlying issue of 'long standing police brutality' against the Blacks. The action and manner of forcing out the crowds totally obscure his intention, if you read most of the negative comments on social media.

    Sending in the troops is not going to stop the riots. The gun slinging nation is yet to see the real carnage when all hell breaks lose, and when all the guns come out blazing. Or should I say the 'real beautiful sight to behold' when this happens?

  3. Still, despite the turmoil, the focus is still on Hong Kong. Trump's fat attack dog is in charge of that department.

    Channel News America puts the news of the nationwide protest in the USA towards almost the end of the bulletin. While those days of the Hong Kong protests always starts with a bang, not hidden towards the end, thereby destroying the patience of those wishing to enjoy the beautiful sight.

    1. Hi Anon

      See CNN. Now getting bored.

      Too much rhetoric and bullshits appeals.


    2. Anyway, just a glimpse before I went out.

      The troops are standing by as ordered by Dotard Trump.

      Face off with the crowds.

      Maybe have more dramas after this.

      When they opened fires, the protesters with their arsenals will also open fires.

      Dont know why, just love to see the beautiful sights of them clashing.

      Brings some excitement and joys to the bored CB or Chee B circuit breakdown numb skulls.

      Tell this to Lau Swee or Lau Chxx Nancy Pelosi aka Pepsi.

      Next Dotard Trump will accuse China of instigating the Riots.

  4. Remember George W Bush said that God talked to him directly (was it to attack Iraq?).

    Perhaps Trump, after his holy and religious gesture, will now say God told him to send in the troops. And his supporters will believe him.

    American Presidents never fail to amaze me. And they laughed at the antics of African leaders and North Korea Kim.

  5. What is the UN doing? Nothing!

  6. As I said before, Democrats and Republicans are the same, serving the same master.

    There are some blacks on the side of the Democrats that could lead, but they failed their race and principles. Personal interest is more important. That is why the poorer Blacks are in this predicament. Even Obama has been neutered, the rest perhaps just letting Trump destroy himself to enhance their November chances.

  7. CNN

    Cun Nee Na


  8. Hahaha.....

    He is mad!

    He is mad!

    He is mad!

    Hahaha ������ Hahahaha.....

  9. Just as the previous not-so-peaceful president of the USA was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, Mr Trump will likely be rewarded with the Peace Prize

  10. You bet he will accuse China of instigating the riots, if China does indicate support for the Blacks officially. He is just waiting and baiting. Xi will not have to do that. Chinese netizens are already giving Trump's administration a dose of their own medicine they meted out to China during the Hong Kong unrest. Retribution is heavenly.

    The mad rabid dog in the White Doghouse may, if he does not take his medicine, accuse China of letting the Hong Kong riots influence the Blacks and for China for not controlling the riots and letting it spread to the USA, like the coronavirus accusations. Oh yes, the USA propaganda machine can be trusted to do all that, and more.

  11. Hong Kong virus and 'Wuhan' virus have the same origin...the USA.

  12. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fuVdDf8CwBM

  13. Trump is unable to cope with the Virus and now the riots. Trump is running to God and wants God to help him. But God is on the side of the protestors!

  14. Hahaha

    In good times, never burn joss-stick. In bad times, clinging to Buddha's feet.

    But since Trump is a Christian, it should be: In good times never go to church. In bad times just standing outside the church is of no help, even with a Bible in hand. God knows it is only a charade.
