
Psychopath Trump & the psychopathic US white supremacist leaders

     Trump is a psychopath  and a white supremacist. Killing of non-whites is in his genes. His grandfather was a leader of the Ku Klux Klan. He has extreme inherent hatred of non-whites especially the native Americans and the African Americans. He is expert on killing native Americans, African Americans and Mexican Americans without seeing blood himself because he is good at using other whites to do the job. In his administration he has surrounded himself with cohorts of white nationalists and white supremacists who like himself are psychopathic killers of coloured people especially killers of  native Americans and  African Americans. Some examples of his colleagues who share his traits of extreme hatred for non-white people are Pompeo, John Bolton, Steve Bannon, Peter Navarro and Elliot Abrams. They are all American Jews and Trump himself it seems has Jewish blood from his Jewish German ancestors.

Trump like all previous US presidents hate the African Americans to the bone. Like his previous precedents Trump wants to get rid of black people in the United States. President Abraham Lincoln was not that noble a person as he was shown to be vis-a-vis the African Americans. He too wanted to get rid of the negroes in America. Under Abraham Lincoln's administration, the United States bought a chunk of territory in North West Africa, just next to Sieera Leone, a territory of about thirty thousand square kilometres. The United States named this territory Liberia. Abraham Lincoln persuaded all the African Americans to emigrate to Liberia. He promised to pay for their passage to Liberia and in addition each emigre would be paid a small sum of money to tie them over the interim period. Many of the white slave owners in the southern states like South Carolina, Virginia, Texas and Louisiana objected to Lincoln's scheme of things. But Abraham Lincoln would not budge because he and his white nationalists in his administration were serious in wanting to get rid of the African Americans albeit in a more human manner. So the American Civil War broke out over the issue of the African Americans.  The northern industrial states like New York, Philadalphia, New Jersey represented by Lincoln were serious in wanting to get rid of the African Americans out of  America because they did not need the slaves labour but the South agricultural states were adament to keep the slaves because they needed them in their cotton and tobacco plantations.

Every subsequent American president after Lincoln too, tried to get rid of the African Americans. Their methods were more drastic and draconian. Direct killings and lynching of African Americans were common and often supported by the state , the police and the military. Ku Klux Klan the extreme white supremacist organisation were responsible for most of the killings of black people and other coloured people in America. Ku Klux Klan is funded by rich white racists and supremacists who are also secret members behind the Ku Klux Klan operations and  modus-operandi.

Donald Trump has the mind set of the Ku Klux Klan. He is extremely hateful of non-whites and surround himself with ilks of his kind like Pompeo, John Bolton, Peter Navarro, Steve Banon and Eliot Brahms. He doesn't even care to pretend that he is a white supremacist because he is boastful and proud to be one of that category. He will kill a coloured person be it a native American, African American, mexican American or a Chinese American without blinking an eyelid.

Trump is a psychopath who strongly supports torture of prisoners and detainees. He will not be the last president to do so because it is all in the draconian system of the United States racist government.

In 2018, in Iraq, an American naval officer by the name of Edward Gallagher openly stabbed an Iraqi teenager detainee repeatedly in the throat and then posed for a selfie with the child's corpse, holding its head by the hair. When two other naval officers reported the murder to their superior , Gallagher threatened to kill them. With Trump's intervention Gallagher was never charged for murder. Trump boasted that he had defended a great warrior and vowed to bring along Gallagher to his re-election campaign rallies.

Trump has made killing and torture crimes of prisoners and detainees as the United States policy. As there is nothing to restrain him Trump is free to turn torture and murder into a political spectacle. Trumps is thus able to use his presidency in the Oval Office to recruit sadists to serve the thirst of American imperialism.

Trump and his cohort of one percent elites are rogues, crooks and scoundrels who have no conscience at all in depriving the people of the world of their livelihood through illegal sanctions, trade blockades and exercising of illegal extra-territorial rights in exacting illegal and illicit fines of billions of dollars thus infringing and depriving their  human rights and democracy .

Below are some factual quotations from  'Counterpunch.org' regarding Trump .

Resisting the Mind Games of Donald Trump and the One Percent.

" Trump is a smooth talking con-artist. "  He has a get rich quick scheme to skim off the people of their money . However, before the people can realize his money cheating ponzi scheme they would have been duped and conned off. Trump and his elites rogues scooped off more wealth from the people than you can imagine."

"Trump tries to profit off people's hopes and fears. He and his gang are successful purveyors of lucrative lies and false promises  including some of the denizens of US palatial estates and corridors of political power. They are never on the run despite the misery they leave in their wake."

"The United States is beset by extreme and  distressing inequality. But Trump the premier hustler sold the electorate a wagonload of beguiling and deceptive tales about what has gone wrong , who is to blame and how he will make things begtter."

"Trump persuaded not through rational argument, analysis and truth telling, but rather by manipulating our imperfect reasoning and our unreasoning emotions. Trump is a master of this manipulation technique."

"Trump's unanticipated success dramatically shows the importance of understanding the 'mind games' he played on the electorate that allowed him to win despite his breaking of every rule of evidence, logic and propriety. Trump and his elites scoundrels use psychological appeal to maintain or  extend their extraordinary wealth and power. They target five key concerns in our daily lives such as issues of vulnerability, injustice, distrust, superiority and helplessness."

Trump plays on the vulnerability of the people. As a result people are susceptible to manipulation by Trump and those who misrepresent dangers in order to advance their own agenda.

Trump and the US politicians know an external perceived threat is useful for their using the possibility of war to consolidate power and distract the electorate from their corruptions. They manipulate and perfect their deadly technique to serve their own agenda.

"Trump and his rogue colleagues also use fear mongering to galvanize support and consolidate power .Being authoritarians at heart their mandate is to guarantee their entrenchment in power forever. develop narcissistic tendencies that led them down a path of an incessant need for power, reward and fame, a lifestyle of extravagance, wastefullness and corruption. "

Trump and US politicians manipulate the mass media to give the people misinformation to divert attention from corruptions and critique.

Trump, a satanic white supremacist partner with the darkest and most extreme elements in America to ill-treat the coloured people especially the native Americans, the African Americans and the Mexican Americans.

Trump's national policy against coloured people and the US foreign policy of gingoism, hate and distrust of other countries has triggered worlwide concern and anxiety. Trump and the United States is using China and Russia as convenient scapegoats for all USA's ills, economic and political respectively.

Trump like all  previous USA's presidents focus on US first to the detriment of others. America has now refused to help third world countries economically. China is now doing a good job to help poor countries and the United States is not happy. China has to win over allies to stand with her less USA mafia of western allies will gang up against China as what happened to China in the Opium Wars of 1830s to 1860s.

Trump and the United States like to accuse China, Russia or other countries of a lot of falsehoods. Their accusations are always one sided. USA must know that this world  is made of the principle of "actions and reactions." What is right for America may not be right for others. So US should not bulldoze its threats on others. This American attitude is both sick and absurb. The United States is now taking the same sick approach to China.

The United States is a monstrous world hegemony and and has no sense of fair-mindedness. It is dictated by evil hawkish bellicose doctrines.

The United States may  still be the world's strongest military power but it is no more invincible.


Wednesday, 3rd June, 2020


  1. How much Trump and his cronies have benefitted from his erratic tweets on and off, up and down, sideways and frontal, is anybody's guess. All the money to be spent on helping Americans during this coronavirus outbreak, the bulk of it basically went to the super rich cronies for share buybacks and propping up the stock market.

    As poorer Americans, mainly the Blacks, find it more difficult to survive, the problem now festering will escalate further. Even Whites are joining in the protest, being those that are in the same situation as the Blacks. The problem had been festering and George Floyd's murder is the lightning rod setting it ablaze.


  2. Why is it none of the ASEAN presidents, prime ministers, ministers and political leaders condemn the white American atrocities against the blacks in the United States. Is it because they worship white American might and think it is right for the whites to kill and murder the African Americans and other non-white people. They are inviting the American danger to their doorstep if they are selfish in not showing brotherhood and solidarity with the oppressed coloured people in America.

    Disgrace ASEAN


  3. People all over the world, in the countries in Africa, Middle East, Asia, South America and Australia should kill all the Americans wherever they may be. They should conduct guerilla warfare against the Americans everywhere and destroy all American military bases using well armed drones.They should show no mercy to the Americans just as the White Americans do not show any mercy to them and others. All American homes and business houses are fair targets for attack.

    Anti-white American murderers and genociders


  4. Shame on the leaders of Vietnam,Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia and the little red dot country which never even utter a word of condemnation against the wanton white ill treatment of the blacks in America. At least they should say something in support of the helpless African Americans to show empathy and solidarity with them on their suffering and torture at the hands of the monstrous white tyranny.

  5. Stupid sinkies will turn a blind eye to the atrocities of the whites.

    They will only understand when they are victims of the white. You never hear them saying a word when Singaporeans were attacked in UK and Australia.


  6. For the start people of the non-white countries should start a Fund "We Cant'Breathe Fund" to support the African Americans and other non-white Americans to fight for freedom and their human rights against the oppression and tyranny of the white supremacists. If it is possible to supply them with arms so much the better. The native Americans and African Americans should try to procure heavily armed drones and use them to destroy the US military bases especially those armed with nuclear bombs and nuclear armed missiles and rockets. American ports and submarine bases should also be good targets for remote control drones.

    Down with the American barbaric subhuman bastards

  7. Some EU countries are not on the same wavelength as the USA with regard to China. But the hold by the USA on their leaders coupled with all the veiled threats are enough to prevent them from wholesale support of China.

    Take the Russian gas pipeline project as an example, which Russia partnered one EU nation and that nation had to abandon the project when the USA threatened sanctions. Using blatant blackmail instead of fair competition is the only way the USA can beat others. They no longer have the capacity to compete on the level. Their industrial base had been hollowed out long ago, even whole factories have been sold lock, stock and barrel and shipped overseas. It will take years to bring that back, if possible. And they need to retrain workers.

    Likewise, Middle East countries support for USA is not all embracing. Some of their allies are buying Russian arms instead of supporting the US Military Complex. And still others like the Philippines are not die hard supporters of USA. Only by threats will the USA be able to exert control over them.

  8. The troops are out. America is going to burn with civil war. Protestors are telling the troops there will be millions more protestors out here. Can the troops keep peace in all the 140 cities now protesting? For how long? How can business reopen with all these going on. The best economy in the history of the USA is going down the black hole.

    Can the November elections be off the table if Trump declares state of emergency rule? Nobody can stop him, it seems.

    Hail to Dictator Trump, in all his glory, maybe for life. American laugh at Xi and Kim. He is making America Great Again. He said it, they bought it. Goodness, the prophecy of him being the last President is coming true.

  9. The end of democracy in USA. No more President but Dictator Trump for life.

    Hail the Emperor of the Evil Empire.

  10. Global Times is are making fun of Trump hiding in the White House bunker in a cartoon, calling him 'Bunker Boy' and showing him shouting 'Make America Great Again'.

    Another poster on People's Daily (opinions - exclusive) asking Ms Pelosi: Riots are taking place in dozens of US cities. Are they beautiful sights to behold?

  11. Trump called the main stream media 'lamestream' media. Unfortunately he is absolutely right. The useless 'lamestream' media have all been either corrupted or told to produce lame news or fake news.

    Can you beat that? This is the newest truth. More fake news and lame names from the 'lamestream' media.
