
Singapore must not be dragged into another war in the Middle East

The world’s number one warmonger is again busily trying to build another coalition to start a war with Iran. After raising tension in the Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman, the Evil Empire is telling the world that the region is unsafe for shipping and the ships must be protected. Protected by who and against who?

From the recent spate of false flag incidents when tankers were attacked by American fabricated incidents, it is crystal clear that the tankers were attacked by the Americans and used as excuses for American naval forces to protect them. They started the fire and asking for payments as the fire fighters.

Freedom of navigation is paramount, tweeted the American gangster Pompeo. Actually other than some African or Somali pirates, the region is fairly safe, definitely no risk of being attacked by the Iranians. It is in the interest of the Iranians to keep the region safe as they are a major exporter of oil. Only troublemakers like the Americans would want to raise tension in the region and invited themselves in as the policeman.
And mind you, this is not for free. All the ships in passing the region have to pay protection money to the Americans. The Americans are roping in other countries, calling it a coalition, but really a bunch of gangsters demanding protection money or their ships would be attacked by them. The American gangsters have created another new phrase, ‘proactive deterrence’, for a group of willing or unwilling nations to provide material and financial resources to do the American bidding as partners of a high sea gangsters, collecting protection money or else.

Let’s hope Singapore is wise enough this time and not be arm twisted to be another gangster and has its hands dirtied and bloodied. Singapore does not have to be an unwilling gangster of the high seas. Singapore has choices, can train anywhere else, can buy arms from elsewhere, even in China if the Americans close down our training bases in the US. We can close down Changi Naval Base to the Americans. The Americans have no other alternative choice, there is no place safe and convenient and strategic like Singapore for the Americans to park their war machine. Where else can the Americans go other than Singapore?

Singapore must stand firm on this, no more being a member of an international mafia and accomplice to international crimes against humanity.


  1. As part of uncle sam cronies, there is no way out for sg. Cronies stick around for each other.

  2. The present situation in the Straits of Homus, Gulf of Oman, is part of the Americunts' overall strategy to cripple (if not destroy) China and stop China from her rising ability to challenge the Evil Empire.

    This is the Evil Hegemonic US Empire's present strategy against China, which means also any country in support or affiliated with China:

    "China must be stopped or crippled at all costs as soon as possible at and from all fronts in all fields."

    The immoral and barbaric Trump Administration has carried several steps further in the Evil Empire's containment strategy on China.

    Hoping Singapore doesn't get involved in the coming major US-initiated war in the in the Middle-East is like hoping that the Workers' Party would win the next general elections and form a new government.

    As long as these five key decision-making positions: the PM, Defence Minister, Law Minister, Home Affairs and Foreign Minister are held by people who are western-educated, western-trained, pro-US, anti-Chinese, or China-hateers, the Singapore Government will willingly girate (without having to be arm-twisted) towards participation in the Evil Empire's scheme of things in the near future (next ten years).

  3. Some irksome old news headline (March 2, 2018):"SAF to deploy more forces to Iraq later this year: Ng Eng Hen"

    Ng told the House that US Defence Secretary James Mattis had written to ask the Republic to commit more resources . . .

  4. @All,

    Some SAF fellers won't mind another "safe", cushy stint in the middle east.

    I knew one ex-Navy guy who volunteered for 3 months in the Gulf of Oman (outside the Persian Gulf & the throat of the Straight of Hormuz) during the Afghanistan operations. Was on an LST --- very useful as floating mobile platform for helicopters support base, logistics base, and special ops initiation & recovery base.

    He got almost $100K bonus & salary for the 3-months assignment & he was just a low ranking fellow then. Officers could get a few hundred K bonus for the same assignment.

    Big easy money gets thrown around in the military & wars. That's why it's SOOOO PROFITABLE to invest in War Stocks!!!!

    If you invested $1000 after WW2 into general US stocks from 1946 till today, it will turn into over $250,000 including dividends. With war stocks it will be over $1,250,000.

  5. OPC?

    Other People's Children?

  6. @ RB

    Wishful thinking:

    >> Singapore must stand firm on this, no more being a member of an international mafia and accomplice to international crimes against humanity. <<

    Singapore is a small-time member of the international mafia, and it has its own local mafia to look after "domestic affairs" and keep the Sheeple in line.

    Anyway, since when has Singapore not profiteered from war or conflict? does anyone have an idea or remember how much money Singapore made during the Vietnam war?. Dun worry, if Uncle Sam is involved, there will be lots of money present.

    Singapore should definitely cheer on the US and be locked-step with them, all the way to the bank.

    Trump is going to resist going to war...he is an isolationist...America First. But if his hand is forced or the likes of Pompeo and Bolton manage to con him, then it is ALL ON. Chase tha Almighty American Dollar lah...

    Never give up an opportunity to make a buck. To do so would be very un-Singaporean. 🤑🇸🇬💰

  7. @ Obviously, lah 923

    >> Some irksome old news headline (March 2, 2018):"SAF to deploy more forces to Iraq later this year: Ng Eng Hen" <<

    Aiyoh, of course, lah. It is an old business trick to deliver more than expected to create the sense of "extra value" in the mind of The Prospect...in this case, Big White Cock Uncle Sam.

    Singapore is governed by Banana Scholars who are absolutely untrusting of China...although China has copied our Banana Economic Model and we've trained over 30,000 of their CCP officials at the Lee Kuan Yew School For Public Policy. However, deep down there is a MISTRUST of China. The Banana Scholars all think that China is out to "colonise" Singapore as part of some "grand plan for global dominance". To be sure, our Banana Scholars are not the only ones who hold this view on China. It is a very popular BELIEF.

    So the Singaporean Banana Plutocracy has to "make good" with the USA to ensure that the US will come to Singapore's "protection" in times of "need", especially at some fantasy time in the future where the Evil Chinese Government and its Mighty Military try to "absorb" lil' ol' Singapore into its Dark Web Of Iniquity, of the vile satanic forces of communism and total annihilation of our magnificent republic.

    OK, to be clear...this is their beleif...not mine. Although I am a "banana", I am definitely not a "scholar". I am a "longkang banana", abounding in "lonkang" values and motherfucking-chow-chee-bye-diu-lei-lo-mo filthy, eye-watering elocution.

  8. Redbean: "Only troublemakers like the Americans would want to raise tension in the region and invited themselves in as the policeman. And mind you, this is not for free. All the ships in passing the region have to pay protection money to the Americans. The Americans are roping in other countries, calling it a coalition, but really a bunch of gangsters demanding protection money or their ships would be attacked by them. The American gangsters have created another new phrase, ‘proactive deterrence’, for a group of willing or unwilling nations to provide material and financial resources to do the American bidding as partners of a high sea gangsters, collecting protection money or else. "








    一个国家的扩张及其对系统的控制可以说已经确定在很大程度上由 U 形成本曲线。扩展的初始阶段是其特点是成本下降,主要是由于规模经济。但是,作为













  9. Post wrong blog
    Mainly bananas
    They dunno what talking
    "Pain pain pain",their brains shouting
    Pretending to put up a brave front
    NOBOLEE said anything
    Including MALTILDA
    And his patraitic idol, a Tamponese resident
    Who has been posting many poems lately
    Including cursing one wooden block
    To experience constipation
    What an angry old man
    They say the wrath of a woman knows no bound
    How about that of an old Tamponese patrait?
    Who has forecasted disasters and calamity
    To befall the disdainful parasitic wooden leeching walking ivory zombies
    When the time comes
    And karma comes knocking on their door
    Bom bom bom
    The messengers of the hade
    Named the cowhead and the horseface
    In the middle of a dark chilling night
    Amidst ghastly wind
    Howling cats
    Torrential storm
    Piercing lightning
    Deafening thunder
    Streaking across a dark reckoning night

  10. @ 143

    >> 然而,成本和效益是主观计算的。


    In all of your analysis, you forgot to include culture as the most important driver. All development of any cuntry, expansion or contraction is a result of collective HUMAN ACTION, which is based on (subjective) BELIEF (shared myths and fictions), brewing in individual minds, discussed widely thru the society...until they collectively decide to do certain things. That is essentially the mechanics of culture---"shared fictions. common meanings".

    Why is China on the rise whereas Africa has remained a shithole until recently? (still a shithole. But now at least there's a flushing system...so it's a much "better" shithole)

    If you drill down...it is the difference in CULTURES which explains it.
