
When money 'chiat buay leow'

I was most impressed that Tan Sri Lim Kok Thay, Chairman and CEO of Genting Malaysia, has announced during an AGM on 19 June 2019 that he will be voluntarily taking a 20% pay cut in the face of an increased in gaming taxes from 25% to 35% and a decline in business performance.
That was not wayang. There was no need for him to wayang. That was true Leadership. A 20% pay cut will translate to about RM$10 million.

Now, look at the PAP government. Not too long ago, Goh Chok Tong even had the audacity and cheek to publicly lamented that PAP Ministers are not paid enough despite them getting from our taxpayers, in a very small population, the highest political salaries anywhere in the world!

To add insult to injury, he was also quoted as saying that those who earn under S$500,000 annually in the private sector are mediocre. Senior Counsel Edwin Tong was quoted that his many tens of thousands of dollars in monthly political salaries were also tough on him because he has to support his in-laws too etc. I wonder if he is aware that there are too many married men out there earning much, much lesser than him and are also supporting their in-laws too?....

The above is part of an article posted in TRE by Simon Lim. It reflects on the hypocrisies and realities of people with too much money and some crying money not enough while some knew that it is near insanity to keep wanting more. Sure, the more the merrier, so many said so. Who want not want to have more money?

The pursuit of money for the sake of money, or to have more money than your neighbour would lead to no end. There would come a time when people get an awakening and realise enough is enough. Maybe those with so much money need not feel shameful that their neighbours are earning many times more, need not have to compare with others that are earning millions everyday.

Many people really have money chiat buay leow, depending on their lifestyle, that they could do something more interesting in their lives, more meaning and satisfying than chasing for more money.

Lim Kok Thay is one of them, so is Donald Trump. And there are many in China, including those in top political office and the new rich that regard national pride more than anything else.

When money not enough, it is fair and normal to want more, but up to a point when more money could become quite meaningless in the sense of diminishing return, so much more for what?

When one has only 20 or so years to live, many only a handful of years to live, how much more is needed when one already have millions and dunno what to do with the money?

And there is Mr Oon of Tian Tian Lai chicken rice stall at Maxwell. He also has money chiat buay leow in his own way. Different people have different definition of money chiat buay leow. Some earning millions and still money not enough. Read this as reported in theindependent.sg,

Singapore—Kindness and support come in many ways indeed. For one food stall owner, helping the country’s elderly comes in the form of 100 free plates of Hainanese chicken rice every Wednesday for seniors of the Pioneer Generation, Singaporeans born on or before December 31, 1949.

“The government does it their way, I do my own”, said Mr Oon who owns Uncle Sky (Tian Tian Lai) Singapore Hainanese Chicken Rice at Maxwell Food Centre, stalls #01 and 02.

Not only that, Mr Oon does his part for the Merdeka Generation as well. Every single day, both the Merdeka and the Pioneer Generation are given a whopping 50 per cent discount on the chicken rice dish at his stall. This means, instead of paying S$3, the members of the Pioneer and Merdeka Generations only pay S$1.50 for a delicious meal.

Seniors get a numbered card with which they can claim their meal at Tian Tian Lai—a card that allows them to have not just one but two meals a day.

Mr Oon says he will make the daily discount available until “the stall is no longer around”.


  1. Rb, as wat the white PAPies Bala said before people who do something for no need for monies r up to something. He said these people got some kind of ulterior motives, probably he failed to understand there r some who did it genuinely, their motto r " ..u can't b doing something for nothing at all unless u r insane !" He might be rite in some aspect as in Sinkieland having monies is a must cos without it u will cry out loud but nobolee hui yew.

  2. But all these $$-loving politicians have the support of the 69.9% leh . . .

  3. May we wish
    Goh Choke Tongue good appetite but buay pang sai.
    Best if he cannot talk anymore, as he always fart from his mouth.
    How is his spouse ? Long time no hear anything from this old goose, still having fun ?
    Do their children feel proud of their avaricious parents ?
    Are they shameful or are they proud of their parents ?

  4. Knn
    69.9 %

  5. Hi 859am & 919am

    Yes! 69.9%!

    Next GE 75%? 55%? 49.9%?

    What say you?

  6. Wah. Kanninah. Next month I'm coming to Hotel Singapore. I am going to bring my Passion Card, take cheap transport to Maxwell chicken rice shop for Uncle's discount chicken rice.
    I can't remember doing anything to deserve this...anyway, I'm Singaporean...so must try lah!

  7. M 9.35am

    Good for you!

    Welcome to the world!

  8. The G board juz came out rule to extract more monies from those riders on the road. Come next mth or in a couple of days time, when anyone with vehicles "illegally" parked their vehicles shall meet with higher 'sam ban' or fines , in an attempt to collect more monies for who? ( maybe for the MG or PG or the G lah). This only applies to those who got vehicles & anyhow parked illegally mah? So what's wrong with it ? Guess tat the excuse they gave was the parking fines wasn't reviwed sins the 90s already, a lame excuse isn't it? Do what wrong with collecting more monies ? If not now then when huh? ...

  9. Virgo 1001am

    What can you do? You tell me lah!

    Not bad....... at least still can kpkbssss!

    The day will come when kpkb also cannot.......soon!


  10. Rb //When money not enough, it is fair and normal to want more, but up to a point when more money could become quite meaningless in the sense of diminishing return, so much more for what?//

    Conceptually the phrase - "could become quite meaningless in the sense of diminishing return,"

    Could be "不对" ("incorrect, salah")?

    为什么 (why, mengapa, kenapa)?

    Probably SOMEBOLEE nvr study eCONomics (but ChaTaoNomics)?

    The "marginal" concept is one of the (major) pillars of classical eCONomics

    Thus conceptually RB statement should be:

    "could become quite meaningless in the sense of diminishing MARGINAL return,"?

    The word "MARGINAL" was missing?

    But this word is NOT in the vocabulary of "ChaTaoNomics"?

    An additional 1 (sato) dollar would be marginally meaningless in the economics sense to say 李嘉诚 (Li Kaching)or 马云 (Jack Ma)or 王耀光 (Wang Yaoguan) etc?

    But such “MARGINAL” concept may NOT exist in non-classical economics?

    For many economics ignoramus, neither would they understand such(simple)main stream economics concept?

  11. @Matilah,

    ///Wah. Kanninah. Next month I'm coming to Hotel Singapore. I am going to bring my Passion Card, take cheap transport to Maxwell chicken rice shop for Uncle's discount chicken rice.///

    KNN, I'm way outside of merdeka generation, so no free MG passion card for me.

    Anyway, I still get to enjoy PAPpy "welfare" like GST rebates, electricity rebates, HDB conservancy rebates, and the $300 ang bao coming end-July. Another $100 pocket money this Nov too. I'll use that for the chicken rice, kway chap, char kway teow, hokkien mee, and the $15 chinatown roast duck.


    You all don't get it. PG & MG main benefits are actually the medical discounts & subsidies.

    Not the miserable few dollars of "special" discounts or ang baos.

  12. To
    live happily, one only needs to accept fate.
    Animals which include mankind, exist for millions of years. The Cycle of life is the same since the Day of Being to the Day they die. lt shall not change, though the Human Lifestyles do variate.
    there is nothing to be sad and nothing to boast in life.
    All shall be ash and dust.

  13. Uncle Sky's special chicken rice offer benefits the majority of the elderly in the vicinity, eg. Chinatown and Tanjong Pagar (being nearest to the Maxwell FC). But for those PGs & MGs who staying in far-flung places, e.g. Jurong West, Pasir Ris, Woodlands, it is difficult for them, e.g. travelling times, and also, limited to 100 cards per days. By the time they reach Maxwell, all cards could have been given out. Also, those staying nearby will be the first to get the Q cards. Perhaps, there could be a better way to distribute the cards across the island. It is difficult I know. Don't get me wrong Uncle Sky is doing a good deed for the elderly, and deserve more than a pat on the shoulder.

  14. Uncle Sky is doing a good deed for himself and his business.

    Do a Google search for "Uncle Sky Chicken Rice", and see the about of web activity his "generosity" had earned him.

    Good for Uncle Sky. 100 plates... probably at cost, once a week. Damn good return for small outlay

  15. Not too long ago, Goh Chok Tong even had the audacity and cheek to publicly lamented that PAP Ministers are not paid enough despite them getting from our taxpayers, in a very small population, the highest political salaries anywhere in the world!

    Even I will have the audacity, if I were Goh Chok Tong, when I know that PAP will sure win big at the next election, and despite my audacity.

    So cannot blame Goh Chok Tong lah.

    Blame the Sinkie opposition for not being ready to be govt so Sinkies are very scared that they will be worse than PAP if the Sinkie opposition is voted as govt.

  16. Mr Oon says he will make the daily discount available until “the stall is no longer around”.

    Please lah, Mr Oon might have done his homework and observed that Pioneer and Merdeka generations are a minority of his customers lah. Maybe 30% or much less. So perhaps the impact on his profit is not that great.

    And by giving the discount, he is just paying for some form of advertising and publicity for his business to attract more customers to his stall, and most probably those who cannot qualify for the discount.

  17. The culture of greed has been encouraged by the greedy leaders themselves, showing leadership by bad examples, so much so their own wives and children become entitled mental cases. One wife said $600,000 annual salary is peanut, while another wife becomes the highest paid person in Singapore (more than three times the pay of her spouse). Yet another made so much money from monopolizing HDB transactions.

  18. Ha ha ha ha ha

    Sounds like Kacang-nomics?

    Not kacang puteh?



  19. @Anonymous June 25, 2019 8:25 pm
    ///Mr Oon says he will make the daily discount available until “the stall is no longer around”.

    Please lah, Mr Oon might have done his homework and observed that Pioneer and Merdeka generations are a minority of his customers lah. Maybe 30% or much less. So perhaps the impact on his profit is not that great.

    And by giving the discount, he is just paying for some form of advertising and publicity for his business to attract more customers to his stall, and most probably those who cannot qualify for the discount. ///

    Hawker Chan got Michelle *

    This one only got girl guide?

    So hoping to get the * lah?

    Chinatown just opposite 5 to 10 mins away the white CHOP chicken (白暂鸡) one plate only $2

    One whole chicken bugger than Madzell Madket 25% cheaper @ $18 instead of $24?

    Hawker Chan Michelle * one whole soy sauce chicken only $15?

    The Madzell 害Langniece chucken where got cheep?

    Also taste lousier?

  20. The yellow seats stall nearer to the bridge and also another stall at the red seats beside the CHWEE GUI stall selling the huge soy sauce chuckens at only $12

    The Mary chucken stall @ $14 and $20 for soy sauce and signature chuckens respectively

    But every other week her (owner) helpers change people?

    Dunno what happened?

    Whole life also nvr seen an employer staff turn over so rapid

  21. At one Chong 八 路 kedai 咖啡 1 whole 白暂鸡 selling @$9.90?

    Precisely mb it is at blk 26 jln rebina?

    Opp Chong 八 路 pazza?

  22. @ Anonymous June 25, 2019 8:35 pm
    //One wife said $600,000 annual salary is peanut//

    Wah ...

    Like that very insult leh ...

    China President annual salary is only about a fraction of that?

  23. @ Virgo49 June 25, 2019 3:25 pm
    //Aiyo, when you have offers for what's PG or Mederka gian png, you have hordes of Kiaso even those not really in need of the offers queuing by the hundreds just for the So called freebies.//

    Ha ha ha

    At the (same) market, there are at least 5 other stalls selling the same food but usually no or very short queue at all?

    Also those in the "famous" queue can see many are foreign tourists from all over the world?

    That is why seldom trust those touristy recommendations in the internet

    Many are (pure) hype?

    If the queue subtract 1st time foreign tourists, many of the remaining (in the q) are those elderlies Virgo69 (just) described?

    (NORMALLY) personally never believe what appears on the surface or what internet recommends?

    (Very often) Can be the opposite?

    The "REAL" (generated) q is the roast duck/ pork/ chasiew stall, the fish soup stall, the Mr Tehchew rice/ porridge stall... in that mkt?

    Recently went there for the famous dessert (in the mkt) and saw that hardly any queue in the DAILY (NOT Sky lah, only bananas or the common language ignoramus will translate the Chinese words into sky instead of daily?) except mostly some lau ah pek...

    Actually personally think the BEST 白暂鸡 is at another nearby hawker ctr...

    One WHOLE CHICKEN (without any short change) is only $20 (cheaper than the over hyped famous

    BONA FIDE one whole giant size plate overflowing with tender juicy CHEE rou (chicken meat) and enough for 8 pax (after dividing each only pay $2.50 + the rice - each bowl 30 cents and SUPER FRAGRANT)

    They never short change the customers with (only) half full (smaller) plate of chicken (like some others) and (some more) below the chicken meat (stuffed) one whole layer of chopped cucumbers?

    Saw many Sinkies queuing at this ($20) stall, NOT some 1st time tourists or lao ah pek.

    Usually those queues with locals (any where in the world) seldom go wrong.

    The same cannot be said of queues mostly made up of 1st time foreign tourists or lao ah pek?

    That is why so many sinkies are known as daft cos they just see the surface and never read (and think critically) beyond what they see?

    Fortunately there are some smarter (and discerning) Sinkies (but could be in the minority) who know where is the best value CHEE ROU (chicken meat) in Sinkieland?

    Dun believe what is just been said.

    Go try out and see for yourselves which one short change customers and which don't in the quality and quantity of the CHEE ROU (chicken meat).

    More expensive (and branded) may NOT necessarily be better?

    But many Sinkies are plain daft.

    And many things in life are (far) more complicated than choosing CHEE ROU?

    If (so) simple thing like CHEE ROU they dunno which one is damn good, what more to say about far more complicated decision?

    Look at some of the bonds Sinkies oldies bought with their QUAH CHA PNG

    How many lost their QUAH CHA PNG?

    Can some people think independently (without holding on to (mental) clutches)?

    How many times can people afford to lose their QUAH CHA PNG in their life time?

  24. Matilar, u are so bloody rich traveling around the world getting free fuck and blow job some more using your serpent tongue. And u still want to take away one plate from 100 from more deserving poor sinkies. U eat too full for s it got nothing better to do to go disturb a good cause helping the poor. U asking to be sodomize is it? I suggest instead of q up for the free chicken rice, u offer your ass to the oldies there to be sodomize so the lonely poor sinkies at least also has enjoyment and pleasure of the flesh after eating full full. The poor sinkies not much choice not that they don't enjoy the pretty China Mei Mei Canon se those are 100 per shot. So at Keat they can release some tension. 😀

  25. @ Virgo49 June 26, 2019 7:24 am
    //Hello Anon Scholar.//

    Halo Uncle

    Your eyes pasted stamps?

    Write until like that (anyhow tiao teng mo peng (ah being ah seng ah Huey ah Lian std still) scholar?

    Btw, DUN be daft?

    The food stall owners are resellers and buy in bulk?

    Those supermarket prices inclusive storage, packaging etc costs and mark up to $5 to $7 CHEEken?

    The stall holders get their supplies for less than half or cheeper?

    This shows you never do business before or have attended too many OrhNeeKooNomics "lectures" (and Kena brainwashed and only know one single pony trick which is to grow GDP via (unsustainable) CAPITAL ACCUMULATION and (RAMPANT) OPEN "LEG" POLICY) ?

    Today you forgot take medicine?

    Or wu HUAT sio bor?

    Write until like that (like Tai Ko ingrish) still scholar?


  26. hi virgo49 8.01am

    talk so much for what

    no point kpkb

    69.9% ok-ed and happy with that way of life


  27. The problem does not lie with papies, it lies with the people. Even fts know that sg is not forever. Earn the big buck and then retire home or somewhere. Only sinkies too slow to understand. Papies even help to open doors for sinkies to migrate (e.g. recognised first world degrees) but they want to stick around and become a liability to the country.

  28. @ imho June 26, 2019 9:07 am
    //... but they want to stick around and become a liability to the country...//

    Ha ha ha ha ha

    True, "liability Theory aka Kacang-nomics"?

    They just shamelessly want to leech on sinkies until enter coffin?

    Like what virgo49 said, left half screw still sticking and hanging around for "taxpayers handouts "?

    Liabilities indeed (to the country)?

    They are really "OUT OF TOUCH "?

    DUN EVEN KNOW PEANUT COSTS less than $0.06 and NOT $600,000.00?

    REALLY LIABILITY INDEED (to the country)?

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