
Inflation or money not enough

Parking fines to increase by as much as 40%. Illegal parking fines for vehicles would be raised from $50 to $70, an increase of $20 or 40%. Parking fines for not putting parking coupons, time gaps, delays, over parking, tailgating at ERPs etc etc all raised.

The last revision was in 1991, so long ago. Inflation must be the reason after so long never raise. Everything goes up, so parking fines must also go up. It is the natural order of things or else how to increase salaries?
Or is this another sign that money is not enough for the govt, and this is another area to squeeze more money for the govt to pay bigger salaries, bonuses, increments or some may say, lose money in long term investments?

We have several hundred billions under GIC, Temasek and MAS’s management invested for higher returns. If the net return is 4%, not miraculous 15% or whatever, for every $100b we should get $4b back. For $800b, my estimate, could be more AUM, we should be getting $32b in ROI. I am talking about net, after less salaries, bonuses and other costs, this is not small change.

Why still so desperate for small change like raising fees, fines, and anything that can be raised? And toying with more CPF schemes? The flogging of the CPF horse is a dangerous and desperate move. Anytime this horse may be flogged to death.

According to thenewpaper report, between the years 2016-18 average annual illegal parking notices issued was 260,800. Even at $100 per piece, it would be $26m only. Really small change and after knocking off salaries and other cost, there is nothing much left. The only good thing is that it creates more parking attendant jobs.

A housewife, Mrs Alice Lim, was quoted to welcome the news of the increase, higher fines mean less parking offences. Brilliant thinking, just like you know who. Who would have this kind of thinking? What’s wrong with fines? What’s wrong with collecting more money when the people are so happy to be fined, and to pay and pay?

To make motorists and Sinkies happy, the fines should be higher. Then everyone would be saying, see lesser parking offences. Not sure if this is a way the non motorists are going after the car owners.
Inflation or money not enough

Parking fines to increase by as much as 40%. Illegal parking fines for vehicles would be raised from $50 to $70, an increase of $20 or 40%. Parking fines for not putting parking coupons, time gaps, delays, over parking, tailgating at ERPs etc etc all raised.

The last revision was in 1991, so long ago. Inflation must be the reason after so long never raise. Everything goes up, so parking fines must also go up. It is the natural order of things or else how to increase salaries?
Or is this another sign that money is not enough for the govt, and this is another area to squeeze more money for the govt to pay bigger salaries, bonuses, increments or some may say, lose money in long term investments?

We have several hundred billions under GIC, Temasek and MAS’s management invested for higher returns. If the net return is 4%, not miraculous 15% or whatever, for every $100b we should get $4b back. For $800b, my estimate, could be more AUM, we should be getting $32b in ROI. I am talking about net, after less salaries, bonuses and other costs, this is not small change.

Why still so desperate for small change like raising fees, fines, and anything that can be raised? And toying with more CPF schemes? The flogging of the CPF horse is a dangerous and desperate move. Anytime this horse may be flogged to death.

According to thenewpaper report, between the years 2016-18 average annual illegal parking notices issued was 260,800. Even at $100 per piece, it would be $26m only. Really small change and after knocking off salaries and other cost, there is nothing much left. The only good thing is that it creates more parking attendant jobs.

A housewife, Mrs Alice Lim, was quoted to welcome the news of the increase, higher fines mean less parking offences. Brilliant thinking, just like you know who. Who would have this kind of thinking? What’s wrong with fines? What’s wrong with collecting more money when the people are so happy to be fined, and to pay and pay?

To make motorists and Sinkies happy, the fines should be higher. Then everyone would be saying, see lesser parking offences. Not sure if this is a way the non motorists are going after the car owners.


  1. What do you think where thy monies come from to service the PG or MG or watever G ?
    It's got to come from some where, otherwise where these civy got their mid or yr end bonus huh?
    Again, the old man principle applies ~"what's wrong witf collecting more monies?"
    They aren't call pay n pay, poor Olso pay for no reason mah.

  2. Parking fine should take into account the driver's affordability.

    If the guy is driving a Porsche, Lambo, etc, the parking fine should be in the thousands $$ . . .

  3. Aren't you the "most zealous student" of "Botaknomics" and "attended innumerable hours of his lectures"?

    "Botaknomics lectures" never "teach the mathematical equations" what all these will lead to?

    To make blogging (and commenting) multi-faceted (and more interesting), can you share share here (as RB said before for educational purpose but little by little and NOT overwhelming)?

  4. Hi

    Nothing wrong collecting more money wah!

    Have the habits collecting more money!

    Here there everywhere....a lot of money!

    Anyway 69.9% already Ok-ed!

    Deserved it!


  5. Singapore has an external debt of US$1.766 TRILLION as of November, 2017!

    What about 2018?

    What about 2019?

    What about 2020?

    Data not available. Probably some powerful people blocked the data from going public?

  6. The G has spent so much money on installations CCTVs on the roads, and also those in HDB housing estates. Where did the money come from ? Surely, it is money no enough. So, increase fines for vehicles for breaking traffic rules, and also parking fees increases. Otherwise, where to get the "Vitamin M" to pay so the white emperor and their many ministars by the $$$millions every year ?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. @ RB

    Nation Building in progress lah, kotek. That's why they're after everyone's bread. Dun worry, more "surprises" akan datang...some little birdies "hinted" to me.

    OK, eveyone stop complaining. Give your money willingly, and with love. A Great Nation needs to be betterer that the bestest! We are Number 1...but strive and SACRIFICE to be better than Number 1.

    "Nation Building!" Singapore Uber Alles!

    Got Patriotism? 😛

  9. @ Virgo49 June 27, 2019 11:32 am
    //But the PAPIes with Trillion Debts will ahem don't know how to settle.Maybe have to consult Dotard Trump and print more Sin Dollars ��//

    Uncle Virgo49,

    What happened to your "Botaknomics"?

    "No Pa Kei"?

    To chk got any money printing over time just go see the change in M1 money supply lah..., tiok bor? (This is very basic economics knowledge any Econs student would know but not the air-level students who graduated from 2007 onwards? Why? Later will elaborate... But hint hint now... Heard about "TLLM - Teach Less Learn More"?)

    "Botaknomics" nvr "teach meh"?

    Talking about learning from DOTARD-nomics (and in particular money printing), from 2009 to 2014, under the US Fed QE1 to QE3 money printing operation to "save their banking system ", about US$4.5 trillions were printed?

    In 2010, the USD-SGD pair was at about 1.2?

    By 2014, the USD-SGD pair was at about 1.45?

    Alas, after printing USD4.5 trillions from 2009 to 2014, the USD appreciated against the SGD???

    Assuming other factors remain more or less the same (with some marginal variation), SHOULD it NOT be the other way round?

    As of now, the USD is at about 1.35 to the SGD?

    Considering that the US Fed printed USD4.5 trillions previously and has not been able to unwind much of it at all as of now?

    So one may have to look for other factors to account for this "phenomenon"?

    Mb capital flows?

    Got (learn) International, Public and Corporate Finance (under "TLLM or Botaknomics")?

    Ha ha ha ha ha...

    PS: Uncle Virgo49, go "consult" your "sifu", "founder of Botaknomics" why most if NOT ALL of the "air-level" students who (have sat for "air-level" Economics exam and) graduated from 2007 onwards DUNNO much (or anything) about M1 money supply etc, a very basic economics knowledge students prior to 2007 are mostly aware or heard of? Ask your "sifu" what he "did" to the economics syllabus under his "TLLM" when he was holding the fort? Can you imagine one whole generation of students from 2007 onwards mostly never heard or know what is M1 money supply? Including those who scored A aka distinction? Next time when u go to hospital for appointment and encounter a young MO 30-yo and below, they are the batch who had to take economics under the "TLLM" implemented by your "sifu". Go ask them about M1 money supply? See whether anyone of them know? If not, go outside and ask any young lawyers 30-yo and below also can. They also mostly took economics in their air-level. See whether they know? If dunno, ask why such basic economics knowledge but top straight As students in an entire generation (under "TLLM/ BOTAKNOMICS") DUNNO? Why? Why? Why?)

  10. @Virgo49 June 27, 2019 1:07 pm
    //See Botak (What's potential PM)//

    Where is Maltilda?

    Thought he expert in googling data (and info)?

    Mb he (is another economics ignoramus? and) also dunno much about M1 money supply (and how to google and read the data from 2009 to 2014/ 2018)?

    Think there is another blogger (in MSN) named "Frog" (who is quite good at digging and data analysis)?

    Mb he knows?

  11. China bans all meat and oil imports from Canada, after Boy PM of Canada went crying to Trump at the Whitemen House begging his Mafia Godfather for help.

  12. Repost from 2018 Heartland Sinkie :

    Post by Concerns of a Heartland Sinkie - Part 3
    As mentioned before, pls edict/ amend any error you may deem fit. Thank you.

    "Generally, wages in the labour market are determined in the below simplified algebraic equation:

    W = PeF(u,z)

    On the other hand, prices that producers charged to consumers can be determined by the following equation:

    P = (1+Tgst) (1+m)W

    Substituting the first equation into the second, we get:

    P = Pe(1+Tgst)(1+m)F(u,z)

    Further simplifying the factor “u” and converting it to output (Y) yields the following relation:

    P = Pe(1+Tgst)(1+m)F(1-Y/L, z)

    Given LHS is P (price level) & RHS contains Y (national output), this relation can be plotted in a Price Level – National Output space.

    At any given aggregate demand, when the term “Tgst” is increased, say eg from 7% to 9%, at each and every national output level, P would be higher translating to a decrease in the aggregate supply.

    Thus, the effect as shown (Mathematically) above implies that at a given aggregate demand, an increase in Tgst would lead to the double-whammy pernicious effects of a higher price level and a reduced national output."

    NB: Above formulations are “clobbered” together during lunch break hours (on 9 Mar 2018) amidst gobbling down of a take-way sandwich in a crowded “chairless” stand only tall tables eatery in town area. The “inspiration & motivation” (to “clobber” above-mentioned formulations) came from reading Uncle RB’s post while walking to buy a quick lunch. Thus, there may be oversight in the formulation. If there is any conceptual “discrepancy”, would humbly and highly appreciate any learned economist working near Uncle RB’s office in MBFC, RP or any Economics Professor teaching in the Unis to share their insights. Thank you so much in advance.
    Posted by Chua Chin Leng aka redbean at 4:45 pm
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    Virgo49 said...
    Hello Bro, your equation too cheem.

    All still cracking their heads to solve the Mathemtucial thesis.

    Wah, thought you clobbered this standing at the Tall Table where the Big Screen besides the Refreshments Kiosk at Monte Carlo eating B5 Bak Kua Unko Sandwich with egg/bak kua /Bak Hoo at RM9.00 to have this formula.

    The Groupier opposite gonna stare at you wishing you come and patronize his table as he feels bored staring into the Ceilings.

    March 10, 2018 7:20 pm"""""""""

  13. Repost from above 2018 post further comments:

    """""Anonymous said...
    "名义工资(nominal wages)


    March 10, 2018 7:27 pm
    Anonymous said...






    March 10, 2018 7:30 pm
    Anonymous said...


    March 10, 2018 7:33 pm
    Anonymous said...






    March 10, 2018 7:34 pm
    agongkia said...

    March 10, 2018 8:38 pm
    Heartland Sinkie said...
    Virgo49 March 10, 2018 7:20 pm
    ///Wah, thought you clobbered this standing at the Tall Table where the Big Screen besides the Refreshments Kiosk at Monte Carlo eating B5 Bak Kua Unko Sandwich with egg/bak kua /Bak Hoo at RM9.00 to have this formula.
    The Groupier opposite gonna stare at you wishing you come and patronize his table as he feels bored staring into the Ceilings. ///

    Uncle Virgo49,

    In the contrary, most of the time "any formulation" is done "in the closet" la ...

    As you rightfully observed, some pink panthers ... oops ... "groupiers" might not be opposite but over the shoulder then the formula "pigjia lobang" ...

    Heard about "closet sinkie"?

    Only yesterday (sacrificed la &) "clobbled" it at a public open area high table (instead of in a closet)... for the benefits of MSN readers with a "mathematical" perspective to the issue at hand ...

    It must be stated that this is done purely from an "academic" angle and definitely no intention to take side in other people's "verbal brawls" or "mud fights" as this heartland sinkie is neither paid $16,000 per month by taxpayers nor earning $xxx millions in salaries & bonuses etc at taxpayers expense, so it makes no sense to take side lor, tiok bor?

    It is done purely to add a mathematical perspective to the issue on hand for the consumption of MSN readers and mb sinkies at large.

    Life is not about white or black but almost 100% grey areas so let sinkies decide lah

    Pure Economics assume human beans are rational but in the real world, often many beans are not. For example, a simple blood test may cost abt $8 at a public clinic but some beans willingly pay a few hundreds at atas pte clinics which is almost 100 times more so modern economics founder Adam Smith's postulation that human beans are rational may be fundamentally flawed thus contributing to the current situation and a likely bigger crisis than the 2008 GFC in time to come ...?

    Despite modern technologies, information is (far) less than perfect and thus the party less informed often is at the short end?

    So within given limits in this instance, a pure academic exercise is carried out for the general consumption and as an alternative perspective.

    Going forward, the working space will be more likely "in a closet" than out in the open at Monte Carlo tall tables or otherwise ...


    March 10, 2018 9:06 pm""""""""""

  14. 👆wah... Uncle Virgo 49

    Your memory very good.

    Can remember exact previous post. 👏👏👏👏👏👍😸
