
China standing up to American gangsterism

The Americans must be taken aback by the firm and strong stand of the Chinese in taking them head on in the trade war, a punch with a counter punch. The Americans thought the Chinese are still pushovers like before, like the time when they blatantly struck the Chinese Embassy with 4 Tomahawk cruise missiles for no reason and the Chinese could not hit back after suffering damages and lost of lives to the unprovoked attack. The American gangsterism must be stopped and China has been in a hurry to stop these international gangsters from their bullying.

The trade war is only the beginning, tit for tat, every move with a counter move and more. China is not going to be bullied again. In the preparation to invade Iran, the Americans have warned all countries to stop trading with Iran. The Nato countries have ignored this sanction. Russia and China too refused to abide by this unilateral and illegal sanction against Iran. Both Russia and China have increased their purchases of Iranian oil to the ire of the Americans.

The Iranians have warned the Americans that they would attack American ships and military bases if the American gangsters strike. China did not stop at just saying no to the Americans. For the past decades, the Americans had intercepted Chinese merchant ships in high seas on fabricated charges and even boarded Chinese ships to check their cargoes. This too would not be allowed to happen again.

China has sent 100 warships to the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf, to protect their tankers and merchant ships from harassment by the Americans. The stage is set for a high sea confrontation between the PLAN and the American Navy. Chinese ships are strictly out of bound from the American gangsters and China is prepared to defend its rights for freedom of navigation.

Would the American gangsters dare to attempt to intercept Chinese ships again and provoke an open conflict in the Indian Ocean? A 100 warship presence in the Indian Ocean say the Chinese meant business and would react to any American hooliganism against their ships.

The Russians too are standing up to the Evil Empire in Syria and the Mediterranean Sea. It is conducting a big naval exercise and telling the Americans to get their warships out of the way or they would not be responsible for the consequences. And against the threat of the American Evil to protect the remnants of IS in Idlib, the Russian, Iranians and Syrians are mounting a final assault to rid Syria from American sponsored and backed terrorists once and for all.

The Persian Gulf and Syria could see the Americans triggering a major war with China and Russia any moment.


  1. Good morning. Very serious dangerous situation.

  2. If the US attacks Syria in order to prevent the collapse of the ISIS last stand at Idlib, the Middle East will see an escalation of war involving more countries.

    On the US side will be Israel and Saudi Arabia, UK and France.

    On the Syrian side will be Iran, Russia, China, Labanon and Palestine.

  3. Aiya, so simple.

    Just let the Iranians have the Chinese,Russian Arsenals and let them whacked the Americunts.

    Lend your knives to kill your enemies without having you shed a single drop of blood.

    Learn from Sun Tze or Lao Tse or Lau Fook Tse.


  4. Virgo Knn not so simple lar😭

  5. Titiana Ann XavierSeptember 14, 2018 9:24 am

    Trump the Thug's attempt to create a new world order is merely a tempest in a teapot. His trade war against China has backfired. Uncle Sam has invited China for a face-saving second round of talks to end the trade war. Regime change has floundered in Syria. Russia is backing President Assad to the hilt. India bought Iranian oil and her warship escorted the oil tanker back safely. Mao was right. Uncle Sam is a paper tiger. Traditional allies of Uncle Sam from Singapore to the Philippines to Taiwan, Japan, South Korea and Australia are left wondering and are beginning to push back. Trump the Thug is skipping ASEAN and Asia- Pacific Economic Co-operation summits in November. The Thug is beginning to realise that Asia supports free trade and globalisation.

  6. The US Armed Forces and the Japanese Imperial Army killed and murdered millions of innocent men, women and children all over the world.

    Now is the time to pay back.

    Mother Nature is helping to teach the murderers a lesson by letting them taste a piece of their medicine.

    Hurricane Florence, which is nearing the US East Coast, could kill "a lot of people", officials warn.

    The Federal Emergency Management Agency (Fema) says storm surges could bring catastrophic flooding to inland areas.

    Nearly 1.7m people along the coastlines of North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia have been ordered to evacuate.

    Strong winds and heavy rains have already begun lashing North Carolina's coastline, leading to some early flooding.

    Some 11,000 power outages had already been reported in the state."
    Reuters reports.

  7. @ the world is messy:

    When considering the Syrian Civil War---i.e. Assad vs a whole number of enemies, one must go beyond looking at the thing as USA vs Russia, now China is entering.

    Iran is Syria's closest ally. However Turkey and Saudia Arabia especially---who has made it clear they want Assad GONE FOREVER, have deep animosities toward Assad's Syria. The Civil War in Syria is a multi-sided fight, with changing dynamics and relationships. It is very complicated and cannot be reduced to simply USA vs Russia & China.

    China has yet to incur the wrath of the Islamic world on the matter that China is detaining 1 million or more Muslims in concentration camps and are "re-educating them" by using torture and forcing the Muslims to drink alcohol and eat pork. Keep an eye out for not only the global "humam rights" response, but to the blowback from the Islamic world, especially from their more "violent" defenders of "The Religion of Peace".

    When the world witnesses the first suicide bombing in a major Chinese city (bound to happen sooner or later, because that is the nature of violent Islam), you'll know that it is ALL ON. πŸ’€
    Xi is playing with fire here. Documented Chinese history shows that there has never been tensions with Chinese Muslims, in fact many of them were patriots and great military leaders. This latest move could unravel that harmony.

    Trump has doubled-down as a response to China's steadfastness over trade. Trump is preparedto goall the way to tax $500 billion worth of Chinese exports to the US with tarrifs. Despite ANGRY protests from the US business community, Trump is standing his ground and becoming even more defiant.

    It is clear that Trump is willing to sacrifice American prosperity to "get his way". Nearly everyone (especially wage earners) on the planet is going to be affected in some NEGATIVE way if Trump goes ahead.

    Commodity cuntries like Brazil, Russia, Australia, Canada and US are going to be hitt really badly, as their biggest customer is CHINA---who has been buying up all the stuff to feed their mind-boggling PRODUCTIVE CAPACITY---which is already in excess of demand. Their currency and stockmarkets have tanked...definitely not good signs and also not "favourable" to their position at the negotiating table...which will happen (again and again an again...).

    It'll probably come down to the two Big Dogs: Trump & Xi having a mano-a-mano (man to man) to hammer out a deal. In the meantime, we have to sit through a lot of POLITICAL THEATRE, where everyone has an opinion and everyone is trying to predict what's going to happen next....stock up on the kachang and beer...the show will be long.😡πŸ€ͺ

    Meanwhile, October is a mere 2 weeks away. That is usually the time markets like to CRASH. Who or what will be the trigger, to start the sell-off? All the signs are there---liquidity issues, rising US interest rates, unsustainable debt and defaults. My pet peeve are the EFTs....too much money there. If the market goes south, automatic triggers to SELL will all go off at once....who the fuck is going to buy all that stuff when its being unloaded and people are rushing for the EXITS...and maybe can't get out? Nasty stuff! 😱

  8. Titiana Ann XavierSeptember 14, 2018 10:52 am

    Trump The Thug's angry voices are hollow farts compared to China's multi-billion infrastructure expansion of the Belt and Road across West Africa. The Thug while away his time tweeting to cabinet members and intelligence operatives as he transformed the White House into an ATM for his family businesses. He is held in contempt by them. His support of a criminal war by Saudi Arabia against Yemen, the poorest and most ravaged nation on the planet also elicited condemnation by Human Rights organisations. Might makes right no longer valid as Uncle Sam is no longer the mightiest.

  9. Peddle Hai Kow Yew?September 14, 2018 11:11 am

    @ Virgo49 September 14, 2018 9:07 am
    //Aiya, so simple.//


    Isn't there an even more simpler trick?

    Learn NOT from Tsu Tze but the JLBs?

    Does "Hai Kow Yew" ring any (famiLEEr) tone?

  10. Look at it this way: They are all working together so everyone else buy more weapons and hence more commodities and raw materials.

  11. @Virgo 49

    U r rite. The Act of Gods shows no mercy to the treacherous & villains who leech & riped the common folks who r helpless. The UN security council r helpless & warned the fiflty rich people to help the starving people of the world as the world riches has more wealth than those starving people, a very unequal world is no excuse for help given to the poor.

  12. Titiana Ann XavierSeptember 14, 2018 2:08 pm

    Uncle Sam's exceptionalism is but a poorly disguised euphemism for hypocrisy. An international order built on hypocrisy benefits only those who lead it. Uncle Sam's allies and partners realised that. But it is unsustainable in the long run and eventually it crumbles. Russia and China refuse to embrace Uncle Sam's hegemony and they increasingly contest it. The confrontational approach of Trump The Thug against Russia, China and Iran have forced these countries to eschew over-reliance on the greenback for the settlement of trade transactions.

  13. The act of heaven on top will be even more powerful if all those people that the heaven on top don't like, just make a massive people die in sleep. Everyone will be so scared that they abolish all religion, follow ten commandments, no idols?

  14. 人在做, δΈŠθ‹εœ¨ηœ‹?September 14, 2018 2:48 pm

    @ Virgo49 September 14, 2018 12:00 pm
    //Karma and Old Heavens punishing the Evil Ones.//

    Incessant MRT breakdowns, trade wars, growing anti-globalisation sentiments, 9.5 Matland Tsunami, the unexpected resurrection of Tun M's political career and power, running out of options and the need to turn to more and more "Hai Kow Yew" tactics ...etc, are these also the "Bitches" sent by "Karma"?

    Sinkie Harapan happening?

    Thank goodness ...

  15. The unshakable truth is politicians don't believe in 'Karma'. In this world the universal religion is 'greed', and the universal doctrine is power from the barrel of a gun. Those with power will bully and take from the weak. That is the universal truth, everywhere.

    It is indeed depressing to talk about politics and to see the world getting ever more polarised and total destruction of mankind ever more imminent.

  16. Even when there is no Karma, the universal law of TAO, or even Murphy's Law or any civilization will have its nemesis or demise one day, the Hindu God of Destruction Shiva will come into action one day, all religions believe in the end of world & worse has yet to come with humans killing humans ( as seen in Mymmar, Cambodia..) , these r signs towards human destruction beside the Act of Gods, end of days r coming..except no one could predict exactly this date as the rich r migrating to other planets or outer space galactic travel for survival is eminent or the resurrection of the Noah`s Ark may come true again for human species to re-alive again, &the next species might dominate again the vicious cycle goes on till aeons & towards universe destruction one day..

  17. When the rich migrate to other planets, they will bring with them the same human failings. It is the super rich that is causing all the troubles on this planet.

    Where humans go, they still carry the same genes that say 'greed, jealousy and ego' is my religion. It is therefore repeating the same old life-cycle found on earth on other planets. Self destruction is the ultimate end.

  18. BEIRUT: Syrian military air defences downed several missiles that Israel fired in an act of "aggression" near Damascus airport on Saturday, Syrian state media said.

    An Israeli military spokeswoman said Israel does not comment on foreign reports.

    During the more than seven-year conflict in neighbouring Syria, Israel has grown deeply alarmed by the expanding clout of its arch enemy Iran - a key ally of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

    Israel's air force has struck scores of targets it describes as Iranian deployments or arms transfers to Lebanon's Iran-backed Hezbollah movement in the war.

    "Our air defence systems thwarted an Israeli missile aggression on Damascus International Airport," Syrian state news agency SANA cited a military source as saying.

    Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/world/syrian-state-media--air-defences-down-israeli-missiles-near-damascus-airport-10725508

    Why don't the Syrians and Iranians strike back at Israel when Israel is attacking them at will? If they dare not hit back, they are telling the Israelis that they can keep hitting them with impunity. Only when they are able and dare to hit back would the attack from Israel stop or leading to a major war. For the moment they are just punching bags to the Israelis aggression.

    The Iranians are threatening to hit back at the American warships in the Persia Gulf if they are attacked. Why not threaten to hit anything Americans if attacked? Weakness is an invitation to be whacked.
