
$million Ministers

Recently, Emeritus Senior Minister (ESM) Goh Chok Tong incurred the wrath of many Singaporeans by asserting that “ministers are not paid enough” and that it was “very populist” to demand ministerial pay be slashed. To rub salt into wound, he said he had tried unsuccessfully to get two from the private sector (one earning $5 million and the other earning $10 million a month) to be future ministers, before adding that people who can’t even earn $500,000 a year are not minister material and in fact “very mediocre”.   

Netizens predictably gave him a earful.  Not a few pointed to the new bunch of ministers across the Causeway in PM Mahathir’s Cabinet, who are “all taking less than 20k ringgit a month”. In particular, they cited DAP secretary-general and former Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, who in addition to being a double degree accountant, also has the distinction of being jailed twice for his political convictions (1987 & 1994) in a lengthy political career. Lim told the press that becoming a minister was something beyond his wildest dream, as must be any thoughts of snaring a big fat minister pay. No less inspiring was the example set by DAP MPs Tony Pua and Dr Ong Kian Ming who volunteered their “half-year, no pay” services to the Finance Ministry to help Lim settle in. Pua was an ASEAN scholar with a degree from Keble College, Oxford while Dr Ong was a Fulbright Scholar from Duke University (USA) with a degree in Economics from the London School of Economics.

Netizens said these are the people we need in government - people who are not in it for the money but for the spirit of public service.  They are right.  However, one must also not forget that Malaysia’s situation is vastly different from Singapore’s.  Malaysia is at the crossroads where the new government has the historic opportunity to lift the country from the morass to which it has sunk. The people are enthused and the leaders (and wannabe leaders) fired with a sense of mission to transform the country. They are at the same stage in which Singapore found itself back in 1965. The new dawn that Malaysians seek today is the survival that Singaporeans sought in our immediate independent years. In such ‘revolutionary’ situations, how much you are paid as a leader meant little to you.  

But two or three generations down the road, if Malaysia is successful and prosperous, it may not be so easy even for them to attract people into politics simply because that impetus for action will not be as urgent or great.  This was what happened to Singapore.  With security and survival no longer a pressing issue, the PAP realised that people were content to let the leaders carry on. Hence the PAP’s self-renewal process that focused (some would say over-focused) on remuneration as a key indicator of one’s qualification for high office. Kevin Lim’s article (“Politics is much more than just a contest at earning millions of dollars”, published in TOC, 5 Aug 2018) rightly asserted that “truly worthy politicians are either thrown up through very challenging circumstances or imbibed with years of high ideals to do something worthwhile for their countries”.  But ESM Goh was also not wrong when he said that “in peace and prosperity where there are no dragons to slay, personal aspirations, freedom, privacy and life-style take precedence”. These are very challenging times for Malaysians but if all goes well for Malaysia, a time may come when KL will have to pay their ministers Singapore salary to keep them in government or get people to join politics.


  1. ..u mean to say that Dotard Trump earning billions in his business but only take one dollar salary as President of Americunts a mediocre? or even China Leader Xi or Putin not getting millions salary r mediocre? Or even Aussie or British Premier r all medicre? Base on wat Lau Goa said he can't get these millions salary man into his cabinet Will cause him to get mediocre people into his team? Or r politicians r only interested of their own pockets rather the the country well being?

  2. 'one earning $5 million and the other earning $10 million a month...' unquote.

    Could one of them be the Jinx? Why would one earning $10 million a month give up this kind of salary to be a politician, notwithstanding the fact that he or she has to endure the fantastic drop in income, even with the already high ministerial pay. He would be insane. That is the fallacy of the example and argument that you have to pay sky high salaries just to attract million dollar earners into politics. It does not always follow that high income earners in the private sector will translate into good ministers. It is just a way of giving justification to Woody's pet mantra argument of paying sky high salaries to ministers that still does not go away.

    How is it possible for other countries to have good quality top leaders without having to break the bank to entice them into politics?

    On another note, why would Singaporeans need to have a minister that used to earn that kind of salary? He probably never understand the problem and anxiety of people trying to make ends meet.

  3. Lao Goh is definitely attracting wrong people into his cabinet that's why all Sinkies commoners r screws left right center. Does one high salary makes good politicians ? Or does lowly paid commoners make bad corrupted politicians ?

  4. Titiana Ann XavierSeptember 14, 2018 6:09 pm

    Football clubs pay millions to buy quality players. GCT put a price tag of more than half a million dollars for a minister of acceptable pedigree. It's outrageous. Government exists to serve the people. Unfortunately, the PAP has a different set of values. Cultivating spirituality, rejecting materialism, putting people first and making a difference to people's lives no longer count. 70% of voters have yet to realise that PAP ministers are a bunch of self-serving and greedy men/women who lack a conscience.

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  6. The Voters of Marine Parade are BODOHs as exclaimed by the Malaysian Voters.

    For that matter, Voters of all PAP constituencies are the same.

    Anwar Ibrahim said Must not be always S$$$$$ and cents and used your CoW's sense in choosing your MPs.

    LGE in Melaka fighting for justice for even the Malay Girl in their Community that even discriminated against them and even served jail sentence.

    Whereas MCA Ministers as the Ruling Govt spend their Official time having sexual scandals in hotels.

    The Difference between serving with hearts and for Monetary reasons.

  7. All these millions salary minions is because of You Asked For It - a self proclaimed natural alice2cat say one, no use lamenting only VTPAPO la.

  8. I think some successful but concerned citizens, who don't need the money, don't serve in Spore as politicians are:
    1. Don't want to be identified with the PAP, because million dollars pay is a mockery of public service and PAP has a party whip which means party interests above conviction & belief & citizenry interests when come to what really counts in Parliament; your voting. Really successful people don't want the monetary "bribe" to be a yes-man.
    2. If with Opposition, with the ISA, "sue until your pants drop" reality, and an unappreciative & brain-washed citizenry, spanners & obstacles from every possible angle, the price to pay is indeed very high.
    Citizenry needs to suffer so much until ready to vote otherwise.
    Its still time and chance; patience needed.

  9. Serve genuinely in spirit and in truth.
    Now Pappies have no spirit and no truth, only "money, money, money" just like the ABBA song.

  10. YES agreed, GCT is a shame. History and realities are confirming his great failures to Singaporeans.

  11. Past 25 years, mainly 2 kind of people serve as politicians in Singland:
    One group is those that love money and willing to say yes Sir, yes Sir.
    Another group really love Singapore & Singaporeans and are risk takers not very good with mathematics & probability.

  12. Old man with old ideas.. really huh.. guy earning 10 million per month will always earn that type of money..surgeon hands can get shaky.. trader's earnings come n go..where was hat's at ranking when he entered politics..what were the present cabinet ministers earning in their previous jobs.. what was Grace fu earning as an auditor in uob .. what was Wong kan seng's pay as a teacher.. why was gct tasked to headhunt 4g leaders.. look at all the rubbish he brought in during his time..gy of ceca fame.. wks of either he's here or not here fame..and mbt ..the guy who ramped up hdb prices by not building hdb units..so gct 's track record not so good le..

  13. For more than a decade Malaysia has been top choice for retirees from all over the World.
    Malaysians have just sacked their corrupted PM and his Khakinangs.
    They are to be charged and punished.

    Singaporeans are happy with their government and are most happy to reward their leeders with multimillions.


  14. Goh Chok Thong has not only overstayed his usefulness. He is using the kindness of those who supported him in the wrong way.

    With hind sight, it is clear that he is the one who has caused many problems for the people of Singapore.

    Many of his policies and schemes have backfired and the resultant negative consequences rest not on him but on the shoulders of the citizens. E.g. Asset Enhancement, Extreme Ministerial Salary, ERP, GST, COE, Foreign Talents, NKF Fiasco, etc.

    Many of his objectives / promises did not materialised, such as his shameless Swiss Standard of Living, Growing Old Graceefully, More Good Years, World Cup 2000, etc.

    With his latest outburst of "Ministers not paid enough", he will leave behind a legacy of SHAME AND DISGRACE.

    In reality, he did not and will never make a good Prime Minister. He was and still is a balls-carrier and a shrewd opportunist.

    The voters of Marine Parade must do the right thing, must do justice on behalf of all Singaporeans this coming General Election in 2019.

    What say YOU?

  15. /// ... tried unsuccessfully to get two from the private sector (one earning $5 million and the other earning $10 million a month) to be future ministers, ... ///

    these 2 don't want to join PAP
    - is it because of the salary OR is it because they don't like PAP's policies?

    If PAP invite you to join them;
    - do you dare to tell them you hate PAP's policies?
    - or you diplomatically tell them the salary is too low?

  16. There is an economic solution to Spore deeply entrenched political problem.
    Yet the root problem was not clearly identified.
    Root problem: The PAP govt is and has been a political MONOPOLY for too long and has been exercising this MONOPOLY POWER for themselves and into various non governmental areas eg GLCs ie businesses ie State capitalism for its party members n related people. This misuse has become extensive even when they are people without the relevant experience. This monopoly power resulted in extreme pricing for themselves for their "public" services. It resulted in extreme extraction of "money" or collections from the people.
    Solution: The need to introduce real political COMPETITION into the Parliament. There is a need to have at least 33% of Parliament seats in OPPOSITION parties to achieve:
    1. Bring down the PAP pricing of the services.
    2. Bring down the extraction of collections from the people.
    Its simple DEMAND & SUPPLY.
    Without the needed increase of supply of non PAP politicians in Parliament their outrageous pricing n collections n self appointments cannot be brought to more reasonable levels. They have been extracting monopolistic profits for themselves from the people.

  17. 30% has already been achieved in terms of votes but because of the lob-sided unfair representative system deviced deliberately by LKY, the one-third of opposing views to balance the PAP's exclusive dominance are not represented in the Parliament.

    Therefore, the target for Alternative Views to be represented in the Parliament should be 50% or more, not just 33%.

    That means, in order to get 33% elected representatives (not NMP) into Parliament, one must set the target to at least 50% of the votes.

  18. This is not GCT's first idotic outburst. Sometime in the past he chided Singaporeans who complained about the high ministerial salaries by suggesting that the financial impact borne by citizens was equivalent to "a plate of char kway teow" or something nonsensical like that.

    Not to be outdone, GCT's wife came out with her "pay peanuts get monkeys" statement during the National Kidney Foundation debacle when she decided to protect that asshole who was using donations to fund his lavish lifestyle---all this nonsense whilst unfortunate people were hanging by a very fine thread on to life because of kidney failure.

    By stating, very clearly, that people who earn $500k are "mediocre", GCT just INVALIDATED THE WORTH of social workers, community volunteers and everyone else who contributes to the commonwealth of the fucking nation and its society by their efforts and time for a whole lot LESS than 500k per annum, and are still able to provide for their families and raise their kids.

    Suffice to say Mr & Mrs GCT are INSENSITIVE and INSULTING---probably the type of people you would never invite over. They're just plain NASTY, and have resentment and CONTEMPT for people who fall short of their "metric" for judging/ evaluating the worth of people.

    I say, fuck these cunts. And I mean that in the most explicit and pejorative way---with extreme prejudice.

  19. 824am yes, its at least 33% of Parliament seats ie overall total votes for opposition must come close to 50% nationwide to achieve that. Its simple maths. In Spore with GRC system n detailed PAP manipulation of system, you are correct.

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  21. ...that being said

    High minister pay is a cultural fixture in Singapore politics. i.e. it is the prevailing trend. (A shout-out to all the trend following systematic traders out there)

    There are no new arguments to be made, for or against high state-executive renumeration....we've heard it all for 30 years already. Both sides say the same damn things. Both sides trying to prove themselves right and the other side wrong...in all this time not ONE single new point or idea. Same-o, same-o.

    Cultures are driven by trends. And cultures are very, very...extremely difficult to change. Politics emanates from culture. If you're a person who bets on trends, you can bet on this one. High govt salaries are likely to continue...despite all the complaints and displeasure expressed by the hapless voter.

  22. What were the views of Goh Keng Swee, Toh Chin Chye or David Marshall? President Sheares donated his President's pay to charity, I read this in the media. What was he trying to say without saying?

    What culture did these honourable men lived by? Were their culture different from the present culture of the natural aristocrats?

  23. @ RB

    >> Were their culture different from the present culture of the natural aristocrats? <<

    Of course lah. You must pay more attention lah redbean. Nowadays "honour" not so important anymore. You can do the most awful things, go viral on the internet, and earn a fortune in the process. Donald Trump is president and has the codes to nukes. DJ definitely has trophies of his success, but many people have had to write off losses because of this guy. Where's the honour? Nowadays... get your payday first..."honour", well it's a nice option or bonus...but not at the expense of the money.

    Modern Singapore culture is noticeably more "money-centric" (aka "materialistic") than father/ grandfather's time. Culture changes. And therefore so does politics and the political class.

  24. Yes, honour is not important in politics.

    When Tony Blair gave fake evidence to the world about WMD in Iraq, it gave credence to the US to oust Saddam Hussein. This dishonourable lie alone now makes Tony Blair no longer a credible mouthpiece of the British and nobody cares two hoots about his opinion on world affairs.

    On the other hand, Trump is reported to be lying at least 8 times a day and it is unaffecting his supporters. He cares little about honour and has made lying his hobby. No US presidents have been known to be so pathetic a liar as Trump on every topic. And he is so proud of his lying habit.
