
The Evil Empire threatening the International Criminal Court

According to Wikipedia, ‘The International Criminal Court (ICC or ICCt)[2] is an intergovernmental organization and international tribunal that sits in The Hague in the Netherlands. The ICC has the jurisdiction to prosecute individuals for the international crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes. The ICC is intended to complement existing national judicial systems and it may therefore only exercise its jurisdiction when certain conditions are met, such as when national courts are unwilling or unable to prosecute criminals or when the United Nations Security Council or individual states refer situations to the Court.’

This court has more credibility and support from the UN than the commercial private arbitration court that the Aquino govt used to judge the South China Sea island dispute. The American rogues are condemning this ICC as ‘unaccountable’ and ‘outright dangerous’ but told its little USAs to blare that the commercial court in the Hague was a UN linked court and its rulings must be abided by like a UN supported court. The little USAs happily accepted this edict from the Evil Empire and went shouting at China as told by the Evil Empire, only to kena slammed by China for their shameless stupidity.

The ICC has been directed to charge some American war criminals for war crimes and crimes against humanity in Afghanistan and the rogues in the US are furious. They are not only above the laws, above international laws, they even threatened to arrest and sanction judges and officials of the ICC ‘if it moves to charge any American who served in Afghanistan with war crimes’.

The gangster in John Bolton threatened, ‘If the court comes after us, Israel of other US allies, we will not sit quietly down.’ This is not all. He added, ‘We will bann its judges and prosecutors from entering the US. We will sanction their funds, in the US financial system, and we will prosecute them in the US criminal system.’

What do these arrogant brags said about the Evil Empire? They are above the laws and can be lawless and no one can do anything to them even if they commit war crimes or crimes against humanity. And more, the Americans would use ‘any means necessary to protect our citizens and those of our allies from unjust prosecution by this illegitimate court’. John Bolton is claiming that the ICC is illegitimate! The Americans would not allow any courts, like the ICC, to ‘have higher authority than the US Constitution and US sovereignty’.

Compare this to the silly countries that allowed the American courts to impose its will and laws onto them, violating these countries’ sovereignty and constitution. And these silly countries could not see any wrong with it and obediently do what the American courts told them to, like the Najib case, the seizing of his boat in Indonesia.

The rogues in Washington has told the whole world in defiance that they do not come under any law or jurisdiction of any international organisation but expect others to do so and to come under the jurisdiction and laws of the Evil Empire.

Anything wrong with this? Should the rest of the world accept this state of affair dictated by the Evil Empire? The Evil Empire had made use of the ICC and other UN and non UN agencies to incriminate other people of war crimes and crimes against humanity that are of very insignificant scale compare to the hundreds of thousands or millions killed by the American forces and their cronies. Now the Americans said no one is allowed to charge them for war crimes or crimes against humanity, even their chosen agencies, agencies they made use to do the same thing.


  1. What the Trump Administration's message to the rest of the World is "Nobody can touch the USA because we are the only Supetpower. What can you do to us?" In other words, no laws can touch the US citizens even though they may commit heinous crimes.

  2. This is a Lawless Wong oops WorldSeptember 13, 2018 8:58 am

    After WW2, the League of Nation established after WW1 was replaced with the UN ...

    Many transnational institutions were established after WW2 as some form of international institutions to enforce law and order in the international relations aka jungle ...

    Whether international or domestic, a "booLEE" is a "booLEE"?

    The "LAW" only applies if they are used on others?

    In other words, what international institutions?

    They only apply to the weaklings and developing countries like those in Africa and South Asia?

    Similarly, laws only apply to the dafts?

    When they are winning and on the right side, they say the law is sacrosanct?

    Otherwise, to hell with the laws?

    Historically, in ancient China, the Empire that used the laws the most was Qin Dynasty. It was also the shortest and before the boys pubic hair were fully developed, the Qin Empire crumpled and crashed le.

    Perhaps SHAMboLEE could be making the same mistake as Emperor Qin and Premier Li Si?

    EveLEEthing also law, law, law?

    But they are having another even bigger mistake?

    Worst than Emperor Qin and Premier Li Si?

  3. Titiana Ann XavierSeptember 13, 2018 9:05 am

    Uncle Sam is behaving like a thug. By threatening the ICC, it has acted in bad faith and against the rule of law which it always supports if it is to its advantage. At the rate Uncle Sam is abusing its power, the UN will soon disintegrate like the former League of Nations. The UN comprises families of diverse nations. Uncle Sam is the black-sheep of the families. Its conduct is atrocious and it will lose the respect of many nations. Trump will soon find himself becoming an international outcast or an international pariah.

  4. Uncle sam has to behave like a thug. Many years ago, they invested heavily in Uncle sino thinking that sino will friend them rather than russie. Unfortunately, sino grew very ambitious and continue to friend russie and want to down democracy and up dictatorship. And so Uncle sam is angry now.

  5. @ anti-America

    Before you can criticise the USA for being certain ways, you have to understand (but not necessarily agree) what America is about, and why American Exceptionalism is a "valid" doctrine.

    Lucky, the internet is resource rich with arguments for and against the US always either taking the lead, or going solo. Anyway the arguments, opinions and facts are there for your perusal. As Charlie Munger says: "If you can't argue from both sides of an issue, you really don't understand what you're talking about"

    I will highlight just one of many points supporting the American case for Exceptionalism: America doesn't consider any individual or state or organisation "worthy enough" to judge what America does. America is a free country where every individual has "inalienable rights protected in LAW" and as a result has multiple INDEPENDANT instituttions to police the American State apparatus.

    Now I will offer a counter:
    Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
    English: "Who is going to guard the guards themselves?"...which is the obvious question to counter any agency who proclaims itself to be "superior" to all else. Then, how is the rest of the world going to stop or interdict the US if the US is clearly doing something wrong which impacts the lives of other sovereign states?

    Notice that Bolton's threats to the international "justice" (so-called,c'mon we all know it has a high degree of bullshit in it) system comes at a time where the sitting US President is clearly not an internationalist.

    These threats were not made during Obama, Bush II or Clinton...because they were "more cordial" and polite to (especially) the overpaid UNELECTED fat-cats running the EU from their super-luxurious feudal headquarters in Brussels---TAX FREE, whilst the rest of the EU citizens are routinely bled by high taxes. (PAP ministers: the EU parliament members eat, dress, party better than you. Lift your game. Demand more money! ๐Ÿคฃ So poor-thing leh)

    The Euros HATE DJ Trump That's why Bolton is bullying them. He predicts that the justice system (predominantly European) is going to be BIASED (as to be expected) against the US.

    And so, we are going to be entertained by more comedy!

  6. There was a time when the US used all these world bodies like the UN, WTO, ICC, TPP etc to further their agenda. They now think all these world bodies are irrelevant to their cause and are out to wreck havoc against the whole world without being taken to task through those bodies.

    Not that they care two hoots about such bodies in the pase, but they still had the bigger voice with their monetary contributions and hence a bigger clout in decision making.

    Now the total control of such world bodies does not rest entirely on the US. There are more dissenting voices, like China and Russia to boot. Most UN members, for example, does not buy into US arguments about sending troops into countries the US deems not towing the line, after the fabricated evidence of WMD in Iraq. The real objective then was to remove Saddam Hussein because he was planning to trade oil using another currency other than US$, which was an affront on those elites who control the US.

    If China had no nuclear deterrents and military capabilities today, the US would probably be thinking of taking out Xi, because of his Petroyuan policy, which though not a big deal in world trade today, is gaining traction and may be a cause for concern to the US further down the road in tandem with the Belt and Road initiative and its foray in Africa and South America.

    That is why there is so much negative comments and the spread of the fear propaganda about the issue of countries being indebted to China and that China is taking over these countries.

    They are also making a big effort to discredit the US$60 billion aid to Africa over the next couple of years. They know such aid for infrastructure developments will pull Africa out of much of its poverty and give credit to China for doing so, while the idea of the West of giving aid is to export their war machineries to be used by rival factions fighting each other, in conflicts initiated by the CIA.

  7. Trump has many non American fans all over the world. I attended a East Coast condo poolside barbeque a month ago. At least 3 guys and one chick---from the medical and Forex/ managed futures industries---were wearing MAGA hats (Make America Great Again) at the soiree. So even in Singapore, there are DJ fans who blatantly announce their "devotion" ๐Ÿ™„

    And from around the world...

    Indian Trump Fans

    Chinese Trump Fans

    Asian Trump Fans

    UK Trump Fans

  8. There is no such thing as exceptionalism. Every country, family and individual is special, therefore, exceptional.

    To make long story short, the US coined the term Exceptionalism in order to use it as an EXCUSE to justify all the crimes, sins, disagreements they have committed or going to commit, especially on:

    1. Use of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons.

    2. Invading another country.

    3. Genocides - massacres through mass bombings, drones and missiles.

    4. Atrocities and cruelty committed by its military.

    5. Regime change as and when it seems fit.

    6. CIA's covert and irregular operations in homeland and overseas.

    7. Intrusions and incursions into other countries' land, air and sea without need to ask permission.

    8. Domination over territories, air space and oceans with impunity.

    There is nothing else to try to understand. All the other arguments are bullshits.

    A thief is a thief, a gangster is a gangster, a maffia is a maffia, no matter how he disguise himself. Only fools get blinded and confused.

  9. @930 -These threats were not made during Obama, Bush II or Clinton...because they were "more cordial" and polite to (especially) the overpaid UNELECTED fat-cats running the EU.

    So much blood has been sacrificed for democracy, we cannot wait for the unelected dictators, especially EU, to be completely wiped out. The world needs more democracy not dictatorship.

  10. @ 1006 Merdeka Singapore

    As I previously mentioned: you can't make a decent argument if you don't understand both sides, and the FACTS.

    >>To make long story short, the US coined the term Exceptionalism in order to use it as an EXCUSE to justify all the crimes, sins, disagreements they have committed or going to commit,  <<

    Actually it is not a long story. (Get your damn facts straight, mate)

    It was Stalin who coined the phrase "American Exceptionalism" back in the 1920s...and as communist as he was, he used the term in POSITIVE sense. (duh...look it up). Other writers like Alex de Tocqueville and Oscar Wilde made similar commentary.

    Thus the idea itself is not new. People around the world were AMAZED that this new cuntry evolved to be so rich and successful being built on the unheard principles of individual rights, freedom and liberty, and a government formed to secure those rights, whilst itself being CONSTRAINED so that it wouldn't trample on the rights of any individual. (OK, it didn't turn out perfectly...but still, it's not bad! Better than any cuntry before America...and since)

    "Exceptionalism", the idea came FIRST. The bad stuff came LATER. The idea of Exceptionalism, the original idea, was anchored in positivity and good wishes, because of the unique nature of America's founding.

    Now, American Exceptionalism has a bad reputation to people who are not American.

  11. >> Every country, family and individual is special, therefore, exceptional.<<

    That is clearly FALSE.

    Every cuntry was occupied by different peoples throught history. Whomever are now "citizens" are just the present iteration of the occupying race/ tribe/ culture.

    Every family and individual are clearly NOT EXCEPTIONAL. To be EXCEPTIONAL one has to ACHIEVE exceptional things, and if we're lucky, each of us have 80+ years to achieve those things. They require goal-directed action, among other things, and a whole heap of LUCK.

    No one is so "special" they cannot be, and eventually will be REPLACED. Human species, like all other surviving species has "built in redundancies" so that our fates and risks are DISTRIBUTED and thus don't rely on "special individuals" for our collective survival and success.

  12. Titiana Ann XavierSeptember 13, 2018 12:12 pm

    Uncle Sam is all about double standards. It feels it can muscle its way and prove that might is right. The Russians just launched its biggest military exercise involving 300 000 men. 3000 PLA soldiers joined them. The Commies are sending a strong message to NATO; "Don't mess with us". Trump The Thug is dumbstruck by the sheer magnitude of the military exercise conducted by the Commies. WW3 may be imminent.

  13. One after another natural disasters has Benn causing havoc recently in the US.

    US East Coast residents are running out of time to flee before Hurricane Florence hits the region as soon as Thursday evening, officials warn.

    The storm was downgraded to category three with maximum sustained winds of 120mph (195km/h), but officials say it is still "extremely dangerous".

    Up to 1.7 million people have been ordered to evacuate across South Carolina, North Carolina and Virginia.

    Four South Carolina motorways have been diverted one-way to speed the exodus.

    On Wednesday, Georgia declared a state of emergency, following the Carolinas, Virginia, Maryland and Washington DC.


  14. Maga is going after the Japan car industry soon. So much for the alliance. Japan and China going normal soon. Surprised no united Korean leaders presence at the east Asia meeting.

    Japan also how see the wind blows? USA is taking on the it's security allies on the trade front n hopefully ruin their economies.

  15. Looming cars tariffs to be imposed by maga against Germany n Japan would be economic disaster to them. USA economic power is gaining momentum but currencies in emerging markets crashing. Trade war is all US needs not military. Eastern 300,000 armies would not stop the economical and currency onslaught n carnage that destroy value of assets n livelihoods s American to Asia.

  16. @110

    This is the downside to populist movements.

    In democracy, sometimes The People are unaware or underestimate the negative "externalities" of their choices.

    The People fgeel they've been "cheated" by globalisation. So they rally and vote in a hard-line anti-globalist, who then proceed to dismantle trade and security treaties made in good faith (or not for e.g. CECA), and impose economic nationalism...meaning the govt will use its absolute territorial powers to interdict any threat to the domestic/ economy and the commonwealth of the people. It is hoped that by these measures, The People will get job security and real wages, and equitable economic growth back...like the "good old days".

    But that is unlikely to happen. What will probably happen are trade wars, where cuntries all close ranks to protect their "national interests" without regard for "quid prop quo" with other cuntries in terms of posirive trade leading to better lives (overall) in both parties...despite some people losing their jobs or the bottom and middle tier wage stagnation.

    At the end of the day if the exporters/ importers cannot pass on the cost of the tariffs to the consumer, they go out of business and jobs are lost. The consumer is also worse off because his dollar doesn't have the CHOICE anymore because imports are unfairly taxed or regulated, making them more expensive.

  17. USA is such a super economic power it spent 3 trillion $ to fight a war in Afghanistan. A bankrupt nation trying to win a trade war is a nation don't know how to die lah.

  18. Titiana Ann XavierSeptember 13, 2018 3:31 pm

    The POTUS erred significantly when he claimed "Trade wars...easy to win". Obviously he underestimated his foes. Trumponics while aimed at China ended up pitting Uncle Sam against Europe, Canada and Mexico. Japan and South Korea are likely to be on Trump's hit list too. Trump is forced to bail out his farmers and other industries devastated by China-related tax hikes. The money will likely be borrowed from China. Trump the Thug has created a circular firing squad causing self-inflicted injuries. Meanwhile, China has gone ahead to engage Africa. Its African trade is already 4 times greater than with Uncle Sam and still counting. Come 2020, Americans may need to vote for a president who grasps basic economics.

  19. Titiana Ann XavierSeptember 13, 2018 3:56 pm

    Just Sharing.

    Rob Seimetz's definition of a "Shithole" country.

    "Among industrialised nations, the United States enjoys the highest poverty rate, both generally and for children; the greatest inequality of incomes; the lowest government spending as a percentage of GDP on social programs for the disadvantaged; lowest number of days of paid holiday, annual leaves, and maternity leaves; second lowest social mobility rate; highest infant mortality rate; highest prevalence of mental-health problems; highest obesity rate; and the highest consumption of anti-depressants per capita. The U.S. has the third-shortest life expectancy at birth; the largest international arms sales; largest military budget; third-lowest scores for student performance in math and science; second highest high school drop-out rate; highest homicide rate; and the largest prison population in the world".

  20. RB, Ah Loong partial disclosure on his puppies bonuses is an interesting topic. Half truths & fake is becoming a habit...Indian become Malay, GST helps poor, cardboards for exercise, higher costs is good for you, OTC not 1st Elected President, GCT we are under paid, Not my brother, carpark fees for teachers mine $1, etc.
    WP, Leon should press on for full disclosure.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. The Truth/Fake, The Whole Truth/Fake, Nothing But The Truth/Fake?

    "Fair is foul, foul is fair." MacBeth, William Shakespeare.

    The $770,000 bonus is only one disclosure - partial truth. Not the whole truth.

    There are 4 different types of bonuses/allowances. That disclosure is only two bonuses combined - i.e. MAC's recommended bonus and GDP Performance bonus (averaged out over last 3 years - 2015 to 2017). The other two allowances (variable personal allowance and secret loyalty allowance) are excluded.

    Moreover, he also have MP's Monthly Allowance like other MPs. In addition, as PM he gets extra expense allowance for his GRC Constituency.

    He also gets an Allowance as PAP Secretary-General from PAP.

    Also being Chairman of People's Association, he gets paid an Allowance plus Annual Bonus. Amount is secret.

    As Chairman of GIC, he gets a salary plus Annual Bonus. Amount is secret.

    His father's and mother's Law firm now belongs to him. How much do you think he gets every month? Plus annual bonus and dividends?

    Now, get your calculator and make a conservative estimate.

    The answer is only one word:


    P/S: Dont take my words too seriously. Use your own brain.

  23. Flabbergasted and indignant on the Appalling treatment of oldiesSeptember 13, 2018 8:50 pm

    (Young) BRO Virgo49,

    The problem with might aka power is that things can be done not mark to market in eCUNTnomic term; in political term might is right?

    Thus, the DAFT being hapless and helpless are treated "badly" and at the wrong end of the bargain or social compact?

    In healthcare, freshies or inexperienced doctors are put in charge of oldies care in so calles cheapest or class see wards, to learn the rope, (aka oldies become "white mices or guinea pigs")?

    At every single hospitalisation almost without fail, large amount of blood (often in relatively large tube??? For what?) are taken from oldies for one test after another and often than not inconclusive results?

    But the oldies have to foot the bills "for guinea pig type of experimentation" done on them by newbies so that they can learn the ropes and branch out into private practices?

    How many have already taken place? Lost count?

    One big anomaly is that the oldies are still charged relatively high fees to let the newbies "experiment on them", at their risks and costs?

    Was in a downtown public hospital eatery a few months back and heard a family talking about one of their family members who was warded.

    One family member likely the patient's son in his 30s commented after hearing the diagnosis so far and the latest condition of their hoapitalised kin:


    This young chap seems to have "hit the nail on its head" spot on?

    Indeed after going through huge suffering and kena extracted "a lot of blood" during their hospitalisation, the newbies standard as exclaimed by the young man could be the "HARDTRUTH"? The "SPADE"? The "Hai Kow Yew"?

    Sinkies arguably could be the most badly "ill-treated" citizens in the whole universe?


    NS for sinkies, (lucrative) jobs for foreigners?

    In camp for sinkies, opportunities for foreigners?

    GST helps the poor?

    Make and break promises after promises like Goal 2010, Swiss Living Std, with u and for u only in RHETORIC and election "Hai Kow Yew" slogans?

    Oldies even at 70+ yo are still forced to do menial work and barely enough ro get by?

    Now, perhaps the young chap comment is not only about "LOUSY" medical skills/ practices but everything else done by SHAMboLEE?



    Under SHAMboLEE regime, oldies are just jiak ba tan see?


  24. Amendment:

    MAC's replace with NWC's.
    (Stupid AUTO CORRECT function instead of CORRECTING, makes more unwarranted MISTAKES).

  25. Stress test by most inept JLBs is complete and the conclusion is system is ready for opposition?September 13, 2018 10:06 pm

    @ Merdeka Singapore!September 13, 2018 9:03 pm

    MAC's replace with NWC's.
    (Stupid AUTO CORRECT function instead of CORRECTING, makes more unwarranted MISTAKES).<<<<<

    Exactly, garbrament supposed make society better but instead made it worst?

    Moral of story:?

    According to Dr Li Sheng Wu, in his eulogy on 29 Mar 2015, he said the greatest asset left behind are the institutions ...

    Means sinkieland ready for opposition?

    If the most incompetent and JLB SHAMboLEE cannot crash the system, it means the stress test is complete and the institutionalised sys is ready for an oppo?

  26. Did not someone said want to jail people creating fake news or half truths?

  27. Were the WP MPs so stupid to ask questions that demanded half truths, or the questions asked were about the whole truth but the answers were about half truths?

  28. 10.23 pm anon very funny leh๐Ÿ˜€

  29. Let's see if any country, big or small, dares to tell the democratic US Administration to obey the law.

  30. Got one tiny USA with leaders who are in their egoistic habit of punching above their tiny weight may want do it. But against the Evil Empire, these big ego arrogant tiny weighters' balls will shrink until their tiny weight also gone.

  31. 4.05am, be careful not to be too clear in your comment as u may anger u someone, then Kena invited to lim Kopi and detained then Kena sodomized by African Tua Kee till Canon walk properly for few months hor๐Ÿ˜

  32. To inspire people to inspire themselves. That is my job.

    The very first thing you must, yes must, not should or would, inspire yourself is to know how to think - quality thinking - not anyhow think.

    What quality thinking is not?

    It is not about how you are able to win a debate or how many times you have won an argument.

    It is not about how many times you can score points with your boss or wife.

    It is definitely not about how well your have scored in your exams.

    It is not about how much you earned or how much you have been paid. E.g. if you are not paid $500,000, you are mediocre. No, not like that. How much you are paid shows only how much the organisation that you work in desire you. Salary (money) does not even measure your real worth. You may not be worth that much, but your boss is willing to keep pay you so much in order to keep you in his organisation so that you will keep your mouth shut (because you happen to know his secrets).

    Then what is quality thinking?

  33. 6.42am anon, alamak after reading your Long post u never gave your answer. So u asked me I ask who Knn Tio bo?

  34. I give you two clues:

