
What is a Rogue Empire?

This phrase is quite familiar and similar to what is a rogue govt. A Rogue Empire will never tell you that it is rogue. In fact it would tell you they are angels of God, out to do good, to protect you, to save you, you needed them for your own good while they eat your lunch.

After being fed a life time by western media, believing in the Americans and the West as the saviours of human kind, the white gods, is understandable. The glory of the Americans has its roots in the victory over evil Germany and Japan and the rebuilding of Europe with the Marshall Plan for Europeans, and a new world order that allowed the rest of the world to have peace and stability to rebuild themselves. The peace was not that the Americans willed it but there were no evil Japan and Germany to want to conquer the world. The Americans were in fact conducting another war with the Communist bloc, the Cold War. When this war ended, the Americans continue with more wars in Korea, Vietnam and the Middle East.

The Americans today are living on these past glories and nothing more. Since then, they have been engrossed in building and preserving their Empire by building military bases all over the world and oppressing and destroying any country that did not bow to the will of the Empire like Korea, Vietnam and the Arab countries.

They waved the flags of freedom, international responsibility and rule of law but violated every one of these ideals in the interests of the Empire. They conducted tens of regime change, destabilized countries, invasion, conducting wars, and creating instability all over the world using these as justifications.

In the name of freedom and international responsibility, they have invaded countries and destroyed the lives of many people since the end of WW2. In the name of rule of law, they have violated all the international laws to dominate the world. They ignored these laws and would not be bound by these laws but used these laws to threaten and bully other nation states. They talked about saving the world but would not rectify the Paris Climate Change agreements. They talked about respecting international laws but would not rectify UNCLOS. They talked about being responsible international citizens but created all kinds of fake excuses to invade countries, support and breeding terrorist organizations.

They talked about free trade but killed the TPP, a supposedly trade pact for free trade at least within the pact countries and turned towards an isolationist trade policy. In the name of peace they started wars in all corners of the world.

The Americans break all international laws, they are above the laws, they are lawless, they are the outlaws. They expect all countries to observe international norms and laws except themselves, and elevated themselves as the Number One International Outlaw.
This is what a Rogue Empire is all about. They used all kinds of laws to bully other nation states, twisted the interpretation of laws to their own interest. Used the rule of law and international organizations to threaten and attack other nation states.

Think about it. Remove your blinkers and call a spade a spade. A Rogue Empire is a Rogue Empire. Their only reason to exist is to protect the Empire, to rule the world by destabilizing the world to support their only industry, the war industry and their war machine. They have nothing else useful to contribute to the world. They needed a chaotic world to divide the world for world supremacy, to justify the US$600 billion budget and more than 1000 military bases around the world.

This is as stark and as real as you can get, The USA is a Rogue Empire.


  1. Uncle RB, who cares the UAssh Rogue Govt or Rogue Empire?
    In Sinkieland, we have the white Rogue Party that is the worse in the world with their out of this world pay & achieve mediocre economic results compared to its region. What more? This white angels claimed that they r the only ones to solves Sillyporeans every issues from cradle to grave..their solutions r simple just resolve it by foreign imports & they claimed these FTs create jobs for the Sillyporeans..furthermore it gave discount to its new members while the old members r neglected or forgotten. Every elections these white angels r being re elected every elections & the dafts Sinkies loved n adored these whites angels as though its their Gods..these whites Gods set rules & changes goalposts to suit their agenda but the dafts Sinkies still worship them ...u c these whites angels can be tell the big powers to follow law & they r even enshrined by the Rogue Empire with naval bases at its homeland ready to strike ..

  2. "America is now a dangerous nation" - Financial Times headline yesterday!

    The president may exploit an overseas conflict to distract from problems at home, FT says.

    "The claim that America is a “threat to world peace” has been a staple of Russian and Iranian propaganda for many years. For believers in the western alliance, it is painful to acknowledge that there is now some truth to this idea. Under Donald Trump, America looks like a dangerous nation. Over the past week, Mr Trump has indulged in nuclear brinkmanship in North Korea, issued vague threats of military action in Venezuela and flirted with white supremacists at home.

  3. They conducted tens of regime change, destabilized countries, invasion, conducting wars, and creating instability all over the world using these as justifications.

    But why the rogue empire cannot or don't want to change the PAP regime in Sinkieland? Or in North Korea?

    So do not blame the rogue empire for changing regimes or creating wars because such countries also do not deserve to have peace and stability.

  4. Rogue empires will use rogue and crooked arguments and actions to get their way.

    What suits their agenda they will clamour to have it, and control it, like using the UN, IMF, S & P etc.

    What does not suit their agenda they will cook up all kinds of fake news to justify pulling out, like TPP, or cook up fake evidence to start a war, as in Iraq.

    And of course, Rogue empires are always rooting for war. War is good for them because they are always the strongest, war is good for their weapons industry, war is an opportunity for them to put out those who oppose them for good, war is good for them to seize their enemies' territories, oilfields, assets and expand their military empire to start more wars.

  5. A rogue empire will not tell you it is rogue. You will have to find out yourself, look at the things the rogue is doing. The answer will not be served on a silver platter. If you do not want to think, the rogue empire will make you think they are angels even when they are doing all kinds of evil things.

  6. Kaypoh InvestigatorAugust 15, 2017 11:02 am

    R = Repressive
    O = Oppressive
    G = Grusome
    U = Unreasonable
    E = Extremist

    A ROGUE Government, Regime or Empire means a government, regime or empire that is Repressively, Oppressively, Gruesomely and Unreasonably Extreme in all its dealings and endeavours.

  7. US is used to uproot any leader not talking the same tone with it. Its big money to be rogue nation leader. Hillary gave a single speech at Goldman sachs on Builders and Innovators. She got USD$225k for the few hours. According to CNN money, she got USD153millions as of 2015. Bush got into toppling Iraq and Libya. Obama withdrew the losing war from Iraq. Trump withdraw from the supporting IsIs at Syria, Iraq borders. Rogue nation cannot win.

    When Putin bombed IsIs oil traders selling cheap oil to Turkey, Obama was angry. Turkey played it up. Putin back down from shooting Turkey planes when the latter shot down a Russian war plane.
    One can see the power play among these adults.
    1. Big one will topple the small one like Iraq Libya. Big one will not fight big one.
    2. Big one will finance and provide weapons to be subversive forces such as IsIs to topple small one like Syria.
    3. Big one will stage a Tribunal to declare another big one s ownership of sea islands as illegal. Unrelated small ones would come out to support the scammed Tribunal as came from Hague proper court of justice to stir up arguement.

    These are big one pushing another big one. They never fight directly.

    2017 has different story. Trump pushed the small one Kim down. He ask UN to tell China not to buy coal, iron ore, fish etc from Kim. China complied. Trump further sent big shots to stand at 38 degree lines to look at Kim s hilly mountains.

    Kim eventually showed Trump it can send 4 missiles enveloping Guam island dropping bombs at its coasts NESW directions. No way to run. Guam residents felt Kim.

    Today 15th Kim received congratulations from Putin. It noted Red army and NK resistance forces fought Japanese Invaders. Russia and NK Workers party will continue to cooperate. Note this last sentence.

    The world has shifted from a single US rogue nation to a polarized several nations. NK standing on its own feet without needing to hide behind some big nations to talk to US.

    NK Kim is different from Sadam. If Kim did not learn from Sadam s bad experience, he would have given up the nuke. His hope some big nations will be merciful to his kingdom will not come true. Which big nation helped Sadam?

    But if Kim shows his own power to fight with Rogue nation, Russia Putin is ready to land a hand it seems. Putin has proven to Assad. Kim had ordered his army missile unit to be 24hr standby. To wait for Workers Party s order.

    A Rogue nation in 2017 is not easy to cheat. Can still cheat by showing fleets? tonight fight? Most watchers think Trump dare not. Stock markets say so. Rogue empire will be old story when it dare not to take NK for a war.

  8. àThe Path of the Universe always goes in the correct direction.

    Not to worry, Karma is now at America's door. The Americans themselves are going to destroy themselves.

    See everyday you ram me and I ram you. Trump gonna expend all his energies putting out the fires burning in his own homeland.

    The saying He who lives by the Gun shall die by the guns is very apt.

    North Korea now have a more worthwhile target on the USA rather than on the South.

    Kim is giving the Americans nightmares with his rhetoric threats on giving them a Necukear present.

    Any false move by the Americans will be met with devastation.

    The North will spearhead their attacks by conventional means to the South.
    After all its our same countrymen and we DONT want to destroy too much for our booty.

    The North in wayang with China may have a secret pact to fight the Americans.

    likewise the Chinese and the Russians

    For they knew they be next with the American allies and stooges.

    Let the fireworks begin and it fair all start again at the starting line.

    All fair and square for all living in squatters or Sentosa Cove bungalows.

  9. US secretary of state said all options are on table when took over. Recently he said US was not seeking regime change. Defense minster said If NK fires missile its "game on". Indirectly he is saying US is not firing missiles or pulling triggers.

    The fight tonight Harris has no words to warn Kim. Sounded like mouth being sealed. Abe kept quiet but said he would protect his people. What about the smallest country supporting US? Never promise to help US when at war with NK. Australia said it will.

    In US NK is the rogue nation. In Asia, most agree US is a bluff. In stand off with China, the 3 fleets quiet sailed off. If not, they could be sunk in the small sea called South China sea.

    Currently, Guam is the target openly told to US. Do these leaders go to Guam to show force? None bother or dare to. Do they pull the triggers to start war at Korea? None dare to.

    US if dare to have war with NK, they will first send off or evacuate its 23k citizens living in SK. If there is no sign, there is no war and share markets continue to climb.

    Rogue nation gets things done through bluff and cheat. Sometimes later, the least informed North Koreans get used to it. They are not scare of the bluff. No action to fight them is as good as nothing will happen to them. Kim may have the ambition to chase US out of SK. Rogue nation has to take responsibility for yearly having big mass of manpower with weapons to threaten the North. What are they gonna do this year? Will Kim take it quietly?
    War with North is inescapable as long as the yearly threat to the North is not stopped.


  10. Rogue, immoral and evil.
    These are nature of mankind.
    Even the cunning foxes are too far away for comparison.
    Nothing can be more evil than mankind as can be seen, he/she is maketh so.

    Anyway, war to attain supremacy is just one method.
    What most does not see is the more subtle but more effective method of brainwashing or indoctrination.

    No need to wonder why many Nkn-whites succumbed to supporting rogue nation and rogue regime.
    Propaganda are use to brainwash and nothing is more effective than the Uses of Faiths and Cultures. These Two Factors are more effective than war.
    They can make many into Bananas and the Bananas are ready to be consumed.
    Religion is the Greatest Converter, it gets the Converted completely consumed.
    Next, comes Culture in the Forms of Language and All Other Aspects of Behaviour.
    Once a person cuts off his/her root and assumes an alien culture, he/she is converted and consumed.

    End of the Day, the World is dominated by Humans because the Species is sufficiently evil to rid the Other Species.
    whence other species are no more in contention, the Human Species shall have to take on their very own Species for competition

    Humans are made to compete on good and on bad by nature, whether You like it or not.



  11. Rogue, immoral and evil.
    These are nature of mankind.
    Even the cunning foxes are too far away for comparison.
    Nothing can be more evil than mankind as can be seen, he/she is maketh so.

    Anyway, war to attain supremacy is just one method.
    What most does not see is the more subtle but more effective method of brainwashing or indoctrination.

    No need to wonder why many Nkn-whites succumbed to supporting rogue nation and rogue regime.
    Propaganda are use to brainwash and nothing is more effective than the Uses of Faiths and Cultures. These Two Factors are more effective than war.
    They can make many into Bananas and the Bananas are ready to be consumed.
    Religion is the Greatest Converter, it gets the Converted completely consumed.
    Next, comes Culture in the Forms of Language and All Other Aspects of Behaviour.
    Once a person cuts off his/her root and assumes an alien culture, he/she is converted and consumed.

    End of the Day, the World is dominated by Humans because the Species is sufficiently evil to rid the Other Species.
    whence other species are no more in contention, the Human Species shall have to take on their very own Species for competition

    Humans are made to compete on good and on bad by nature, whether You like it or not.


  12. America has made it abundantly clear---time and time again---that it will never be beholden to any law (including international "law", which let's face it, is bullshit anyway) that compromises American interests or clashes with American Exceptionalism.

    One must understand that the old doctrine of manifest destiny and the ongoing doctrine of American Exceptionalism is rooted fast in the Judeo-Christian belief systems, and as with all cultural artifacts anchored steadfastly in RELIGION, it tends to be "sticky" throughout generations, as these cultural beliefs are in the polity and get handed down from parent/ teacher / ethnic and religious institutions to the children of the day, who one day grow up and pass on these fundamental cultural ideas to their children.

    Even if you take sample opinions from the American minorities---like Hispanics, Blacks, Asians and even Native American Indians---as long as they are Americans by NATIONALITY; they ALL adhere to American Exceptionalism. Take fro e.g. Black Americans: even though they are being shot by racist cops and suffer indignities, they still identify as Americans, and want cultural change in America, for their ethnic group.

    Even in the civil war, Black slaves enlisted to fight the Union armies for the south. Free blacks in the Union fought for the Union against the South. It's fucking balls crazy, but those are facts.

    In WW2, when Blacks were still forced to ride at the back of buses and use separate toilets, Black people served valiantly against the Axis Powers. Jesse Owens delivered 3 world records (and pissed off Hitler), as an American, who was still considered a "negro" in his home cuntry, although he did achieved celebrity and acclaim (meritocracy lah, dummy).

    The People Always Get The Govt They Deserve. So as long as they keep choosing their leaders and representatives the way they've been doing for the last umpteen years, things won't be changing anytime soon.

    Every US president, governor, mayor etc. always ends their speeches with "God Bless America". They never, ever end with God Bless The World...or any other nation of the world.

    I don't know what you call that, I call that: EXCEPTIONAL. 🤡

  13. South Korea Moon now declared no military action without Seoul's consent.

    Now Abe hypocritically declared No war again in remembering WWII.

    If North Korea do not have the capabilities to launch Necular Bombs into your country, you think both will sing the same tune? ?

    Let Sinkie land declared that North Korea is still a Rogue nation and Kim said a fifth missile at sinking land and see whether he has more fainting spells.

    All their previous be together with LSW.

    Ready to evacuate.


  14. Alas.

    wrote a long comment and was about to post but, unfortunately pressed the Wrong Button and it was gone.
    Feel lousy about.

    Try to recap as much as l can, because l write spontaneously without much study but instinctively.

    Me concurs much with Anon 12:46 pm.

    When Americans chose Trump as their President, l believe they want someone radically different from the Hawkish Past President they had.

    Trump promises them(Americans) better living, he gives them top priority; his so-called Americans First.

    Soon after he got into the White House, the Dow lndex hits a record high and is still rising. The Other Stock Markets around the World rally in tandem.
    ST Index too benefitted though businesses in Sin is not substantially any better. Many businesses have folded and are foldin up.

    Back to Trump, soon after he takes office, US involvement in Middle East escalated a little and was greatly scaled down almost immediately.

    Trump uses N Korea Nuclear Tests to lauch a tirade against N Korea.
    l suspect he is targetting China and is using N Korea as his weapon. He wants 2 birds with 1 stone.
    China is currently the Only Competitor to the USA in terms of power and influence. lt is plain to the World that China has caught up with the US and likely to surpass it in the very near future.

    Will there be war between US anf N Korea?
    Likely no unless N Korea starts it by intention or misjudgement in reading the taunts from the US. Nuclear War is not something a single person decides, so Trump nor Kim alone can activates it.

    Trump wants to destabilize China and even the Whole of Asia, Russia and S E Asia, so that China will not be a threat to US Supremacy in the World.
    He cannot determines and achieves his aim with his ambition, so long as the Chinese stay united and unified.
    Under the Great Leadership of President Xi Jingpin.

    Trump can prospers the Americans by making the USA a friendly country to others. And the World shall be more peaceful and progresses together.

    lt is up to Trump at the Moment to lead Americans.
    lt is only a question of how wise he gonna be.


  15. How to be nice if dealing with nasty kids like japan or europe? They taught usa to become nasty inorder to survive. Its a vicious cycle. Pain makes one ruthless.


  16. Got to say that l do not believe that pain makes one ruthless.

    One of the Most Ruthless Ruler and he was well known for been ruthless as was openly and internationally branded as such.

    Yhe Late Lee Kuan Yew was,is known as a most ruthless leader.
    I cannot recall that he suffered any or much pain in his existence.

    Ruthless to me, is the Innate characteristic of a less wholesome person.
    And that characteristic is carried throughout the Person's existence.

    Dare I also say that the Ruthless Gene may extend and expand down the Lineage.

    Almost all Dictators bore the trait of extreme Ruthlessness.



    1. l like to say quite the Opposite of what Commenter b had said above.

      One who has suffered pain tends to be able
      to empathize and sympathize more.

      Few who have not suffered pain, illness and poverty possess the feeling of being helpless, desolation, loss and suffering.

      Just my humble personal observation.



    2. 'possess the Feeling and Understanding of being......'
      amend my above comment.


  17. Is there such thing as rogue prisoner?
    In Daily Mail, 3 well dressed Vietnamese Brits were given 5.5 to 6.5 years in Changi and 5 to 8 strokes for having un-consensual sex with a sleeping woman whom another friend picked up from Zook nightspot.
    They came all the way to live in Changi after staying at Caltang hotel.
    How many foreigners are living at Changi? There is no published statistics.


  18. Sinkie laws really favoured the foreign trashes.

    Rapes considered as seizable offences and no bails are allowed.

    Here, the Vietcongs just having Brit passports can even move freely on charges of rapes and the prosecution amended to outrage of modesty as they are too lax to prosecute further.

    They can even have time with family members before serving sentence.

    Clearly, these offences are rapes.

    Do sinkies have these luxuries of having all these privileges??


    See so many foreign trashes smoking in bus stops, covered shelters and even lift entrances and parks.

    Di the NEA nabb them?? They are just too afraid of them.

    Only lookout for sinkies to nab.

    Yet, they voted the damn government.

  19. Hi Virgo

    Again you are right.

    Now, it feels like red dot is a 'boh cheng hu' type of country.

    People's behaviour totally change if you will notice. Of course our leaders living in glass towers never get to interact with the ground, except on special walkabout occassions and meet the people sessions, where the bad elements are normally filtered to make sure everything is on first world behavior or else.

    Feedbacks? Might as well feed the birds. You think they get the correct feedback? Their feedback probaly comes from those well to do 'ka ki nan', tying to carry marbles and rub shoulders with the equally rich and mighty, and also living in at least half glass condos and driving BMs and Mercs. Where do they want to mix with the downtrodden who they despise like the plague. And where they live, they need fences to keep out the downtrodden. And what do these people see? The ground inside their fenced area, not the ground outside.

    Do you think the chosen ones will talk or even listen to the so-called grassroots? Oh yes, they may listen, but in the right ear and out the left. Even when the whole country complains about too many foreigners pushing up housing and cost of living, do they listen? They want even more!

    When the fairy tale ends, lets see what the dafties do?


  20. Hi Bro 8.35

    They only boh cheng hu to the foreign trashes and cheng hu to its own citizens.

    Man jailed for punching Japanese. You think they jailed the foreigners for punching sinkies???

    After appeals, most just fined or cut short their sentences.

    Daft sinkies still worship them.

    Loved to be screwed by them.

  21. These 3 dumb vietcongs thought they are also FTs. They forgot that they are yellow fake angmohs.

  22. How many daft Sinkies know what is a rogue empire?
    How many daft Sinkies know what is a rogue govt?

    A rogue empire or a rogue govt can be staring at them, standing in front of them and they would not know it.

  23. The present-day rogue governments are not like the past.

    The past rogue governments are not as skillful as the present type of rogue governments. Their leaders ruled by brute force, atrocities and terror.

    The present-day rogue governments are smarter, cleverer, much more cunning and intellectually superior. They are inter-connected with the bigger rogue governments, forming a total global network of power. It is like a multi-national organisation with branches all over the world. They will project themselves as very kind, compassionate, no-nonsense, upright, flawless integrity, excellent personal conduct, for the people, with the people, by the people. However, actually, in reality, they only cares for themselves and their kinds and are stinkingly rotten deep inside.

    Like an apple with the skin outside looking so shinny and polished but inside rotten with worms and maggots. So, how can daft people be able to differentiate between a good apple and a rotten apple?

    They don't abide by the Rule of Law. Neither do they rule by law.

