
Would the Americans sacrifice South Korea and Japan

In its single minded pursuit of the American Empire would the Americans sacrifice the South Koreans and Japanese and provoke a war with the North Koreans under contorted lies that the North Koreans with their two ICBMs and unproven nuclear bombs are a real and present danger to the Americans that possessed thousands of nuclear bombs waiting to vaporize the North Koreans? They have been fabricating this lie for a long time and wanting to use this lie to stamp their unchallenged position as the top dog of the world and now is the moment to show the world that they can do it, to decimate the North Koreans. And in the course of this madness and delusion for power, South Korea and Japan would be the first two sacrificial lambs offered to the altar of the hegemon god.

For decades the Americans have dragged the South Koreans by the nose to provoke the North Koreans on a daily basis and could start a war with the slightest fake excuse. Japan too played along thinking that this is just an American mind game to demonise the North Koreans and justify their military occupation of South Korea. Never would they think the Americans would be mad enough to start a nuclear war with North Korea. Now this madness is becoming a threatening nightmare and could become a reality at any moment.

The South Koreans are the first to panic. President Moon Jae in has been quoted to have said, ‘resolving North Korea’s nuclear ambitions must be done peacefully…There must be no more war on the Korean peninsula. Whatever ups and downs we face, the North Korean nuclear situation must be resolved peacefully. I am certain the United States will respond to the current situation calmly and responsibly in a stance that is equal to ours.’ Moon also said that only the South Koreans could decide to go to war. He is rather naïve to think so as the massive American military presence is beyond his control and the Americans could precipitate a war at their call. The Americans are in charge and calling the shot.

The fear and concern of Moon may be too late when a lunatic is in the White House surrounded by military hawks. The Americans have been pressing for war for a long time, not for fun, not just military exercises to threaten the North Koreans. All options are on the table, guns are loaded.

The top American general Joseph Dunford has taken note of the South Koreans’ fear and is in Seoul to reassure that war is not on the card. However, war is still an option if diplomatic and economic pressure failed ‘to achieve the complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization of the Korean peninsula and a dismantling of the regime’s ballistic missile programmes.’ This last part confirmed by both Matthis and Tillerson is the key to American’s position and this last part is not negotiable as far as the North Koreans are concerned.

The Americans are adamant to go to war as the North Koreans are not going to give up their nuclear arsenal. The assurance by Gen Dunford is as good as no assurance. It is looking very real that the South Koreans and Japanese are going to be sacrificed to serve the American hegemonic ambition. The start of a war would see South Korea and Japan as the main targets for destruction. The Americans in their homeland are safe. Would they care about what would happen to the South Koreans and the Japanese?

This is the heavy price that South Korea and Japan would have to pay for dancing and sleeping with the devil. The Americans can afford to start a war now as they probably think the North Koreans would not be able to hit homeland America and if they could, only a handful of prototype ICBMs that could be taken down quite easily. This is the time to destroy the North Korean nuclear ambition before it is too late.

Good bye South Koreans and Japanese. You have been good friends to the Americans.
Both the South Koreans and the Japanese are shitting in their pants now. This is what they get when playing with fire and conspiring with the Americans. Their lives are not important to the Americans. The memorials in Nagasaki and Hiroshima are reminders of what would happen again should the US attack N Korea. N Korea would lob as many nuclear bombs they have into American bases in Japan.

The only piece of good news yesterday was that Kim Jung Un has proven to be a reasonable and rational man, not mad like Trump as the Americans would want the world to believe it, for calling off the threat to send missiles around Guam. This move has helped to lower tension provided the mad Trump did not see this as a sign of weakness and press ahead with more provocations.

Would Trump and his mad men and women in Washington take this as a face saving move to deescalate tension in the Korean peninsula? Or would they still think of sacrificing South Korea and Japan in their hegemonic ambition to start another war in Asia, away from the American homeland?


  1. "Would the Americans sacrifice South Korea and Japan?"

    The answer is Yes .
    The Evil Rogue Empire of UAssh wud sacrifice any cuntry for their own economic & defense security.
    Similarly, in Sinkieland wud the MIW Rogue Party sacrifice the Sillyporeans for their own good? Answer is also a clear Yes, base on the Papies frequent flipping pratas & shifing goalposts, Sinkies will be sacrificed in the event of crises, the only one survived r the rich elites whites Garmen & its cronies...jobs for foreigners & NS for Sinkies r a norm ..no doubt bout it..

  2. no war no war

    involving and affecting too many parties

    so only tcss......talk cock sing s0ng


  3. Sacrificing South Korea and Japan is just collateral damage to the mad dog.

    And South Korea and Japan are beginning to realise that in any war with North Korea, they will be the ones to suffer the damage, not the Americans. That is why they are in panic mode. Sure, the Americans can come in to help, but it is their country that will suffer the consequences.

    Short of a nuclear war, they will come back to these two countries as the guardian angel, to offer aid to rebuild the damage, buy more weapons from them and bend backwards for the Americans to dictate terms.

    In the event of a nuclear war, China and Russia will step in as advocated and the situation is going to be different. The heart of America is not safe. The whole world is not safe. The damage will be total.


  4. North Korea is just playing chicken with the Americans. Kim now takes delight to frighten the Americans with his so called formidable weapons of destruction. The Governor of Guam sheepishly thanked Kim and said he is happy that Kim had shelve his plans.

    Why don't Kim declared that his missiles are aimed at New York and the White House and Washington. ??? Are his Guns really loaded with live bullets???

    For the past, this fat boy simply scorned whatever resolutions to stop testing his missiles.
    And he knew that they cannot stop him, just rhetoric. Many may be fooled by his Nuclear prowess.

    But, however this is good that the Americans may not swagger too much and let their cronies live in fears.

    South Korea now may be more congenial to the North and slowly weaned herself from the Americans influence.

    Abe, his ambitions is to use the Americans and the rest of the so called free hypocritically countries to revive their influence and control of Asia. Hidden in their Agenda their thirst for revenge and their hatred for the Chinese.

    They are also afraid that the Chinese when become too strong might extract their pound of flesh from them in due time. So, must contain and destroy them using both the Super powers to kill and weaken each other.

    The Cobras on the hand is also on this game. They are hoping that the same scenario will happen and they will just walk over China after the heavy fighting.

    The Americans, now have an unknown fear of whether the North Korea can really hits them at their Homeland will be more cautious to provoke them. Their fears of their cannot take pains and sufferings obese chiak lao bee people.

    Trump is besieged by his own people trying to put him down. So, next few years only Trade wars and Rhetoric of we will hammer you and we will hammer back wayang.

    Abe will have to tone down as he too is afraid that Kim might not take his bipolar medications and his missiles definitively can hit Japan.

    The Americans now would not want to start havoc as their own allies are also in shambles and disunited.

    The Western Bloc is now disarray with what's Brexit and most countries in deep shits of debts and their stagnant economies .

  5. All in the business know its all rhetorics from the NK. They used to talk like that, brags and threats but JT is stupid to match Fat Kim in these depts and calling his bluff, escalating the situation.
    JT just doesn't have temperament and intelligence to be POTUS. He wasn't even popularly elected losing the HC by some 3 mil votes. If not for their archaic electoral system called the Electoral College, the world would be spared of his comical and fickle minded showmanship.

  6. Nuclear war may occur at US Guam. The nuclear radio active dust will spread onto the ocean near Philippines and Japan. Cruel to choose NY or Washington. The backslash will be unbearable to NK.

    Trump seemed to know the consequence on knowing the NK General s open plan. If Trump pull the trigger first, Kim will have to let Guam go. If NK get hit by nuke, the nuclear dust will kill SK residents through air and water. Moon wants war to go ahead?

    NK are living under poverty conditions. They are adamant about dying if engaging war with US. From CNA interviews, common people simply threw out: if US wants to fight, we will do it, not afraid of it.

    US threaten NK year after year. Kim moves on own technology to fire missile and nuclear weapons. US are to be blamed for the outcome. It seems the hermit state is getting more self sufficient with sanctions. Of course Russian s support cannot be ignored. US cannot touch Russia.

    Will US sacrifice Japan and Sk? Japan and SK can move away from US.
    When words escalated to war rhetoric, Japan, little usa, the staunch allies quietly stay afar. Can have war?

    Will US dare to go to war alone?

    US public seems unlikely to want to fight directly on the ground with any country after Vietnam war. To fight directly with NK s 1.1 millions (minimum 7 years tough training) troops, does US has enough to win? US SK war game had 300000 only. Can US go alone without Japan or SK troops? The NK grounds are mountains.

    Japanese troops has fighting spirit to attack NK?
    When "game on", the whole Seoul will be under "fire and fury". Seoul is 35km away from NK, within simple arty range. SK troops may not be able to take the onslaugh without allies including US UK Germany France. Will Germany wanna take such bloody thing after being blamed for butchering Iraq and Libya when Bush came out with fake evidence of Sadam had WMD.

    Trump had close door meeting with all congressmen when started office. Will congress approve war with NK?

    At the end, its the US allies sacrificing US. NK is no small nation and Kim is not naive like Sadam. US want to get SK into action needs to evacuate Seoul first.
    Is there a plan? Therefore Trump s words to screw NK are not workable.

  7. The Americans and Trump are all talks and rhetoric. These gangsters only know how to bully weak countries like the Arab countries.

    Kim knows that these mad men can only bully him if he is weak. Now he has nuclear weapons. The mad and stupid Americans cannot touch him anymore unless they warn a few nuclear bombs hitting American cities.

    Any noise of the Jeepon American Harris? Or he is shut up by the Americans for his hostile and belligerent talks? Not allow to talk like a mad American cowboy anymore?

    Too dangerous on the loose.

  8. Messanger of DEATHAugust 16, 2017 12:58 pm

    Trump will be assassinated by his own people if he goes ahead to engage in a war with North Korea, because it is going to be a nuclear war, not a limited conventional war.

    In a nuclear war, all nuclear powers, especially Brazil, China, France, Germany, India, Pakistan, Russia and UK are not likely to simply standby and watch, and wait until their respective countries are hit. They are going to act or react, in one way or another.

    Under such circumstances, the chances of a Nuclear World War does not need a rocket scientist to calculate. The consequences of a Nuclear World War will be horrendous and unimaginable. Even a 10-star Genius General from Outer Space cannot predict. It will probably destroy the whole Earth and kill everything that lives on land, air and water.

    Trump will not have a legacy to leave behind because there will be no one left to write nor tell. Every previous legacies and historical records will turn to dust.

    Satan must be eliminated before he can put his finger to press the RED BUTTON!

  9. Is the American ego more important than the survival of mankind? Is the American gangsters, Mafia more important than the survival of mankind? Is the predatory Jewish Zionist Rothschilds Illuminati cabal more important than the survival of mankind? Is the ego, greed and avaricious Wall Street bangsters more important than the survival of mankind? Is the ego of the fake and
    false pride of the warmongers in Washington, CIA and Pentagon more important than the survival of mankind? They harbour too much false pride and ego to face the actual truth that no one can win in a nuclear exchange. They think only the Whitemen and the Americans can survive if they secretly carry out a surprise pre-emptory nuclear attack on its adversaries. This shows their idiocy and insanity. It is sad and regrettable for the world that America has always been run and controlled by mad people who cannot care less the
    lethal consequence of their evil deeds.

    Eagles Eyes

  10. Just a simple view:

    In the event of a war between USA and North Korea, JAPAN will be the first country to be totally destroyed because Japan is way too dangerous to be allowed to survive to wage another war with China and Russia by joining forces with USA. Moreover, there are too many US bases and forces in Japan. China and Russia together would ensure the total destruction and annihilation of Japan. Therefore, nuclear weapons are guaranteed to be employed.

    In the event of a Nuclear War, it is likely that India, Pakistan and Brazil will join force with China and Russia to counter the US-led "coalition" forces, comprising US, UK, Israel, Australia and Nato.

    Brazil's nuclear weapons are zeroed unto US ICBM bases in Continental USA already.

    Russia's nuclear warheads are zeroed unto NATO and US nuclear bases in Europe and Continental USA.

    China's nuclear warheads are zeroed unto Japan, South Korea, India and all US Nuclear Bases not covered by Russia. (China and Russia have a strategic alliance on the use of nuclear weapons in countering the US and Nato forces.)

    Pakistan's nuclear weapons are targeting India, but this can be altered to engage Israel and US or Nato forces in the event of a World War. Pakistan will definitely be on the side of Russia and China.

    India's nuclear weapons are targeting China and Pakistan in the event of a bilateral war, but this can be changed in the event of a World War.

    A Nuclear War will also involve Cyber and Space Warfare in conjunction with conventional military forces.

    Cyber warfare means all US military command and communication computers will be jammed.

    Space warfare means US communications satellites will be destroyed and ICBMs can be shot down before their re-entries into the Earth's atmosphere.

    Last but not least, Singapore, being one of the US's Key Military Bases, would not be spared. It would be among the initial First-Strike List of Targets to go to Heaven!

  11. By electing evil people, the sheeples fate are sealed?

    Will the belated arrival of the hungry ghosts in 2017 on 22 Aug have mercy on human beans?

    Be real men and not pussy cats?

    Many can hear some people peeing in their pants?

    These deserved to be first in the line.....

  12. No, they are cash cows. NK is a distraction for the economic and social mess in usa. Many countries have nukes not only NK. USA cannot destroy all of them.

  13. Dealing with Kim is not going to be easy. He does not care about threats. He threatens others now and then but does not carry out his threats, but that does not mean he will not do it.

    His psychological warfare has rattled many people and the fact that many people cannot read his mind and what he will do next, is one big headache for the US and its allies. Decades of sanctions have hardened the North Korean's resolve and accelerated their nuclear program to fast-track and produce the results that we are seeing today.

    China already said that any first strike on North Korea will bring them into the war. And Russia would not stand idly by as well.

    So, short of a war, the US will be stuck with their balls in this situation for a long time, a painful, costly, mind sapping confrontation with a mere minnow with a steely resolve to fight back.

  14. India siding with China in the event of a world war is most unlikely. China must be careful and watch its back.

  15. Black ants can never be trusted lar


    The Madness of The New World Order - Part 1

    The primary objective of the New World Order, propagated by the Shadow World Government, is to reduce world population to not more than 500 million, just enough to sustain the world infrastructure to service these evil bastards.

    They do not care about mankind. They only care about their own kind. The rest of the 500 million people will be their slaves to work in their farms, factories, etc.

    The Shadow World Government, alternatively known as the Deep State, is controlled by the Illuminati. The Illuminati is not a single group but multiple groups of super-rich, selfish and power-hungry evil men and women. They make use of their organisations to establish themselves outwardly as innocent and magnanimous business, banking, education, health and research institutions and establishments, but are surely satanic and devilish in their overall world views. They formed secret societies such as the Freemason, the Bilderberg Group, the Skull and Bones, the Fascists Movements such as the Ku Klux Klan (a White Supremacists Movement) and lately the Western Supremacy Culture and Civilisation Movement, alternative;y known as the Extreme Alternative Right (EAR).

    Many of the past US Presidents were/are members of at least one of the secret societies. I perceive Donald J Trump as member of at least three of these secret societies. He is likely being controlled by the Deep State through ex-US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and his son-in-law, Ivanka's husband Jared Kushner.

    To continue .....

  17. patriot August 15, 2017 12:15 pm
    //If he is absent for sometimes, me tends to feel that Sin mati already or is going to die. For one smart aleck wise guy has left Sin for safety.//

    "...Sin mati already or is going to die. ..."

    Uncle Patrait,

    That is ONE HELL of a "genius observation" ...?

    Tell u what, mee has "information" to empirically "link to that kind of possible eventuality" which u, patrait may not have but your observation is likely to be "gooooooood" in the lo(ooooooooooooo)ng cunt (run)?

    As far as mee is concerned, mee has no respect for the EDUCATION system and every MOE MINISTER since 1985!!!

    Botak, hen, mr stroke sick chicken, kotek fried chicken, tua kang king, "yellow" (hokkien for yellow) cb etc etc ...

    Even many uni courses are sub standard

    Like the stupid fitness test ..... of push up in lieu of pull up ... lower the standard to let some ah gua white houses pass ...?

    This is hilarious, joke, commedy, circus, ownselves military ownselves std ... ha ha ha

    Mee has googled the entire universe and there is only one pussy military army that get its soldiers to exercise push up than pull up ...

    How to associate with such "ah gua" army ...?

    It is a damn disgrace ...?

    EveLEE citizens should dig a hole and jump in ...?

    Patrait: "...Sin mati already or is going to die. ..."

    Uncle Patrait, that is why mee said your observation is one hell of one ...?

    Ha ha ha

    Popcorn popcorn ...

    Old man's artifice ... has becum "masak masak toy ..."?

    Paper generals' war game ..... indeed a game ... masak masak ... can reset de ... like hp game mah ... loose already just reset lol ...

    LMAO ...

  18. Dear Uncle RB and eveLEE PG oldies in msn,

    Mee is no pioneer but born much much later ...

    But mee concurs with several observations made in msn by oldies like uncle virgin69 ...

    So in view of those observations, mee think uncle rb's version of "sinkies" and "sinkieland" are outdated ...

    Even this kena screw AH until song song "songkies" and "songkieland" are outdated?

    Mee thinks more apt descriptions are:

    "AhGuaMen" & "AhGuaLand" ...?

    & "AhGuaArmy" ...?


    Can remember the 2013 ah neh riot?

    Police covering themselves in white robes and fleeing from ambulances ...?

    Soldiers that cannot do pull up deserve to be called "AhGuaArmy" ...?


    Uncle Virgin69,

    Do you not agree as a tough ex-MP in the olden days, present ahguamen are disgrace and deserve no respect ...?

    If ah neh riot can also flee, what would be the outcome in a real war like those in Syria or Iraq?

    How many face palms?

    You oldies PG who put the papigs in power in the olden days until oppo all wiped out, decide?

    A gazillion quadrillion?

  19. And dear uncle rb and oldies in msn,

    To call a spade a spade, when standard has to be lowered to let ahguasoldiers pass their phsical fitness tests, same thing observed in the eduaction ...?

    Why present day economy especially the policies and latest CFE report 2017 attracted so much disbelief and bewilderment?

    For example, the std in economics taught in schs are so quite JL ...?

    If now mee set a assessment for all the JCs econs teachers including hods, majority likely will get "Ungraded" ...?

    If mee now asks uni honours degree econs grads 10 econs qns, majority of qns they cannot give correct or any ans?

    U say like that JL or not?

    How can the economy be doing well?

    Even Law and Medicine grads also quite JL?

    Simple basic Law and Medical stuff can tell u opposite things?

    Mee can only kpkb so much ...?

    With situations like that, yall ownselves reflect ownselves bah what will the eventuality be ...?

  20. U think mee talk nonsense?

    U go see the uni econs std compare overseas uni, u will faint?

    U go bras basah complex buy the past few years econs prelim exam papers and read through the answer keys provided by the sch teachers, econs dept and hods?

    Other than face palms upon face palms, u really dunno what to say?

    What is the meaning of anyhow hantam?

    If u were mee and u know the "truth", how u feel inside?

    Would u have confidence in "ahgualand", "ahguamen", "ahguaarmy", even "ahguagenerals" ...?


    Kee chiu?


    Or even 80%?

    Or 99%?

    Well done?

    Way to go?

    For "ahguamen" and "ahgualand"?

    1. Wtf are you saying? I want to understand your statements. Where are you from? Jamaica? Vietnam? SOUTH AFRICA?

  21. This tiny red dot can have something to offer the NK & US. Sinkies garmen can teach these 2 countries by mimicking Sinkies SGSecure & no war will happen ..even when (not if ) world war strike the people can just 'chao' (or run) & hide liow Lah...NK ( hide in underground) , US just migrate to Mars for rich ones & the poor ones go hide underground...

  22. Mee also wrote 3 yrs ago in msn that there are many underground cities in yew-ass-a where they even have interconnected tracks and trains system linking them up ...

    Why have all these underground dugouts?

    But better perish than live like ants, rodents, cockcroaches and worms underground in darkness, right?

    What purpose does it serve to win a war but the remaining survivors need to live underground for the rest of their lives, without ever to see daylight again?

    What is the diff than compared to living in hell?

    Probably even worst than hell as human beans?

    The first persons to deserve to die are those leaders who start a nuclear war?

    Such people should face the firing squad for subjecting humanity to possible extinction and the earth to certain destruction?

    Unforgiveable eternal sin?

    Anyway, any wonder Sin and sin have the same spelling?

    1. *already wrote 3 years ago ...

  23. The word garbagement is not created out of nothing?

    Garbagement means an organ made of garbage?

    And garbage, being toxic to humanity, their rightful destination is the incinerator?

  24. Inside the organ of garbagement, there are many hopeless lao za bor? (Yew will vomit BLOOD dealing with them and the only way to get through such ordeals when forced to deal with them is to hold yewr noses & endure the whole process, with teeths gritting until the jaw bones are visibly moving up and down the side of the face" ...?

    Sponging on taxpayers $$$, taking 2 to 3 hours lunch frequently at "exotic" seaside reataurants etc ...?

    These are fast causing many in "ahgualand" to lose respect for this JLB garbagement, inter alia, for their gross INCOMPETENCE ...?

    1. *... seaside restaurants etc ...

    2. Why inter alia?

      Cos in addition, their gross decadence?

      Sponging on taxpayers $$$ to go on holidays (up to) 6 to 7 times a year?

    3. And mostly if not most of the times to "expensive" destinations that oldies like patrait may not have been before such as japeniseland, arseland etc ...?

      Btw, if the underlings are like that, someboLEE must be zzzg? Or worst than that ...(their underlings)?

      Btw, how come garbagement lao za bor got such lo(oooooooo)ng leaves to go on ("expensive") holidays (up to) 6 to 7 times a year, (on and) beside all the urgent leaves, bd leaves, nephews and nieces sick leaves, kindergarten graduation leaves, syon(k)an shiok shiok anniversary leaves etc etc .....?

  25. How many the soon to set "foot" hungry ghosts "will exact karma" in 2017?

    Time will tell?

    They can make "ahguamen" on their knees but "the hungry ghosts will make sure they got no place to cunt" ...?

  26. Already said many times this wooden block and his underlings marbok tan simply wasting rice at taxpayers expense?

    All taken for a ride by his goal 2010?

    The hopeless balik kampung "pussy cats" kena trashed even by mya mya and matland minnow teams?

    If play against sea champions tigerland, namland, indoland, how many zeroooooooos will they get?

    1. If against Asian champions, then 20 - 0?

    2. If against world cup champions 100 - 0?


      GOAL 2010 yew lao goa knnbcb wooden block cha tao?

  27. It is a pain to watch little ones helplessly ruined by a garbage system ...?

    To send little ones eveLEE morning to a garbage system is a torture than a hope?

    Many oldies are also helplessly standing there watching and resigned to the sealed fate ...?

  28. Oldies, as a start, before kick bucket, if u still hope to leave sthg meaningful behind, ... do sthg u can ...?

    EveLEE time yew pass by a cafe, restaurant, see how often and lo(ooooooo)ng the garbagement lao za bor take 2 to 3 hours lunches ...?

    It is a sin to watch idly yewr offsprings future ruined in the garbagement hands ...?

    1. How many here in msn
      are able to see twenty to thirty years down
      slippery slope ?
      Even if they do, most
      will not be bothered ti
      care for others, including their own
      children which they dumped at infantcare and childcare after makibg then.
      Shit parents shall breed shit children and together they shall fill the Land to make it Sinland or Shitland.

  29. Knn can the above writer write and spell properly or not? It's very hard to read your post and need to spend time reading it. If u post like that again, may be u need a stick to stick through your ass to wake u up man😰😰😰😰😰😰😰

  30. He raised many good points. But one thing for sure, Trump is not mad and so is Kim. The Americans want the daft and gong gong Sinkies to think Kim is mad. And many gong gong Sinkies already believe this as a fact. You read their comments on Kim and you know what they have been programmed by the Americans to think and talk exactly what the Americans want them to. They cannot think and the Americans are thinking for them, making them to think what the Americans want them to think and believe.

    Now Trump even called Kim a wise and reasonable man. Both were playing their games to outwit each other. The only mad and daft people are the Sinkies that could not see what is real and what is unreal.

    That is the real tragedy.

  31. Redbean, white ants have invaded your blog.

    White ants can change their behavior, but cannot hide.

    A pest is a pest.

  32. The Madness of Calling Kim Jong-Un Mad!

    Kim Jong-Un, for all his strange ways - from his funny haircut to his bulging belly to his comic-book villain threats — is smarter than the leaders of the Arab World combined.

    Ten reasons why Kim is threatening Guam :

    1. Guam is not just a far-flung dot on the map, a forgotten colonial trophy illegally seized during the Spanish-American war. It is a Pillar of US’s Global Empire, and Kim knows that taking it out would be a triumph for the ages. The island is home to the largest munitions depot in the world!

    2. The Anderson Air Force Base (AAFB) in Guam is a beehive of military air traffic from all over the world: B-52s from North Dakota, KC-130 tankers from Pennsylvania, combat planes from carriers, spy planes from Singapore and C-130s from Japan and South Korea.

    3. Guam is also the home of Drones (both spy and killer drones) operating in the Asian-Pacific Region and other parts of the world. As the B-52s begin to land on the 11,000-foot runway known as 24 Left, a gray Global Hawk, carrying electro-optical sensors, wheels off the ramp and onto runway Six Right at precisely 2:30 p.m. Its mission classified, the robotic plane spins up its jet engine and taxis, gaining speed on its way to a 24-hour spy mission over 3,500 miles of blue Pacific Ocean. This very busy scene represents a typical afternoon at Anderson Air Force Base, a welcome sight to the pilots crossing the big blue Pacific Ocean.

    4. In the current crisis, in which missile tests have been followed by sanctions and threats by counter—threats from President Donald Trump to rain down “fire and fury” and by Kim Jong-Un to strike Guam, much has been made of Anderson Air Force Base’s role in projecting US power into Asia. This is very true.

    5. AAFB and its island home of Guam are strategically important in Asia and around the world. It supplies bombs and missiles to US Forces everywhere from Korea to Afghanistan!

    6. Deep in Guam’s overgrown jungle, of poisonous snakes, is the US Military’s largest stockpile of bombs, missiles and bullets, which would be crucial in a war on the peninsula. The 36th Munitions Squadron maintains 150 grass-covered, igloo-shaped structures housing some 9 million items costing more than US$1 billion, according to the Air Force. Published estimates say over 100,000 of these are bombs and missiles.

    7. There are another 549 shipping containers packed with things that go "BOOM". They are loaded on arriving combat aircraft and shipped around the clock aboard cargo planes, even in peacetime, as well as supplied to the US Navy and foreign militaries. Within the stockpile is the only known collection of air-launched cruise missiles outside Continental USA, with a range of 600 miles, carried by B-52s. These are vital in a Korean War.

    8. The AGM-86D Block II missiles carry shaped charges in addition to the penetrating warhead. Once launched, the missile will actually dive on and explode hardened and buried targets. These underground targets would figure prominently in a conflict with the North, from nuclear weapons facilities to missile sites to tunnels designed to funnel the North’s special operations forces into the south.

    9. In recent years, as North Korea’s missile and nuclear programs developed, the US and South Korean Military have revised their Pre-emptive Attack Plan on North Korea. This master plan, known as OPPLAN 5027, has been stolen by North Korea via a cyber-attack last year. That is why Kim Jong-Un is so confident that his threat on hitting Guam will work.

    10. If Kim Jong-Un can credibly threaten Guam, he threatens the US's ability to fight all but a short war on the Korean Peninsula — not to mention the US’s ability to fight another major war elsewhere. As threats go, this one is surprisingly precise, credible and strategic.

    Conclusion: Kim Jong-Un is a very wise young leader of North Korea. He is definitely not mad!

  33. Thanks for the info on Guam. Very informative.

  34. Kim Jong Un should fired one more missile near to Guam as his birthday present to frighten the Shits out of the Amweicunts.

    Long time never see the white faces turned yellow to jaundice.

    The Americans kana kabok will fire the missles towards the North and then China can annihilate the Keilings once and for all.

    Keilings are the chains sound from the chains on their legs when.they are prisoners of war fighting as Sepoys for the Brits.

  35. Red Bean, aka Mr Chua,

    Its my pleasure to be able to contribute to your wonderful blog, which should be maintained as long as life exists on Earth.

    I have lots of information but just do not have enough time to put them into easily comprehensible writing.

  36. Of course UAssA will sacrifice South Korea. Even as South Korea sought to retain wartine control still ceded to UAssA a few years ago, the sinking of Sewol postponed to issue. So clever of Washington. Anyway if South Korea, Japan and Of course North Korea, then US economy can revive with less economic competition. Trump only think in term of dollars and cents. Not really well educated and can be brain wash easily like the hypnotic french tv show, Sous Star Hypnose. Take care.

  37. Of course UAssA will sacrifice South Korea. Even as South Korea sought to retain wartine control still ceded to UAssA a few years ago, the sinking of Sewol postponed to issue. So clever of Washington. Anyway if South Korea, Japan and Of course North Korea, then US economy can revive with less economic competition. Trump only think in term of dollars and cents. Not really well educated and can be brain wash easily like the hypnotic french tv show, Sous Star Hypnose. Take care.
