
Elected President - You got to believe it

I have said enough of this EP thing and there is really nothing much more to add. Hsien Loong had said it many times, that this is something he has to do, he will do it and there is nothing to stop him from doing it. You can kpkb, but it will not matter. He has decided that this is the best thing for Singapore. And no bets for how your representatives will vote in Parliament when this bill is up for MPs to ask questions. But there is one niggering point that I just want to clarify before race is enshrined into our race neutral Constitution, before race compromised meritocracy is justified as the new normal, that meritocracy is not compromised, that’s what they said. I am the law, whatever I said must be right, logical and unquestionable. It is good for Singapore, and definitely not against any individual. How not to believe a govt of honourable, sincere, selfless and flawless men and women sacrificing to serve the people and nation? If the people cannot believe in them, then who else can they believe?

Now what is this thing that needs to be spoken? The assumption in this thing is that the majority Chinese is racist and eventually minority race, or some minority race, would not have a chance to be the EP of this island. The Chinese would have this special advantage and would choose to elect only Chinese to be the EP. How many sensible people would believe in this racist line of logic? Proven? Has this been proven?

Never mind. The Constitution will be race neutral, really? It is at the moment. The founding fathers, including Lee Kuan Yew made sure it is. After this bill, when it is crafted to ensure that all minority race would have a chance to be the EP once in a while, would the Constitution still be race neutral? So would it be written in such a way that if any minority race is not represented after a number of years, that a reserved election would be held just for that race? This sounds fair for the minority races.

What if the assumption is false? What if the Chinese are not racist and would choose to vote for the best candidate and continuously vote for non Chinese candidates over a long period of time or over several terms? Would there be a reserved election for the majority Chinese to have a chance to be elected as the EP? See the point?

If the wording of this racial EP election is about protecting minority race and the word minority is added, then the majority will be excluded and not protected based on the assumption that the majority Chinese are racist and would always vote for a Chinese EP.

Don’t say it would not happen. Though there are definitely some Chinese that are racist, chauvinist, I believe the majority are not. Many are colour blind if one is to look at their voting pattern in the past and how they voted overwhelmingly in favour of minority candidates. Put Tharman up for election as the PM today, he would have won hands down.

What is the point of this post? Should the majority race also be protected in the Constitution in case the racist assumption is proven false? Maybe the Constitutional Commission has already thought through this and the wordings in the Constitution would be race neutral and the safe guard would be for all races that did not have a chance to be the EP for a certain time frame, not just the minority.

Oh, I also assume that all races meant CIMO and not Pinoys, Myanmese, Thais, Vietnamese, Europeans etc etc. In this rush to make sure the new rules would apply in the next GE, the definition of minority is conveniently not spoken. Our minorities are not just the Indians, Malays and Others, there are new minorities that are quite substantial in numbers and they would want to be represented as a race in the EP in the future. And if the Constitution is to pretect minority races, this issue or definition of race cannot be callously ignored. It is a time bomb that will go off if allowed to slip into the Constitution undefined.

The new minorities would be asking for their own representation in times to come. It would not just be the Eurasians in the Others category. The Pinoys, Myanmese, Vietnamese, Thais and Europeans, not Eurasians, would want to be counted. They would want their turns to be EPs. How to tell them that they are not minorities like the Indians, Malays and Eurasians?

What do you think?


jjgg said...

puppet masters so sure that puppets will always dance to their tune? did otc lie down n play dead? did lwl just sit by the fire n count her millions? how many of lky pronouncements n legacies will live on after the son..the Chinese are a majority in Singapore..u want to set rules to make the Chinese a disadvantaged Singaporean? who pays your salary ..the 75% Chinese or the 25% other races..the minority races look for equal opportunities to advance themselves..there is little pride in the minority races just to have one of their own be your puppet..hold a referendum now..n let the minorities tell u what they think...u dare?

Anonymous said...

Think ah long fwd looking lah?

He "do(odl)ing" the wright think?

Who knows who could be the minority (donkey years down the road)?

If zika, dodo ..... oops sinkies pop might shrink from as early as 2017 and mortality outstrip rft?

Many married women scared need cough up $5m lifetime look after baby if kena cheeka?

So many now dun wan le?

2017 rft wan dan le?

Especially from jun onward?

Look at the big picture?

When become dodo, does it matter anyleemore?

jjgg said...

puppet masters so sure that puppets will always dance to their tune? did otc lie down n play dead? did lwl just sit by the fire n count her millions? how many of lky pronouncements n legacies will live on after the son..the Chinese are a majority in Singapore..u want to set rules to make the Chinese a disadvantaged Singaporean? who pays your salary ..the 75% Chinese or the 25% other races..the minority races look for equal opportunities to advance themselves..there is little pride in the minority races just to have one of their own be your puppet..hold a referendum now..n let the minorities tell u what they think...u dare?

Anonymous said...

Uncle GB,

Can replay the dodo song sombolee created in 2015?

Copy and paste here?

Anonymous said...

Why are we spending so much so much time and resources on EP?

Is EP that very very very important?

We have better things to do NOW for our fast declining economy!

Where are we going?

Anonymous said...

Can or not, u say lah?
9:13 am

Of course cannot lah. Because PAP knows them and also knows Sinkies, that's why PAP do things ka ka lai. (confident and without fear)

RB, u scared and worry too much lah.

Anonymous said...

It's not "niggering" point lah.
It's spelt niggling.
Nothing to do with the word "nigger" lah.

A banana who does not like to see bad spelling.

Anonymous said...

We have better things to do NOW for our fast declining economy!
9:20 am

Fast declining economy? It has been happening even well before 11 Sep 2015. So what's the problem, I mean for PAP?

virgo49 said...

Talk here, talk there also all their words.

I am dead set to implement whatever I want.

NO such thing as REFERENDUM in future as you donkeys has given me 70% majority.

Now I gonna make you 50% majority donkeys into minority.

I am trained in military's regime and am a Paper General.

So you all privates obeyed my orders.

My Arse hole cancer alreafy spread to my brains.

No more bets.

Wheel already spinning and zero is one to 35 Chance

Anonymous said...

// Now what is this thing that needs to be spoken? The assumption in this thing is that the majority Chinese is racist and eventually minority race, or some minority race, would not have a chance to be the EP of this island. /// redbean

The Chinese are racists because I say so.
A minority race will never have a chance to be EP because I say so.

Yours Sincerely
Your Prime Emperor
and soon to be promoted to Senior Emperor
and Future Limpeh of Singapore

Anonymous said...

/// Oh, I also assume that all races meant CIMO and not Pinoys, Myanmese, Thais, Vietnamese, Europeans etc etc. /// redbean.

You are an official "race" when I say you are.
Otherwise your race is "Others"

Is "Peranakan" classified as "Chinese" or "Others" ?
Is Joseph Schooling classified as "Others" ?

Actually hor.
Do you think in Singapore, the majority is PAP?
And everybody else is "Opposition"?

Do you think there are only two types of Presidents in Singapore?
PAP-linked President versus non-PAP linked President?

Anonymous said...

In the ancient China in Qing Dynasty, there was a eunuch who actually '指鹿为马' or pointing a deer to say that's a horse...that's wat happening now in the EP system of Sinkieland here..a very sad day for Sinkie....the miws jus wan to have a puppet that sign to approve anything with ease for withdrawal of public reserves monies..a large squander of reserves bout to begin particularly when global economy is not doing well...

Anonymous said...

RB. You nailed it right on the head. This EP thing is getting out of hand. Having a solution that only solve one side, is no solution. Period.

patriot said...

'Put Tharman for the PM Election and he would win hands down'.

No apology to say that You got this whole issue of Elected President, all wrongly mixed up.

The Elected President of Sin is a piece of decoration for its owner(s) to use and dispose as they like.
The Prime Minister of Sin is like the Emperor of the Olden Day except that he/she is elected by the People and chosen by the Regime.

COMPARING THE EP TO THE PM is like comparing a flower to a the Tree that bears it.

The EP of Sin is IMPOTENT.
The PM of Sin is ALL POWERFUL,
not unlike the Emperor of yore.


patriot said...

To delve so much into the


is to fall into the

TRAP of the Pappies who
are using to distract Sinkies

Just look out for spats arising from the Tax Amnesty between Sin and Indonesia.
It will escalate and there shall be


patriot said...

'....TRAP of the Pappies
who are using IT to distract Sinkies.......'.

My apology for missing 'IT' in the Above Paragraph.


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Patriot,

Who elected the PM? Anyone elect the PM?
We have never elected the PM. He is elected among the CEC members themselves.

Singaporeans only got right to elect MPs. The rest was decided by the Party.

Anonymous said...



At most abandon sampan ..... oops ..... sheep?

Anonymous said...

If only that they had lost bukit batok in by-election, they would have save a lot of explanation and we would have save a lot of tax money.

Anonymous said...

Qin Dynasty lah?

In Qing Dynasty, it is "Cui (ah) Lian Ting Zheng"?

But ending same same lah?

Both Pappening here lah?

In Qing Dynasty, the puppet emperor was called Guang Xu, not Guang You?

The power (behind the throne) is the dragon lady lah?

What is the diff?

patriot said...

Gd Morning Sir Chua Chin Leng and all;

me said somewhere, cant remember here at MSN or Fb. that the PM of
Sin is ELECTED by the PEOPLE, that is: he MUST HAVE won in an election
FIRST as the Choice of the VOTERS where he/she contested.
This, however has got little or nothing to do with the Elected President Issue. Just like to reiterate that the EP is a decorative piece that is IMPOTENT, USELESS and NOT NECCESSARY.

So, please do NOT compare the EP
with the PM WHO WIELDS ABSOLUTE POWER which is so in Sin and some other countries.


Anonymous said...

In Qin Dynasty, Li Si said he will never be a loongkang rodent but silo mice?

Eat until fat fat?

Under the first Emperor, everything was lumber #1 under the Sin Dynasty, oops ....... Qin Dynasty?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Ismail Kassim said the Emperor is naked in his facebook post.

Anonymous said...

In the Sin Empire ...... oops ...... Qin Empire, why it went down so fast after the 1st Emperor went heaven?

The most capable man ...... oops ..... son was supposed to succeed the throne?

But end up the most "useless" sunk usurped power helped by a bunch of old eunuchs and high officials (who were afraid to lose power and therefore threw their weight behind a puppet emperor they could control in their palms?) who served the 1st emperor in the Sin Empire ...... oops ..... Qin Empire

Anonymous said...

3 years after the 1st emperor went heaven, the sin empire ..... oops qin empire collapsed spectacularly like those 911 buildings?

Brooooooooomp .........

And became his-storLEE?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

In the Sin Empire ...... oops ..... Qin Empire, everybolee feared and respected the 1st emperor?

But nobolee respected the 2nd, they only feared him?

Cos everybolee knew he kena puppeted by the old eunuchs and high officials (who had their own agenda) who served his father and if they said kill this person, he would order their execution?

Unknown said...

Pinoys would be under the same race as malays since they are all Melanesian. The only difference between pinoys and malays is mostly religion, taiwan aborigines also belong here.

The people from Thailand, Burma, vietnam have quite a high level of race mixing, hence they should belong the to mixed race category as the Eurasian.

Anonymous said...

Raid dot is an experLEEment?

To see how much (and how lo(oooo)ng ) institutionalisation can withstand rogue garmenance?

And to illustrate that the more stars in charge, the more stars yew (will) see?

Anonymous said...

So far it is viLEEfied by facts?

1 3-star jagar the icon in the sea, less than 1 year straight away see stars?

Now this sea icon officially no more liao lo?

Anonymous said...

Then another 1 jagar the icon on land, tot this time better cos his was formerly land paper 3-star so no more mismatched?

Previous 1 land paper 3-star jagar sea icon proven COMPLETE mismatch and "totalLEE annihilated"?

But the maxim of the more paper stars the more stars yew see holds true?

Anonymous said...

$8 KhawDung can sompa to that?

He see stars until takbolehtahan liao?

EvLEEday see so many stars maciam giddy giddy verLEE JiatLat?

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Ismail Kassim said the Emperor is naked in his facebook post.
RB 11:26 am

Ismail Kassim is one of the few Malays who were formerly MSM journalists for many years but surprisingly did not contest any election as PAP candidate, unlike Abdullah Tarmugi, Zainul, Yatiman or Maidin.

So not surprised too why he said the Emperor is naked in his facebook post.

Anonymous said...

The emperor may be naked.

His palace could be filled
to the brim with all sorts
of best designed and most
expensive apparels and

Does Kassim thinks that
naked is not a blessing?

Anonymous said...

Do you think the real role of the President is to prevent non-PAP linked people from finding out the truth about our Singapore Reserves?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Isn't it a bit expensive to pay $1 million dollars a year for a rubber stamp?

virgo49 said...

Hi Patriot, if yew think that the role of the PRESIDENT is just a figure head, then why they or He the Emperor took so much trouble or effort to amend the Presidential Constitution? ?

His old man had implemented this Presidential thingy as He was afraid that the Opposition might took over the control of the Government.

He wants to have Final Control as President if need to be if this scenario materialize so the President is still empowered and just as powerful.

That's why OTC utilizes his appointment in his power to demand answers.

Now that they had secured the GE power for next four years but am afraid if they have another OCT as president in the PE.

So only way is to find way to lessen this scenario. If not why do defensive and go out the way to try to convince the drafts that they are not out to discriminate somebody to contest meaning TCB.

The kwai lan one maybe pressurised them for answers and matters on the dark May be worse than Wiwi Leaks.

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha Anon 3.46. One million is only basic salary. What about many months of bonuses, expenditures and other allowances, travel cost, staff costs etc etc...

virgo49 said...

Hi Patriot, if yew think that the role of the PRESIDENT is just a figure head, then why they or He the Emperor took so much trouble or effort to amend the Presidential Constitution? ?

His old man had implemented this Presidential thingy as He was afraid that the Opposition might took over the control of the Government.

He wants to have Final Control as President if need to be if this scenario materialize so the President is still empowered and just as powerful.

That's why OTC utilizes his appointment in his power to demand answers.

Now that they had secured the GE power for next four years but am afraid if they have another OCT as president in the PE.

So only way is to find way to lessen this scenario. If not why do defensive and go out the way to try to convince the drafts that they are not out to discriminate somebody to contest meaning TCB.

The kwai lan one maybe pressurised them for answers and matters on the dark May be worse than Wiwi Leaks.

patriot said...

Virgo Elder;

Ong Teng Cheong was the Best Proof that the Elected President was, is impotent. He/She can be chucked one corner or be ignored.



Anyway, if the President of Sin is
as powerful as portrayed and the Saft Sinkies believe so, let it be.
However, no matter how daft, do look back at all the Past and the Current Presidents and see what they have done other than enjoying privileges, perks and Sinful Remunerations.

Thank You Virgo for the Interaction.


Anonymous said...

To be happy in LeeJiaPore
A Singaporean must just TRUST & OBEY.
Because there is no other way.

Because Singaporeans are just too stupid.
So just TRUST & OBEY lor.

Anonymous said...

/// Ha Ha Anon 3.46. One million is only basic salary. What about many months of bonuses, expenditures and other allowances, travel cost, staff costs etc etc... ///
September 19, 2016 4:16 pm

This fucking PAP government is a very expensive government.
I think we need to look for a more cost-effective government.

Voting Opposition is the only way to achieve this.

Anonymous said...


virgo49 said...

Hi Patriot, the current and past presidents are nominated by the PAP.

Definitely they kept quiet and enjoyed the perks.

Exceptional OTC, at least he tried to live to the obligations and duties as an Elected President but was shot down.

From there, they were afraid of another OTC so make so many unnecessary changes to shut up any probing.

Anonymous said...

" race is enshrined into our race neutral Constitution"

I just read Merkel said he regretted her open-door policy for mass immigration. Merkel s party lost 2 recent elections. Her party was the 3rd less than 20% support.

The little dot army generals played with mass immigration should face with the same pressure. From random count on streets, one can conclude that composition of minority races had changed in recent years. The demographic composition in current years was kept as secret. This is a strong indication of such guessing could be valid.

The demographic composition could be an indication of political popularity votes. Race that enshrined into words in constitutions is something pap can hardly dare to do, as RB implied. But why did it?

The action was against the strong belief that certain race is in conflict of interest at war with neighbors. It was said openly and most adults knew it. But the change in constitution did the exact opposite to the concept. It was the same person who flip flop on the very sensitive idea.

The reason to change could be only guessed to be "forced to". If this is the reason, then the problem may not be the end of it as the fact that demographic composition changed through immigration should have long term effect to a small population.

Merkel regretted on immigration. Are there someone laughing broadly with the mass immigration they did? Certainly yes.

virgo49 said...

Bro, everyday reported layoffs and etrenchments.

Soon, very soon the Sinkies will regret the mass immigration of the trashes in Sinkieland.

Anonymous said...

Indeed Uncle Virgo


Anonymous said...

UnfortunateLee, retrenchment could keep snowballing and even into an avalanche

Anonymous said...

As a result of poorLEE planned (leg open super wide wide like geyland prostitution?) immigration policies?

Anonymous said...

A policy gone horribLEE wrong?

Anonymous said...

But the daft 70% got to pay the price, end up as collateral damages and agonisingLEE suffer for it?

Anonymous said...

Kena retrenched between age 40s to 50s is not a joke?

Above got sickLEE oldies to take care?

Below got to raise and pay $$$ endlessLEE for the children's eveLEEthing?