
What is Christmas?

This day is now better known as a festival for giving and merry making when children can expect a lot of presents and the young can party and be happy in countries of plenty. To the Christians this is a day when God came in the human form, in Jesus the Christ, more than 2000 years ago. And Jesus came with a solemn and yet happy message. The end is near and there will be a new beginning, a better life for those who want it out from the old decadent regime of an old religion and an old god.

The Pharisees had got too much power, gotten too rich, they had forgotten about the plight of the people. They only thought of themselves and how to get richer and be more powerful. It was all about ruling over the people and controlling the people. The people who did not belong to the church of the Pharisees were driven to the mountains to follow Jesus Christ, getting poorer and poorer despite toiling day and night. Life was getting more difficult and there was nothing to look forward to until they heard that there could be a better tomorrow.

God sent his son to bring hope to the people. The days of the Pharisees were numbered. The Pharisees were just exploiting the people with their own God and religion. The believers were told of the good news, of a new church and a better life of joy and plenty. There would be a new dawn over the horizon, and a paradise waiting when a new king would be enthroned. And the new king will prepared many mansions for them in paradise.

The Pharisees would fight but in vain, but before putting down many of God’s messengers. The new king would triumph. Light would triumph over darkness. The evil Pharisees would be history.

This is the message of Christmas.

Merry Christmas! Go forth and spread the good news.

Kopi Level - Green


  1. Oh no...redbean is now a preacher man! Jo Prine and Pastor Kong, look out...verily I say unto you, here cometh
    Prophet redbean to steal thy thunder!

    I'm a hard core atheist. But I do so much enjoy Christmas. There is no "war on Christmas" for me. So to all ye fuckers of mothers who readeth this sacred blog:

    A very Merry Christmas to you all, glad tidings, peace on earth...that sort of thing! Make merriment and mirth. Get drunk, but please don't smack a cabbie---smack your spoilt kids instead...and don't forget to put out cookies for Santa!

    Ho ho ho!

  2. Redbean is not a Christian but at peace with all religions.

  3. General Elections is coming soon.
    Is this PAP's version of Christmas in Singapore?
    Will the elves (or is it Grass-Loot Leeders) be giving out X'mas goodies to themselves and/or Singaporeans?
    What do you think?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I am not a Christian but I piss on all religions.

  6. Singapore needs a new god and a new religion too.

  7. Jesus was sent to mankind to save the oppressed. te meek, the down trodden and the slaves. Who will be sent to save the Sinkies? Who amoung the Sinkies will come forth? Hope he comes quick before real disaster befalls youe little island. In my opinion, no one will come forth because ALL Sinkies are ball-less, pathetic and spineless cowards. Even RB is all mouth and no action.
