
NYPD – The hunter the hunted

The series of street demonstrations against the police in the US is starting to take its toll. The repeated stories, one coming after another, of police happily shooting coloured people on the false pretext of their lives were in danger and they needed to protect themselves by killing the other party, including a child with a toy gun that trained policemen cannot tell the difference, were proving too much for the victims, their families and their friends and righteous people.

Within a week, three NYPD officers were shot dead in two incidents. These have struck fear among the men in blue. They are now the targets of their victims and their sympathizers. They are now really in fear. And it was reported that they would not respond to calls for help. If this is true, then what are the police for? What can the police do when they fear leaving the safety of the police station and would not respond to people in trouble? ‘Put own safety first, that is the order for New York Police.’ This is not a joke. This is very serious order from the top.

Where is Robocop? The US might as well replace all the policemen with Robocop instead. What happens to the trigger happy police officers? Isn’t this the moment they are looking for, a situation that would allow them to fire from their hips, and every street patrol is like a gunfight made in Hollywood.

Things are now complicated by the ascendance of the IS in the Middle East and their sympathizers would want a bit of action at home base, in the streets of New York and many be other cities as well. Would there be more street warfare, gunfights in every street corners, or police officers being stalked and ambushed in the streets of New York?

The nature of the ball game changes over night. The police are on the run. They are entrenched behind the fortress of their police station for safety. The question, how long are they going to hide behind the walls of safety? Would there be anarchy in the streets when the police have gone hiding?

Kopi Level - Green


  1. WOW! Another New York cop saga.

    Well, if the cops can't reign in their gun crazy lunatic racists, some eye for an eye citizen vigilantes from the gun-totting public are going to respond.

    In the USA, the citizens can own firearms, and many do legally and illegally.

    And so we have yet another example of "individual freedom", American style: you shoot me, I shoot you back.

    If it results in anarchy, so be it.

    Got concealed carry?

  2. The blacks fear the whites. So took it out on other Asians.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Almost everyone owns a gun in the US.

    Live by the gun, you die by the gun. Life is very fair.

  5. " And it was reported that they would not respond to calls for help. If this is true, then what are the police for? "

    "What more do you want? Three meals in a hawker centre, a food court or a restaurant?"
    PAP Millionaire Vivian Balakrishnan.

    Do you think PAP Millionaires respond to Singaporeans' call for help?
    Or do you think PAP Millionaires look after themselves first?
    If this is true, then what is the PAP government for?

  6. @203:

    >>Live by the gun, you die by the gun. Life is very fair.

    Actually life is rarely ever fair.

    Live by the gun, or by anything, or nothing at all ....DIE ANYWAY :-) :-)

    I'd sooner die from a bullet than suffering long time with Colo rectal cancer or Alzheimer's dementia.

    Bullet travels ~ 1000m/s

    Nerve impulse: 50-300 milliseconds

    I.e.: you won't even feel the bullet going in your head. But sure as shit after a curry are you going to feel and suffer thru cancer, or a brain disease.
