
Obama and Kerry – The Asians are stupid

The sinking of South Korean warship Choenan was the act of the North Koreans. The shooting down of MH17 was by pro Russian rebels. The hacking of Sony Pictures was the act of North Korea as well. China was told by Kerry to cooperate with the Americans to bring the North Koreans to task. And this was supposed to be a secret negotiation but is being splashed across all the major western media to let the North Koreans know that China is working with the US and is now its enemy.

The Americans and western media think that they can simply drive a wedge between China and North Korea, two close allies just be issuing statements to undermine their relationship of several decades. China has made an official statement today to dispel the American accusation that the Sony attack was done by the North Koreans and demanding proof for such wild accusation, or another false flag incident.

And to make the accusation real, the Americans are painting the North Koreans as the most formidable experts in cyber warfare and technology. North Korea is now not a backward and unsophisticated country but a giant in cyber technology that could rival the US and take on the whole world.

The North Koreans knew the American game of inciting and agitating tension in other parts of the world, to provoke and start wars. Obama even threatened military actions to strike at North Korea. They never learn their lessons and think they can go on lighting fires everywhere. The North Koreans have responded by saying that they would attack the Pentagon and the White House and everything in the US if the Americans dare to start another war. If the American bluffology that the North Koreans are that good in cyber warfare, they better be prepared to go on a run, and hide behind high walls like the NYPD.

The North Koreans would carry out the threat if the US continues to provoke them. If they can do so much damage to Sony Picture, hacking into all the American agencies would not be an issue. Or the Americans knew that the North Koreans were unable to do so and the Americans could attack them with impunity. This also means that the attack on Sony was done by you know who, and the Americans knew very well who did it other than the North Koreans.

The Asians and the rest of the world would not be conned by the Americans and western media to fight among themselves anymore. China would not desert the North Koreans and would remain their closest ally and would protect the North Koreans at all cost should the Americans open another theatre of war in East Asia.

The American game of deceit and treachery to start wars everywhere, to get the Afro Asians to fight among themselves is as transparent as the glass house they are living in. No one is going to believe the Americans and allow the Americans to make them go to war with their neighbours, particularly their close allies. The game of deceit and treating Asians as fools is over, game over.

Kopi Level - Green


  1. Agree and disagree.

    I disagree that Afro-Asians can shrug off American dominance and geo-political meddling. Here's why:

    1. American Exceptionalism-- this allows the US to change policy and doctrine purely to suit US interests. One day you are US ally, but if you don't tow the line, some other day you have a Predator drone firing hell fire missiles at you or you're hunted by SEAL Team (pick your number), or the CIA has started some civil war shit by backing rebels and your enemies.

    2. The USD is still the world's reserve currency. The 10 yr Treasury is the most liquid market. The US Federal Reserve is the place the world runs to in times where there's a "liquidity crisis", to bailout fucked-up cuntrees with newly-printed "reserves".

    3. Superpower military dominance, married to economic leverage. The more China ascends militarily, the more support other Asian states give to their Big Dick White Daddy "Protector". America is a business-minded, capitalist-culture nation so they don't give away "protection" for nothing. There's always horse-trading involved. See: Confessions Of An Economic Hitman

    4. Massive US foreign aid budget: usually used to "buy" and "pay off" corrupt state leaders.

    5. Cultural conquest. American culture has conquered the world.

    In a nutshell: LEVERAGE. aka carrot and stick, but delivered with charm and class, seduction and incentives. If that doesn't work, trade sanctions and embargoes. Still no success? Then send the stealth bombers, SEAL Teams and Predator drones.

  2. US is supreme in weaponry and culture subversion.
    China and Chinese as a whole has failed badly in upholding root and core culture, something Matilah Singapura is unused and even loathe. Chinese bastardize themselves and uproot easily, they need little persuasion to adopt other cultures, including religions.

    However, to say that US can behave as it fancies is to overstate the Reality. The US has not conquered any territory and had lost to Vietnam, a almost primitive armed country.
    The US can be expected to face much internal strifes that could be very damaging. The Conflict between the White and the Black will gather momentum as the fight for political power escalates as time goes.

    Anyway, the US has been over rated for too long and it shall not last much longer. It SHALL loses its clout in the Coming Decades.


  3. OPEC is trying to kill the production of shale oil by the Americans by pushing the price of oil low to make it uneconomical to produce the oil.

  4. For goodness sake, give that dog a bone.
    Got bark?

  5. If the US influence is waning then who countries would pap look upon to fill the partial vacuum. Notably India and Japan, their culture and language likely to be the given more presence in the pap's media. Jap artiste performance thus cultural invasion is starting to be endorsed like in president charity show for the first time. afterall pap has deep relations with japanese since war time !

  6. This cyber attack against Sony has the same finger prints as the sinking of the Choenan. A false flag conducted by the Americans and pointing the finger at the North Koreans. The Americans said North Korea is guilty so it must be.

    The North Koreans wanted a joint investigation like the Choenan for this case. Again the Americans rejected it like the Choenan. North Koreans are guilty and cannot defend itself. The Evil Empire has passed the verdict of guilt.

    What a joke. This is 2014 and a few days will be 2015. The Americans still think the whole world are fools and what they said count, what they committed and planted as guilt evidence must count, like the downing of MH37 and the missing MH370.

    Who did it? Ask the Americans.

  7. 'The US has not conquered any country.' What a load of uninformed claptrap. For starters most, if not all of today's popular culture are a result of others aping the USA. The culture war has been fought and won. In 200 years the US has more military interventions than any country in modern history. This is still happening today. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_United_States_military_operations

  8. From 1839 the first Opium War. the Chinese Han nation controlled by the manchurians fought the invading English colonialists Until 1978 the opening up of CHINA. 139 years were lost. The nation went down. Millions displaced in that period of turbulent, wars, civil war, revolution. While Chinese forced to leave their homeland in search of jobs, food and safety, USA a new superpower was in the making.

  9. The rise of America , which played a big role in China war efforts against the Jepun and also the defeat of Japanese military regime/govt in Spore where many locals were hired as translators and the pai lang informants who got many massacred.
    However, the USA did not take over the control of Spore and SEA and let them free

  10. @rb:

    No lah, the hacking of Sony was quite definitely anti US elements, probably N Korean.

    Their beef is over the new film (Seth Rogan -- legendary pot-head and hilarious human) called The Interview where there's a plot to send 2 journalists recruited by the CIA to deceive the N Koreans by staging an interview with dick-tater Kim, but the 2 journalists are actually going to ASSASINATE him.

    Cmon lah, if you were a N Korean official, how can you let such outrageous shit pass lah? Lose face already, kena BULLY by Hollywood, kena worldwide RIDICULE...cannot lah, must hantam the studio terok terbokok and cause them to lose money and reputation.

    What's more Rogan is famous as a STONER and all round fuck-care guy. How can you tolerate this buffoon ASSASINATING YOUR LEADER...even in a make-belief movie? No way.

  11. Change the script to Spore can?

  12. After WW2, the Americans handed all the colonial territories back to the previous colonial powers, Vietnam to French, SE Asia to Brits and Dutch, India back to Brits.

    That led to the second phase of war of independence and the Vietnam War.

  13. The US colony, pinoyland gained full independence with the recognition of Philippine sovereignty by the U.S. in 1946 after the war. To the American these SEA countries liberated from the Japs esp Vietnam would suffered immensely where the americans troops came back to bomb the hell out of vietnam lao cambodia.
    Lucky Pinoys
