
More fear mongering by politicians

Mahathir has matched the rhetoric of fear by claiming that the Malays in Malaysia have become beggars. Seems like spreading fear and scare tactics are a sure way to win an election by frightening the voters. Lim Kit Siang is throwing a challenge to Mahathir to a public debate to back up his claim. How could the Malays in Malaysia be beggars when all the positions of authority, from the king, PM, Ministers, head of all the ministries, uniformed services, judges and industries are headed by the Malays? But Mahathir would want the Malays to feel so, to feel threatened. His reason, the Malay votes are splitted and UMNO needs to beg the non Malays for support. He ignores the point that regardless of whether UMNO, PAS or PKR won the GE, the Malays would still form the govt and dominate all the key positions. The non Malay political parties and politicians are just side kicks in a side show, callafare in a show where all the main actors are Malays.
So how could the Malays be beggars? But if Mahathir keeps saying it, soon many Malays would believe so. And UMNO and the ultras would use this as a slogan to drum up more fears among the Malays, that they are losing power in their own country. Can it ever happen?

The chances of the Chinese majority in Singapore losing political power and ended like Malaysia, with foreigners in control, are far higher and more likely to happen than the Malays in Malaysia losing political power. Singapore is blindly bringing in so many foreigners that true blue Sinkies are now an absolute minority and it is only a matter of time before the new Sinkies would dominate the politics and economy and all aspect of life in Sin City. There is no law or institutions in Singapore, not even in the Constitution, to protect the true blue Singaporeans in general to remain the dominant political force and owners of the island.

The island is free for all. Any foreigner who looks like a talent, claimed to be a talent or who pretends to be a talent is welcomed. What do you think would happen to the original Sinkies?

Kopi Level - Green


  1. Singapore is blindly bringing in so many foreigners that true blue Sinkies are now an absolute minority and it is only a matter of time before the new Sinkies would dominate the politics and economy and all aspect of life in Sin City.

    But problem is that the real Sinkies have below replacement fertility rate mah. At this rate, and without new Sinkies, it is only a matter of time before Sinkies and Sinkieland become extinct.

    So which is the lesser of the 2 evils, no Sinkies or new Sinkies? And will the "not ready to be govt" opposition able to solve the problem if voted in as govt? Will they, u tell me lah?

  2. Non Malays, or non Bumis rather, in Matland have no problem seeking a better life lah. Last time, almost all of them want to come to Sinkieland for a better life. Not so anymore. They now prefer Western countries or some even think Matland, despite all the discrimination against non Bumis, is still better than Sinkieland.

    That's why Sinkieland now need to get PRCs, India Ah Nehs, Pinoys, Myanmar etc to fill the many vacancies caused by no enough true blue Sinkies and non Bumi Matlanders lah.

    So need to understand why PAP is doing what they are doing, or why even WP Teochew Ah Hia praised PAP for being competent.

  3. Copulate More to Save our Country


  4. Will voting in the Sinkie opposition as govt make true blue Sinkies copulate more?

  5. 'Copulate more to save our country'.
    Screw you then. Bend over right now.


  6. 'But problem is that the real Sinkies have below replacement fertility rate mah. At this rate, and without new Sinkies, it is only a matter of time before Sinkies and Sinkieland'

    So why don't the politicians and their lackeys put their brains together and prescribe a solution to this most urgent problems. Instead of just resorting to zero imagination immigration.

    After all so many other countries have managed to reverse declining total fertility rates - it's not as if the trend is inexorable or that nothing can be done to mitigate the decline.

    So how it is possible that an political outfit that claims to have the 'best' talents that $ can buy cannot even find the requisite imagination, élan and mental dexterity to resolve this problem.

    I want to understand. But I do not.

    I mean if there is a leak in my roof. Do I not patch that leak.....but it seems all the custodians of power are doing is building another roof over that leaky roof.

    Recently I conducted a survey amongst my friends whose kids have just got married. Out of nearly 40 couples. Only 3 are seriously planning to raise children.

    So that more or less rubbishes shien loongs claim of trying to fashion Singapore as a premier site for families and grandchildren to live in - after all, what is the bloody point of having the best park in Jurong....when there are no native kids to run around in. What is the point of building a smart city, when there are no kids.

    This is what happens when leaders get their priorities all wrong. They destroy lives.

    Darkness 2014

    P.S how do all like my more strident tone? I learnt it from Matilah and his IB handlers. I wonder what would his controllers say when they ask, why has Darkness suddenly become so aggressive and full frontal....how I wonder would this reflect on my KPI? Well that is your problem. You write the rules....I just play it as it is.


  7. What do you think would happen to
    the original Sinkies?

    It is very very simple!

    Don't think about it.

    Don't talk about it.

    Don't worry about it.

    Life is too short to worry.

    Can survive.....survive lah.

    Cannot survive.....cannot lah.

    This is Singapore for you!

    Cheers and Merry Xmas!

  8. @ panic-stricken RB:

    >> The island is free for all.

    Not quite, but it is definitely heading in that direction...and that is GOOD THING for the LONG TERM fate of the nation. I totally support a "free for all", toe-to-toe competition etc.

    >> What do you think would happen to the original Sinkies?

    Human beings are extremely adaptable. So they will change, or they won't. Their choice. The world is changing rapidly. Everyone is affected.

    I won't pay too much attention to Mahathir, and it is important to read the man correctly. He has a long history of criticising Malays and Bhumi culture. I don't think he is trying to sow the seeds of a race divide in this instance. I think he's trying to kick the bhumis in their lazy corrupt arses and tell them to wake the fuck up.

  9. Welcome back to the Red Bean forum and oh don't worry, on the net no one knows you are a dog.
    Got fleas?

  10. 'Human beings are extremely adaptable. So they will change, or they won't. Their choice. The world is changing rapidly. Everyone is affected.'

    Just disregard what this fuck has to say :)

    Darkness 2014

  11. 'I won't pay too much attention to Mahathir, and it is important to read the man correctly. He has a long history of criticising Malays and Bhumi culture. I don't think he is trying to sow the seeds of a race divide in this instance. I think he's trying to kick the bhumis in their lazy corrupt arses and tell them to wake the fuck up.'

    To all, disregard again what this fuck has to say!

    Questions: what is my goal here?

    Darkness 2014

  12. Yes, what is this matilar fuck's intent here?

  13. How many can afford to have children? One tin of milk powder $50 last half a month. School bus $300. Nursery or childcare $800. Tuition $500, and what about the rest of growing up stuff.

    Go and copulate, go forth and multiply. Talk only. So easy. Who is going to pay?

  14. @ rb:

    I absolutely agree, not everyone can or should have children, especially if they don't have the finances to support such a costly endeavour.

    In the past you could rely on your fellow sua tengs from the pig-farming kampung to "help out" with the child bearing and rearing.

    No longer is this the general case in our more individualistic and ATOMIZED societies: you'd better have the ca$$h to bring kids into this world,and pay like nuts....even up to, and beyond their youths when they'll be shopping for iPhone, $250 sneakers, and several hundred thousand dollar tertiary educations.

    Got financial health?

  15. Atomized...big word as deep as sodomize.
    Got doggy style? Don't worry you're safe, no one knows you're a woofer.
    Got desexed?


  16. There is an interesting article
    in TRE reporting how a father of
    three, aged 8, 3 and 2, griped
    over the impending increase of
    20% in the monthly full-day
    childcare fees next year.

    The father felt that it will be
    financially unbearable.

    Sad Sad Sad.......!

  17. Mr Matthias Koh further stated that there has not been any fee adjustments for more than two years since Mar 2012, and the key factor for this increase is due to the 100% hike in rental. In fact, the fee of $1,008 per month per kid after the increase, is already a preferential rate to existing kids in the centre. For new applicants, they will be charged at $1,500 per month. As compared to the other neighbouring centres, Mr Koh claimed that the fees charged by their centres are considered in the lower range.

    The father has two kids in the childcare centre. More than $2k a month. Why allowed the rental to go up and up when govt is begging the people to have babies?

    What is the intent of the super talents and the more babies policy?

  18. $1000 pm income can buy a flat.

  19. It's hard to find any sympathy for that asshole of a lousy father writing at the TRE website.

    Please lah, no one wants to hear your complaints about the rising cost of living-- everyone is affected by our dwindling purchasing power. Just because this dickhead has 3 kids doesn't make him SPECIAL, what a self-important DOUCHEBAG! I hope his kids grow up to hate him :-))

    $1000-1500 is what you would spend owning and running a small or medium car in our Island Paradise. People spend that, and Singapore car owners are PROUD car owners: they know what it costs to own a car, and they like their "nice" cars.

    Kanninah. When people have to pay that for their kids, the wail and cry like bitches with PMS.

    The observation that Singaporeans care more for their cars than their kids is another HORRYFYING trait in the cancerous anti-humanity Singaporean culture that also breeds XENOPHOBIA (redbean, pay attention!), impatience, arrogance, entitlement mentality, and a very fucking lousy attitude to negative criticism (Singaporeans cannot take criticism).

    I wonder what the Ministry of Culture has to say about Singapore's societal culture?

    Oh yah, you cannot negatively criticise the govt ministries, nor the statutory boards-- which are little feudal fiefdoms run by unelected "aristocrats".

    Wow! I hope I didn't say anything wrong....haha her hee ho ho ho ...

  20. How your anti anonymous program coming along. Maybe you should tell everyone who you are related too. Or do you want me to do that for you.

    Darkness 2014

    p.s that pretty much explains everything doesn't it?

  21. Talk as if it is so easy to make $ in Singapore.

  22. What a flea bag alert at 8.05pm. Whoo whoo whoooo!

  23. RB has a deranged smelly chap cheng here attacking him daily. This chow chap cheng really thinks people believe a word he said. Everyone is ignoring him like a leper but he thinks otherwise.

  24. He? It is not an attack without rhyme or reason. There is a strategic intent. How shall I put it?

    Tell me how does one go about selling a gold plated fire engine?

    Yes, that is certainly one way of putting it.

    When I tell you the reason WHY along with. HOW and who stands to benefit from all this. You will all certainly fall off your chairs....of that I am quite sure.

    But I need to sleep now. I need to wake up at 4.30 for a hunt.

    Do all know when it comes to hunting....it's never like the movies. One doesn't just go out there into the wild to prey on a animal. For one it's almost impossible to gain an advantage. Not when one considers how blunt our primal instincts are. Their senses will always be keener.

    To win one has to get underneath their skin....this requires the highest acme of warcraft...to cream thru flesh, bone and mind like a speeding.arrow....to be in a complete state of oneness with that which one chooses to kill.

    Someday I will write more about this delightful torment.


    Good nite.

    Darkness 2014

  25. 8.05pm fleas has gotten into this woofer's brain.
    Barking mad self gratifier.
