
Jack Neo: Govt says – ‘Cheng hu kong’

In an article translated and posted in TRE titled ‘A PRC writes: Singaporeans are really stupid!’ described exactly how stupid Sinkies are, and this is not due to defective genes but conditioning. I quote, ‘My buddy from the travel agency told me, among tour groups from around the world, those from Singapore are the easiest to guide. It is so easy that any new guide can handle them without any problem. Why? Because Singaporeans are exceptionally stupid, you can say whatever you want, just fabricate any reasons, they will be convinced without difficulty.’

The article went on to explain how easy the Sinkie tourists were duped and fleeced by their tour guides to buy cheap medicinal herbs and souvenirs at highly inflated prices without protesting, and how they were conned by free foot reflexology massage only to be told they were all sick from head to toe and ended up parting with thousands of dollars to buy worthless herbs that cost a fraction of their actual price. I have heard of a testimony of an acquaintance, a retired professional, coughing out $6,000 after a few minutes of foot reflexology in Hainan Island.

I think it is unfair to blame the daft Sinkies as they were brought up to be stupidly honest, a national asset, to trust the govt or ‘cheng hu’, another national asset, to take everything at face value especially when the word ‘cheng hu’ is mentioned. Whatever ‘cheng hu’ said is right and must be accepted as good. The PRC tour guides knew of these Sinkie traits and exploited them to the fullest, everytime saying the shops and herbal stalls, etc were set up by the Chinese govt. So very dependable, would not cheat them. No need to ask question or cannot ask question.

All the reasons and excuses given by the ‘cheng hu’ must be the whole truth, like the stories in the movie ‘To Singapore with love’ not very true because ‘cheng hu’ said so. The true versions are available everywhere in hard copies, and will soon be turned into a movie.

And if the daft Sinkies want to protest or demonstrate, they must also wait for the ‘cheng hu’ to say it is ok to protest and demonstrate. This obedient trait is also another of our national asset. That is why the PMEs simply resigned to their fate when told they were not good enough and kena sacked from jobs that they were doing for 20 or 30 years. The new hires from 3rd world villages were found to be more talented and have the skill sets that they did not have. They would not question why they were not good enough and why the new hires from God knows where, probably fakes, were better than them. Did the ‘cheng hu’ said so?
Sinkies were told that they are in demands overseas where employers are looking for exactly the excellent Sinkie type, work very hard, very honest and very compliant, and very easy to manage. The Sinkies would make model workers in production lines, when thinking is not necessary, when asking question is frowned upon.

See how readily they accept that the ‘cheng hu’ can decide what it can do with their CPF savings and the only thing they dared to ask, oops, not ask but to plead is for the ‘cheng hu’ to be kinder and return a little bit more to them when they retire. If the ‘cheng hu’ says no, they may kpkb a bit, but will still accept what the ‘cheng hu’ said and move on. They know the chenghu will not cheat them and is acting for their own good.

It is unfair for the PRC to comment that Sinkies are stupid. They are extremely stupid. But it is nicer to say that Sinkies are honest, obedient and simple. For those who are intent to cheat on the Sinkies, please do so but don’t have to insult them further by calling them stupid to hurt their pride. Stupid people also got pride you know.

Please read the article in TRE and face the hard truth of what others think of the daft Sinkies. Not I say one. Don’t be angry with me hor.

Kopi Level - Green


  1. "We are on your side"
    "Foreigners create jobs for Singaporeans"

    "You (Singaporeans) are at the heart of all our policies.
    You are the reason why my key men and I entered politics.... "


  2. Singapore is a REPRESENTATIVE democracy.
    Singaporeans are supposed to vote for Members of Parliament who will REPRESENT us in parliament.

    So you tell me lah.
    Whose values does your PAP MP represent in parliament?
    Singaporean values or LKY/PAP/LHL values?

  3. This article does not shows Sinkies are daft .When one join a tour group for travel one should know that bringing them to these shops is to hope that they buy and the guide has a share in commission .
    Apply to everywhere include Singapore.

    Sinkies are just being generous to others .

    Sometimes kena kotok a bit oversea is better than allowing others to say Sinkies kiamsiapkwee.Must take care of our Sinkies image.
    Some oso need to howlian to show they are rich and when see pretty salesgirl only anyhow buy.
    Not daft lah.They are just being generous.
    and image conscious.

  4. This is one time I agree with an article in the TRE.

    Critical thinking and skepticism is not a cultural trait amongst Singaporeans.

    In fact, the cuntry is filled with "lazy" and "magical" thinkers. Even many of the people with advanced degrees.

    As for duping people, here's a very counter-intuitive fact:

    Highly educated people who think they are smart are THE EASIEST TO FOOL, and in actuality, the human brain is "designed" to be fooled.

    Ref: See Project Alpha from the early 1980's. Mentalist James Randi used a couple of kids to fool a bunch of very smart, highly skeptical, well-trained scientists.

  5. It is precisely such kind of thinking that helps to keep the PAP in power for over 50 years.

    People's brains just go for holiday and take in everything that is being told by cheng hu.

    Many many years ago in 1990, when Malaysia government took back their Malaysian shares and stop listing in Singapore. The government then came out with CLOB and told Singaporeans not to worry and treat everything as usual and many Singaporeans obediently followed. Then Malaysia in 1998 came out with currency control and CLOB had to close down causing many Singaporeans to suffer huge losses.

    Did the government come out to fight for Singaporeans' rights when negotiating with the Malaysian government? Well, the Singapore government just told Singaporeans to do as what the Malaysian government instructed, which paid CLOB investors peanuts for surrendering back the shares to Malaysia.

    Did we really wake up from this? I'm not sure. It seems a lot of Sinkies still have huge faith in their cheng hu.

    We have no one to blame but ourselves.

    We want change but scare change and so in the end we will just be the same, complaining non-stop till we kick-bucket !

    Oh yes ! We can sink and sing if you want as a nation !
