
NKF has 8 years reserves!

Leong Sze Hian was quite disturbed by NKF’s 8 years reserves and still wanting to start raising more funds. According to Leong Sze Hian, in year 2013 NKF still had a surplus of $6.6m, not negative or drawing down from its reserves. Actually hor, the reserves should have another $6.6m added. Is this bad? The reserves as at June 2013 stood at a handsome $260m. The $6.6m will mean a growth of 2.5%.

Maybe Leong Sze Hian should look at it from a different perspective. As far as reserves are concerned, the more the better. Maybe NKF would want to target a 10 year reserves, or even a 20 year reserves. Maybe NKF could be thinking of turning its reserves into another SWF to generate more returns and be self sustaining like GIC and Temasek. When NKF’s reserves can be self sufficient then it would not have to raise funds in the future right? Won’t that be nice?

Another way to look at it, the reserves would need growth to look good. The right number would be a 10% growth, a little less than the SWFs. Growth is good for sure. Everyone wants growth, so it is normal for NKF to want to grow its reserves. And there could be more people needing dialysis from NKF in the future. And it is always good to be ready for that rainy day. These types of logics cannot be faulted right?

I think, to cover front side and back side, and every possible scenario, NKF should target to have a reserve of 30 years. Then everyone can sleep well at night just like our CPF, so much money after retirement. Die already still go a lot of money to spend. Jiat buay liao.

What do you think?


  1. "Maybe NKF could be thinking of turning its reserves into another SWF to generate more returns and be self sustaining like GIC and Temasek."


    It is due to the huge reserves of and self sustaining GIC and Temasek that make Sinkieland a success story.

    So NKF should follow GIC and Temasek to be a success story also lah, tio bo?

    In fact smart Sinkies are also following GIC and Temasek, by growing their own reserves(aka bank account) to be a success story.

    So where got time and energy for smart Sinkies to join opposition to fight and replace PAP as govt, u tell me lah?

  2. GIC and Temasek is doing.

    NKF is doing.

    Smart Sinkies are doing.

    But is the SInkie opposition doing it? And doing enough?

    If reserves no enough, where got lui (money) to contest 100% seats, even if got enough smart Sinkies as candidates, u tell me lah?

    No wonder majority (aka 60%) Sinkies always see opposition no up, no hope, no success story.

  3. RB is also working hard to grow his kopi reserve every day.

    Target: To afford kopi luwak every day.

  4. NKF is just following standard self serving Chinese Emperor procedure.
    Make the present generation do national service for the greater glory of the Third Reich.


  5. I am not concerned about NKF reserves.

    What is most important is the amount of subsidy for patients.

    As no patient has a choice not to undergo kidney dialysis, the subsidy should be substantial.

    Please help please help the patients!

    Be Kind To Others........

  6. RB, I think not only NKf but all institutions inc statutory boards etc must have at least 50 years reserve to be sustainable so we are a long way off the target. Even like nus with more than a billion reserve also still doing fund raising and asking parents to donate. That is the right mind set. Nus need at least like Harvard with billions in reserve.

    I think it will take another two to three generations before we reach the target before may be revising to a 100 years reserve thereafter lor

  7. Ya lor, RB is too conservative. 50 years or 100 years reserve is the best.

  8. RB,
    You got 8 years worth of savings? How many of us do?

  9. You mean 8 days? I am now relying on my kopi level and it fluctuates daily. Many days only enough for two cups: )

  10. Fuck the SWF. The NKF should become a hedge fund investing in, KIDNEYS.

    There's an untapped market for human organs. Asia is home to the largest multitudes of the world's poor cunts. Many of them will gladly swap one of their kidneys for the latest iPhone or X -Box so their lives would suck less.

    A great guy to run the NKF Hedge Fund is foreign-talent-supremo Anton Casey. He has a unique style of dealing with the poor, which has made him internationally famous.

  11. 8 years of reserves.
    800 years of reserves.

    Where is the money going to come from?
    From the pockets, savings and CPF of Singaporeans lah!!

    Where is the money going to?
    This one hard to say.
    Is the money going to benefit all Singaporeans or just the Millionaire Singaporeans?

  12. What is PAP's track record of using money to benefit Singaporeans over the last 20 years?

  13. Yo, Matilah,

    You are jealous because your wife is fat, ugly, one tetek amputated and got mustache and your retarded kids are missing teeth? Market value less than ZERO! So no money for you lah... you have to shake it! Hahahahaha!'

    Why are you saying bad things about yourself?

  14. Guess the spirit of durai still looms around. More gold taps installed?

  15. @RB:

    I take it you might not be quite ready to accept my particular flavour of humour -- or a lame attempt, in any case.

    I needn't remind you that in reality my moral compass is flexible, however in the realm of humour, I am completely devoid of any encumbrances -- specifically, a moral compass.

    Anything goes, OK? Yu dun like, yu cancel my post. Like I said - anything goes, especially for you.

    Happy now? Good. Let's all hold hands and sing a song praising Jeezus ;-)
