
The Singapore Spinning Wheel

For those who have kept white mice as pets they must be familiar with the sight of white mice peddling furiously on a spinning wheel in the glass enclosure. When the mice are tired, they could hop off the wheel to take a break. It is a kind of exercise for the mice in a small enclosure. In some experiments, the white mice were entrapped and will run themselves to death.

Singapore is like a large invisible spinning wheel to many of its residents. Other than the super rich, the rest of the inhabitants would have to mount the wheel and keep running. Anyone who stops would fall off and may be squashed. The thing about this spinning wheel is that it must keep running on the steam of the residents and falling off is like falling into self destruction.

For the majority of the Sinkies, they would have to run on the wheel non stop for life, no retirement. There is no other option. And they are prepared from very young to be fit and strong, not lazy and weak. Everyone is born to run this race, and the govt demands more children to be put on the wheel to keep it spinning ever faster and faster.
The people that are exempted from this race are the rich and super rich locals, citizens or PRs. They are the privileged class that is spared this ordeal.

The not so well off foreigners are also brought in to run on the wheel to keep it spinning. The only difference, these foreigners could jump off the wheel and run back to their home countries, cashed out to live a life of plenty. They know what they are doing, they are willing to run on the wheel. And they know that when they have had enough, they sort of jump ship and say good bye to the wheel and those running on it.

The Sinkies have no choice but to run and run until they drop dead. They cannot afford not to run. And they have been told that it is also their responsibility to give birth to more babies to run on the wheel like them. No one is questioning the goodness of running on this wheel and the ever faster and faster speed needed. No one can slow it down. It is expected to run faster, not slower, a happy and desirable thing, a no choice thing, for the Sinkies. They are born to run on the unstoppable spinning wheel.

Kopi level- Green. Thank you.


  1. A very good analogy. 31299554

  2. Leedersheep by example - one very own old man 91 years old still working, refused to give up drawing salary, allowances, pensions, and bonuses and other perks, even though already extremely rich and going to die already, tio boh?

  3. " The Sinkies have no choice but to run and run until they drop dead. .... They are born to run on the unstoppable spinning wheel. "

    Got choice lah!
    Just vote Opposition.
    Then no need to run non-stop anymore.
    Instead, it will be the PAPig Millionaires who will have to run instead.


  4. You call it the Singapore Spinning Wheel.

    I call it BICYCLE Life.

    You are expected to cycle from day one.

    If you cycle at NORMAL speed, you may not be able to catch up.

    If you stop cycling, you will FALL!

    This is life for you in this city state.

    Cheers. TGIF!

  5. RB:

    >> Singapore is like a large invisible spinning wheel to many of its residents.

    Serves them right for being unwilling to decide their own lives. So a lab rat you shall be! For the great social experiment called "Singapore".

    Shall we throw these rodents bits of cheese now and then? Or shall we set mouse traps and put out rat poison. Hmmmm... decisions, decisions...

  6. "The Sinkies have no choice but to run and run until they drop dead."

    - that applies to almost the entire world population and not sinkies only. Sg is not the best but it is not bad. Must better than a lot of third world countries. I will still rank Sg top ten in the world.

  7. Yes, Singaporeans should be thankful and stop moaning and complaining that life is tough. Just like a bunch of spoilt children. Get out there and look at life from a more positive angle. There are no free lunches and have to work for the bread on your table. So, please stop wishing for free handouts. You will not get any in Singapore.
