
"We pay people what their job is worth................"

"We pay people what their job is worth and what the quality of the people is worth..............." Does this statement impute that the presidency and the ministerial posts in Singapore are heavier and of greater gravity and responsibility than those of USA, Russia, China, Germany, England, France, India Indonesia and Brazil and therefore needs to command  premium salaries many times higher than the others.

As regards the quality of our president and ministers , do they measure up to that of President Putin of Russia, Merkle of Germany, Xi Jingping and Li Keqiang of China and those of the aforementioned countries. In both cases they do not and therefore their salaries should henceforth scale down to more commensurate level say forty to fifty percent that of the salary of Obama or Merkle or Putin. Singapore is very much let down by our president and ministers. They have four of the five proverbial blindness viz blind to injustice, blind to their incompetence, blind to the righteous, blindly engaged in war and blind to the citizens' well being and all this would eventually doom the state to fall and the people to suffer more.

They do not seem to care that their sinful unrealistically high salaries, the COES, ERPS and GSTs have a very high negative and direct impact on the peoples cost of living and therefore a great burden to them.  They don't seem to realise that the high cost of HDB flats, high cost of transport and high medical cost is a nightmare to the people at large never mind what Koh Boon Wan said about paying only $8.00 for a heart operation.

Many of the government's policies and governance are poorly thought out especially regarding the workers' CPF , foreign talents and intake of hundreds of thousands of immigrants into this tightly sardine packed island and these have a great detrimental impact on the lives of Singaporeans. The president and ministers should  'Walk The Talk' and not talk 'NATO'.


  1. Kpkb here until die also no use de.

    Didn't you remember the deaf frog infamous proclamation?

  2. High obscene pay for them is to stop them from getting corrupt. Obama only can have two terms so that he cannot amass too much power to be corrupted. (Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.) Maybe we should pressure Parliament to amend our Constitution to limit PM's tenure to two terms so that the Familee cannot rule perpetually? And avoid paying obscene salaries to those who do not really deserve?


  3. Saycheese,

    "...Obama only can have two terms so that he cannot amass too much power to be corrupted...."

    I really hate to put you down, it goes to show how much you and many Sinkies know about Americans’ politics or even politics. Two terms? The liar is a war criminal (including the previous administration) and the most powerful criminal on earth. Beside using drones, covert murders and kidnaping, he can do anything, and reelected for 2nd term. Just to let you know Afghanistan is by far America's bloodiest war!


  4. On this basis, aren't we over paying our ministers ? Going by netizens' comments, most of them are useless ("mo lun yung" as the Cantonese would say), fumble, screw up big time ("buay zhai" as the Hokkiens would say)

  5. Rb all tio. Sinkie land very complex and complicated to rule then USA and china lar. Everyday do this or do that also kena kpkb by net citizen. Very high pressure type of job that is why mr cow has to go heart surgery as high blood pressure tak boleh tahan already.

    In view the the above they should be paid many times more then those running china and USA as their jobs are easier compared to our ministers mah. Tio bo? No?u tell me lar

  6. "We pay people what their job is worth ..."

    Who is this "we" that Ah Loong refers to?
    Is it Singaporeans?
    Is it the 60% daft Singaporeans?
    Is it PAP?
    Is it PAP's CEC?
    Is it just LKY and LHL?
    Who is this mysterious "we"?

    Pay with whose money?
    Pay with LHL's money?
    Pay with PAP's money?
    Pay with Singaporeans money?
    Where is the money going to come from?

  7. New York City
    Settled 1624
    Incorporated 1898

    • Type Mayor–Council
    • Body New York City Council
    • Mayor Michael Bloomberg

    • Estimate (2012): 8,336,697[5]
    • Rank: 1st, U.S.
    • Density: 27,550/sq mi, (10,640/km2)

    New York City population=8.4 million
    One mayor: Michael Bloomberg
    Mayor's salary: US$195,000/year
    Michael Bloomberg only accepts a token US$1/year

    Why does Michael Bloomberg take only $1/year in salary?
    Because he is a millionaire.
    Just like our millionaire Ministers.



  8. Sounterngory, pls give us something new, this is getting old, just because some idiot is not happy about his pay, saying pay vs dignity, then got hamered which led him saying sorry......goodness sake, man up to your words lah, with the donkey millions that is gotten and with the blessing of the PM, their pay was finally reduced and along come this guy voted in by the blind and. ......arrrr, enough la, write about the recent child abuse, write about the fire that stop network etc, write about the white croc or even about the ants in your garden, enough trash, pleasessssssss.


  9. everything in Singapore is so so so very expensive.......

    look at the record ever rising prices of houses.. coe, cars... education... transports... foods... etc...

    many singaporeans find it increasingly difficult to cope with the rising prices... many are struggling... many are crying ....many have lost their voices.... many are left behind ....this is the true reality on the ground...

    this is what we call WEALTHY SINGAPORE? .......

  10. Everything expensive is necessary to support the huge pay at the top.

  11. Anonymous said...
    October 10, 2013 8:44 am

    "...many singaporeans find it increasingly difficult to cope with the rising prices... many are struggling... many are crying ....many have lost their voices.... many are left behind ....this is the true reality on the ground..."

    For crying out loud, we (20%) all knew that. It's no secret, but why did you vote for them? Since you voted them and now find it impossible (my view) to unyoke them, my best advice to learn to live with it.

    Many of your kind now grabbing anyone that sound good like Tan Jee Say (investment adviser, politician and former civil servant) and Tan Kin Lian (NTUC). You and your kind never learn! These two opportunist will be even worst.


  12. I think JC is a PAP running dog.
    That's why always attacking TJS and TKL.

    I guess Crony Tan is in danger of losing the next elections?

  13. October 10, 2013 11:21 am

    "I think JC is a PAP running dog.That's why always attacking TJS and TKL....?"

    "You are really clueless. If you have, you have any brain, would immediately know these two are gold diggers.

    Briefly, Tan Jee Say, proposed to sell Temasek - Sell to whom? Deutsche Morgan, Goldman Sachs or JP Morgan Chase, where his frens are waiting. Have you forgotten 2008 Banks' failure and the participants? This is exactly what the US's Tea Party and the Repug wanted. After breaking up Temasek you will get a share of the money?

    It amazed me time and again called a PAP running dogs and I never once voted for them. No wonder the PAP able to rule Sinkies for more than 50 years!


  14. If only the Rulers stop manipulating and exploiting the People; I say They can take whatever amount they want.

    They maybe truly the most greedy, however, they are humans to know that THEY WILL RUN OUT OF TIME(LIFE) to spend and use the Money.


  15. With so much money they are paying themselves, where do you think the money is coming from?

  16. They are able to pay themselves absurd wages because 60% of the voters are daft.

  17. Their only interest is to remain in power, u die your own beuiness.
