
5 kinds of blindness worse than being blind

In an article written by a David Wu and Tanya Harrison on music in The Epoch Times they mentioned an ancient blind musician by the name of Shi Kuang. When the emperor took pity on his blindness he told the emperor that his blindness was nothing. There were 5 kinds of blindness that were worse than his.

He said, ‘when a king was blind to injustice, blind to his official’s incompetence, blind to the righteous, blindly engaged in war, and was blind to his subjects’ well being, his state would be doomed to fall and his people would suffer more.’

This little ancient wisdom can be applied to modern day states and the state of blindness of heads of govt or country. Any head of govt or country that lives with the 5 blindness will soon see his country’s doom and his own doom.


  1. It seems modern day Rulers are very lacking in simple virtues espoused by ancient sages.

    Are the followings:
    理(reasonableness) and
    Justice(公道), beyond them?

    The Above-mentioned are in fact
    Qualities and Qualifications that
    Rulers are expected to have. And they are simple conditions to fulfill without even the Need for Rulers to be talented.

  2. Virtues cannot be equated to being clever. Many thieves and crooks are exceptionally clever and talented but unprincipled, evil and self serving.

  3. I don't think PAP need bloggers and netizens to tell them what is wrong lah. They are not daft and blind, you know.

    Rather it is whether what is wrong is within tolerable limits, eg only 40% or less are not happy with PAP, or lost their jobs to foreign talents, and strongest opposition is not ready to be govt.

  4. Maybe there are also 5 kinds of deafness.
    Millionaire Lim Swee Say:
    What do you think?
    What say you?

  5. In risk management it is called low risk.

    Things may not be right, but if the risks it posed is low, then it is OK.

    For example, if WP says it will contest 100% seats next election and ready to be govt, then the risk this posed to PAP will not be low anymore, but very high. Because PAP will be at a high risk of being voted out.

  6. Whether blind or not blind, no kingdom will last forever. It is just a matter of time.

  7. 'When the emperor took pity on his blindness...'

    - I do not think this story is true. No emperor, elite, royalty or aristocratic family know exactly what is pity, compassion or sympathy. they only know how to screw the people to get more money out from them. They will not hestitate to send other people kids to die just to protect their wealth.

  8. In our contact, citizens are also blind.

  9. How come people here keep talking about rulers? We should be talking about servants.

    What qualities do servants need?
    No. 1. Must listen to master orders.
    No. 2. Don't tell your masters that you want to look for new masters.

  10. RB,
    You left out the 6th blindness - ruler blind to his own faults (incompetence, inability to govern, etc).

  11. To all:

    Here, we are asked to pay to get our backsides screwed.

    It does not make $en$e, does it?

    Here, we pay, make to do all kinds of shits including like a dog in NS, apy all kinds of non-$en$e tax including a $90,000 paper called COE and still get screwed left, right, centre.

    Ministers can give F--K speeches, say this say that but what are the realities on the ground?

    As RB wrote, maybe this HSK talk cock king should emulate GKY and go India learn from their education system if ours is so F--K-UP and our banks including DBS need to hire CEOs from their unranked universities or those not even in the top 300 when our graduates in our so called top 30 universities world wide are not good enough to be hired as CEOs in our own tax-payers funded GLCs ( DBS Bank )!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Wake up!

    Dun pretend deaf and blind and deaf frogs like the tooth-picks "shop-lifter"!!!!!!!

    Can't imagine a minister bragging and boasting about "stealing" tooth picks to the whole world and still expect to have moral authority to run the country! Who is daft? Sinkies or Deaf Frogs tooth-picks "thieves"? I believe many would agree for that and that alone, he should be forced to resign. That alone is worst than what Palmer did and the potential damage of moral authority to the government to rule this place effectively.

    What is the deaf frog thinking when his said he was having tim sum at 10.30am in the morning and after that took half a box of "fine" tooth pciks from the restaurant without permission. Did he pay for it? Or is it a gift from the restaurant for the giving "free advertisement and publicity" to the restaurant.

    Somebody should come out to clarify this matter once and for all or uphold accountability.

    Otherwise, the only way for this country to move forward is self-implosion down the road.

    A minister in the PMO coming out to talk like that and that's it? what's the damage to the government's moral authority? What is he trying to do? Sabotage the PMO? Undermine the PMO? Undermine the government's moral authority to rule?

    And that's it! He just walked away with it?

  12. Well the PAP=WP MPs are very happy with his explanation.

  13. Ha ha ha, every ride in the sardine packed mrt every morning and evening are free reminders to Sinkies to vote against some gone case people.
