
Malaysian EPF paying 6% interest

The Malaysian EPF has been consistently paying an interest rate of between 5 to 6% for the last 10 years. How is this compares to our 2.5% and 4% interest rates paid by CPF? Damn shiok right?

Now how could the Malaysians do it? They employed fund managers and so did our govt. They are likely to invest in a basket of financial products like us. It would be the greatest joke if their investments are chalking better returns than our world best fund managers. They could not be doing anything too different from us. Cannot be right? How then could they pay that kind of interest rates for so many years?

It would be patronizing to assume that their returns are lower than ours and still able to pay higher interest rates. Let’s be fair and presume that both perform just as well in ROIs. So, if the Malaysians are paying higher returns to their EPF owners, then the fund managers must be getting much lesser in salary and bonuses or they are returning everything they earned to their fund holders.

I think this is it. They did not engaged world best fund managers at world best pay, so the savings could count a lot and could end up paying better returns to their EPF owners. Explaining it in this way is not too complimentary to our fund managers. Our fund managers must be better and making better returns for the money they are being paid. And the lower pay out could or might be due to other reasons that we are not privy to.

Overall, it must be value for money. If we are paying so much we must be getting more in return. Tio Boh? But still doesn’t answer the discrepancy that the EPF can pay so much but with our world best talents our CPF are paying so little.


  1. It is worth repeating.

    CPF money goes to TH. They make 20%, give 2% back to CPF and pocket the rest into the golden cow reserve.

  2. We are very very very lucky that our govt still pays 2.5% and 4% interest rates for our CPF.

    Even if the govt push down your throat with 1% interest rate, what can you do?

    WHAT CAN Singaporeans DO?

  3. Our CPF money never go to TH lah. It only went to govt bond and govt lend money to TH. So TH got money from govt not from CPF. So simple logic.

  4. Who cares?
    Just vote Opposition.
    Cannot be wrong.

  5. The people should not pay any ministers (including the PM) anything more than the PM of malaysia. The CPF interest returns should be one of the main KPI for his pay. By paying us a return less than the inflation rate, it is clear that the gov is very incompetence, inadequate and unfit. A breach of constitution.

  6. Pay interest for what? It is an illusion lah.

    CPF is a tax disguised as a "retirement fund". In today's world NO ONE (no exceptions to this) can retire on CPF alone. Fuck man, you can't even pull out all "your" money -- you must leave a minimum sum...so fuck you then, if you still believe that money is "yours".

    Malaysia's inflation rate is havoc. Let them keep their shitty 6% on their EPF lah. What makes you so sure the corrupt financial cronies of UM-NO! aren't fiddling with all that national pension fund cash? What if they're playing their own Ponzi Scheme?

    Are you comparing one corrupt ponzi scheme with another? Have you lost your fucking mind?!?

  7. This can be summarized in 1 sentence : Malaysia Boleh, Sinkie land Tak Boleh (despite being paid the Highest salaries in the world)
