
How to save the USA?

The US govt is on a shut down mode. And two weeks down the road it is faced with a more serious problem, to raise its debt ceiling of US$16.7 trillion to a higher ceiling. Failing to do so will mean the American would run out of money, unable to pay interest on US govt bonds. It will be the first default in American history, that they could not service their loans.

My God, with a debt of US$16.7 trillion, they owed China US$1.3 trillion and Japan US$1.1 trillion, and nearly all the countries in the world and they want to print more money! And this country is talking about how rich it is and that it can afford to conduct wars everywhere and pay its soldiers to do that, buying more and more expensive military hardware, when it is already broke! It needs to print more money just to get by. In a way it is a bankrupt nation if it is not allowed to print money.

And the Americans are still consuming like hell, spending like hell, and enjoying like hell. How long can this go on? How many more times can it kick the can further down the road before there is no road left?

What the Americans need is a big electric jolt. Another way, as someone told me, is for the Americans to find a Lee Kuan Yew to run the show. This is the greatest statesman on earth and still alive, to save America. He also needs a bigger stage than the little piece of rock in red dot. We can loan him to the Americans where there is still time, though not much.

A big jolt is needed to get the American out of their senses. Obama could simply go on national TV and tell the Americans that the Chinese will overtake America as the Number One economic power if Congress still wants to play with fire and not to approve the budge and not to print more money. The thought of America being second to China, or having a Chinaman as President, will send fears down their spines and will wake up their ideas. They still did not know that they are in really bad shape, with a debt of US$16.7 trillion while China and Japan each is sitting on a reserve of more than US$1 trillion each.

Wake up America or we will send you Lee Kuan Yew. If that does not frighten you, then be prepared to be Number Two, no longer calling the shot, no longer be able to threaten other countries with regime change, no longer the sheriff of the world. You are bankrupt.


  1. G'morning Readbean, I almost fell of me chair when you said Singapore will give Loa Lee to America.

    You are very cheeky! A nice way of putting it, getting rid of a half dead pest. :-)


  2. it is much too late to get mr LKY to manage America....may be 25 yrs ago, not now......

    what Singapore can help is to buy one of the islands from usa or buy a huge piece of empty land in usa and turn it into 2nd Singapore.....that time 50M population also no problem .......

    this is what we call "ONE STONE KILLS TWO BIRDS".......

  3. Well, physically he may be awkward, but his mind is still lucid. If technology is there, they should keep his brain alive forever as the Oracle.

  4. rb 9.20am.....

    I m serious.....how about my idea of buying an island from usa....they have so many deserted islands.....

  5. I have been floating the idea of a long lease from Australia in the Northern Territories or Western Australia, and we can transplant a few estates over there for residency and farming. Sin City could still be our financial centre and we can have our own air buses up and down daily. That could be nearer and easier.

  6. rb 9.35am.....

    fantastic ideas fantastic idea ....should sell it to the govt....I hope the govt is reading this .....

  7. Excellent idea RB. Easier to talk to the Aussies than Indon. 3 kopi kau kau for you.

  8. /// My God, with a debt of US$16.7 trillion, they owed China US$1.3 trillion and Japan US$1.1 trillion, and nearly all the countries in the world and they want to print more money. ///

    This is the real dilemma for the creditors like China, Japan, Singapore and many other countries. Because the world used USD as the world currency, the US can resort to printing money with no adverse effect to itself, but with detriment to other countries. By printing more paper money, the US effectively devalues its debt to China and Japan, and these 2 creditors' assets will be worth less. If the US doubles its money supply, China and Japan will have their assets halved in value.


  9. Anonymous said...
    October 08, 2013 9:25 am

    "I m serious.....how about my idea of buying an island from usa....they have so many deserted islands....."

    You must be craze to think they will sell Sinkies an island! Did you know what the US did in the first Gulf war?

    US leased the islands from the Brit Diego Garcia and Ascension Island. The Brit drove all the native out. I wouldn't be surprise Japan will lease their island in their arse to the USA should war break out in the South China sea.


  10. When the US$ became the international currency, they ripped the whole world of several trillions of free money when other countries need the dollar to trade, to buy oil. The rest of the world practically bring their money to the Americans and the Americans just print the money to exchange. These American dollars are floating around the world while the other currencies the Americans took can go around the world to buy whatever they pleased.

    This is outrageous unproductive money that the Americans benefitted without working. What the rest of the world can do is to print as well and exchange them for the dollars. Everyone is playing the game.

    Who is wiser? The losers are the producers of goods and the consumers.

  11. US will go bankrupt. It is a matter of time. They have so many 200kg people and they badly need a diet and get back in shape. Else, they should appoint LKY as the number one advisor for their country.

  12. In fact, I am waiting for them to print more money to further escalate their dying rate. All creditors can easily claim a piece of usa as debt settlement.

  13. rb 9.35am...

    I think OZ not so dumb leh.

  14. Oz is not dumb agree. It is a win win formula. They can't find better migrants than Sinkies. Speak same lingo, same British colony background, same laws, and same possible enemies.

    And they have a continent to share with a small little island posing no threat to them. Our soldiers are there training. They know us well.

    Now they are getting all the wrong type of migrants which that did not want and would give them a lot of trouble in the future.

  15. Nothing significant will happen. Govt shutdown occasionally is a welcome event. Life will go on, because most of the live-giving action is done by the free-trading, profit seeking, ego-driven, self-interet-centered private sector. Except for the cops, military and courts,the rest of the govt is there to mess things up, so they should shut the fuck down -- forever.

    Fuck the government! All the governments!

  16. Uncle RB, in the land of freedom of speech, amarica probably welcome you to give whatever speech you want. But by openly humiliating them unnecessarily and blatantly, it may not be a wise thing to do. Mb CIA, FBI, Embassy and what have you intelligence etc are watching you closely. It may not be necessary to court unnecessary enemies.

  17. You should look at those Americans producing their own news to compete with the main media and hear/see what they said about their leaders. What I have posted is school boy stuff.
