
China and ASEAN as well as other countries should beware of US evil militant doctrine of Perpetual Warfare

China and Asean countries have both in the recent past shared the unfortunate fate of being occupied , colonised and badly exploited by the West and therefore they should now be more vigilant and wary of the West headed by the Evil Empire - USA . US has an evil militant doctrine of perpetual and permanent warfare. Under this doctrine US and the West will consistently and incessantly psycho, provoke and incite other unsuspecting countries to fight and go after each others throats while they will sell weapons and military hardware to the pathetic warring countries . US find this insidious doctrine of perpetual warfare necessary and essential because of its huge mongous war industries . The war industries employed hundreds of thousands of employees and are owned by warmonger capitalists who sit in both Wall Street , The White House , Congress and The Senate as well as in CIA and The Pentagon. These war industries serve the multi purpose of not only earning the warmongering capitalists hundreds of billions of dollars annually but also enable US and the West to control the natural resources of other countries as well as allowing US - The Evil Empire to hold hegemony and have complete control of all countries in this world.

China and ASEAN as well as all other countries must not fall into the trap of being psychoed and incited to go into warfare among themselves just because of imaginary, flimsy and frivolous grounds or reasons played up by The Evil Empire - USA.



  1. The Ameicans want the world to be at war and they at peace at home.
    And they can drum up more sales of American weaponry.

    The pathetic Arab world is a good example for the world to see.

  2. China and Asean want to have peace and trade, not fight lah.

    So much so that China is willing to be a big creditor to the USA, despite the USA printing money.

    China and Asean is not the Middle East, you know. When was the last time there were wars in China and Asean, you tell me lah.

    So don't worry, no war, no evil militant one. Only inflation and high cost of living, exported by USA partly due to the USA printing money, and the US dollar being the de facto international currency.

    And Sinkies should know better what, with even HDB pigeon holes going for a $1M.

    So no war one, except the war to fight and replace PAP with a better alternative.

  3. ...war to fight and replace PAP with a better alternative.
    Anon October 08, 2013 9:40 am

    But where are the soldiers? Where are the weapons? Can see or not? Enough or not? I can only see a lot of "generals" , or rather secretary generals.

    Too many generals but not enough solders, so how to fight?
