
Why are Sinkies so sick and shameless?

I read this comment from a Sinkie in TRE about racism. The way he put it was really so disappointing. He was unhappy about racism against Asians, but unconsciously he was practising racism against Asians without knowing it. Too many kantans and hamburgers I supposed, or too much deference to the Westerners that subconsciously he felt and acted inferior to them. This is what he wrote,

‘Honestly, how are we the natives expected to react? Smile and behave happily and accept things as they are.

I was in Perth on holiday and my wife was stunned when a white lady ticked her off at a supermarket queue for no reason. She just doesn’t like us I supposed and was mumbling some rascist remarks starring hard at us. I can assure you she is not mad. In Paris in a lift, I witnessed a well dressed white lady yelling at a meek Asian woman asking her to pack off and go back to where she comes from. I can assure you she doesn’t look mad either. What do you make out of these situations?

I guess it is the sense, the feeling of being displaced and having your place taken over that led people to behave this way.’

You notice that he addressed those racist pigs as ladies and their Asian victim as woman. What was so ladylike about those racist bitches to be called ladies? And what was so unlady like for the Asian woman not to be called a lady but just a woman? Too use to call them sir and ma’am and ladies and gentlemen, and too use to be called just man and woman?

This kind of inferior mentality has been subplanted in the mediocre Asian mind that it has become habitual, second nature. Yes Sir, Yes ma’am, but turn around and shout at the Asian women like inferior stocks. If Asians are not going to respect themselves but the West, they deserve to be treated like shit. And if Sinkies could not stand up to foreigners and allow foreigners to ill treat them or discriminate against them in their own country, they deserve it, every little bit of it.

The Europeans are xenophobic for ages. They conquered, robbed and killed the coloured races all over the world and are still stinkingly racists like the examples given. Of course they claimed that the racist bitches are a minority, and they are exceptions. Xenophobia is not a Singaporean thing. And I find it ludicrous for a Tessa Wong to write in the ST today calling for restraints against Singaporeans becoming xenophobic. And Singapore for Singaporeans slogan is xenophobic? Who taught her that?

Xenophobia is practised by foreigners in the work place in Singapore against Singaporeans. Does she know this? If not, go ask Tan Chuan Jin or read the parliamentary reports. The most important issue today is to get rid of xenophobia against Singaporeans in Singapore. The Govt has a duty and responsibility to Singaporeans to stamp this outrageous behaviour out immediately and ‘burn a few on the stakes’. I put this phrase in inverted commas so that no donkeys will take it literally and think it is a call to burn people. It is just an figurative expression ok?

If the govt fails in doing so, and xenophobia continues against Singaporeans and silly Sinkies still think it is the fault of Singaporeans, the anti foreigners cry will get stronger and may get nasty. It is time to nip the problem in the bud by kicking a few foreign butts to mean business. Singapore is for Singaporeans first. There is nothing xenophobic or shameful to say this. There is nothing to be apologetic about it. Or shall we call female Sinkies ‘woman’ and foreign women ‘ladies’ to be respectful and less xenophobic?


  1. Seah Chiang Nee's Saturday column

    [True-blue leaders hard to find]

    "Paying high salaries to top professionals to entice them to serve as PAP leaders
    has long been a govt strategy.

    In the past it worked
    but in today’s changed environment, less so.


  2. Many years ago, I worked for an American Chinese. He migrated to the USA after the 2nd World War and studied and built his business there.

    One of the most important lesson that he taught us was to take our position in any debate and defend it. Never allow someone else to distract you using fallacies.

    The other thing is to be especially on guard against the Caucasians who will take advantage of you if you give them too much respect. These people still think that they are the colonial masters and we are their servants. Our G need to learn from the mistakes of the 19th century government in Shanghai to avoid repeating the same error.

  3. Hi Rb

    We are intellect. We follow reasons. But when many people see the truth, they may not be ablt to handle. And it just turn into mad hate.

    What I am to do is to inform people. But I am aware of side effect that I may fan hatred.

    What to do?

    Given the 2 devils, I would choose to inform the truth, rather than keep quiet and let racist turn us into Dalits.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Singing the national anthem must be xenophobia in disguise. Calling foreigners foreign talent and we Singaporeans must also be xenophobic. Having more privileges for citizens and lesser for foreigners must be discrimination against foreigners.

    Sinkies, why you so anti foreigners?

  6. When you stand up for your country, your homes, your families, your jobs and your fellow citizens, it’s call Love and Patriotism. Please do not confuse the labels.

    The above was posted as a comment in TRE. This kind of comments is seen by some Singaporean quarters as xenophobic. Would you believe it? How daft can Sinkies become?

  7. When you stand up for your country, your homes, your families, your jobs and your fellow citizens, it’s call Love and Patriotism. Please do not confuse the labels.

    The above was posted as a comment in TRE. This kind of comments is seen by some Singaporean quarters as xenophobic. Would you believe it? How daft can Sinkies become?


    If we are Xenophobic, how about the bumiputra-ist next door? Sometimes ago, their PM Najib swing Keris sword oh the air, making himself a icon of defending Malay rights.

    I met FT Indian next door in Malaysia. They stooge like dog. And in Malay GLC, Malay on hire Malay.

    We have too much traitor in SG. We need more of Najib keris waving young people among us. FT will scare the shit out of their pants.

  8. I say redbean, please lah... you'll meet racists and bigots everywhere.

    Immigration all around the world is a sensitive issue. It seems that almost every government is trying to "attract talent" from across their borders.

    Because of these policies, the human race -- nomadic to begin with -- is now aided by government policies.

    So we have the push-pull mechanism of a nomadic species, coupled with hard-wired tribalism of in-group, out-group attention. Humans like to travel and settle away from their homes, but humans are also suspicious of "foreigners" who travel and settle away from their homes.

    What to do?

    Nothing. Human nature is quirky.

  9. BTW, I'm not surprised you had a bad experience in Perth. Perth is full of fuckwits.

    Being the richest state in the federation, it attracts all sorts of people -- many of them lured by our high wages (Perth average wage: AUD 79k per annum), fantastic lifestyle and smoking economy. Chances are your wife was abused by a foreigner or someone from the east. Local Perth people tend to be docile and polite when dealing with others -- foreigners or local, they make no distinction.

    Plus the fact that the state government doesn't march to Gillard's edict of "Australia for Australians" and has their own "fast track" immigration so that private enterprise can employ whomever they want, so that they can make as much money as they can.

    Economic success is good. Unfortunately you also get lots of rude behaviour, ya-ya papaya types, confidence scams and crime.

  10. It is just a simple fact- Xenophobic is a big word for PAP to use for Brain-washed sinkies,to have a guilty conscious so as to confused them and becomes inactive.

  11. Our gahmen is a major culprit in inferiority complex and has harmed our national, Singaporean interests.

    The egoistic pride to have "angmoh" directors to look global was a "brain-child" of Oldman and blindly adopted to extreme by the GLCs and GIC, TH, MAS, etc.

    In my business, many of my clients are angmoh, they respect me for performance, integrity and quality results and not the color of skin.

    Oldman and his ministers should wake-up. If they produced quality policies, produced quality results consistently to Singaporeans and afford most Singaporeans Swiss standards of living, and not Swiss costs of living without the standards of living, they will still be in power. But if they remain incompetent and keep giving excuses and blame Singaporeans instead of themselves, sooner or later they will be booted out.

    Singaporeans are generally about the most hardworking efficient workers in the world, just like our students. Singaporeans are grossly under-appreciated by this government.

    On the other hand, our government probably is the most over-paid, pampered and most inefficient and costly given the super huge bureaucracies to support ministers to run a small city.

  12. Anyway I welcome mix marriage of Chinese and Indian. We use our shameless woman "chao chee bye" to reform racist. Their 2nd generation will be less racist. It is a good thing for everyone.

    Chinese are not racist. We give even Dalits our woman. Fucking Indians are racist. You go read Indian newspaper. TODAY THERE ARE STILL THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE GET LYNCH BECAUSE OF INTER-CASTE ROMANCE. WTF.

    Any conscience people will say "FUCK YOU RACIST INDIAN"

    India is really a mad dog country.

  13. Hi Veritas, you are sounding very racist. Not very good to take such a stand. There is no room for moderation.

  14. Hi RB

    A real racist will loath their woman marrying the despised race.

    A real racist will not marry the despised race.

    And High caste Indian qualify that 1000%. Dalits will get murder simply by holding a hand of Brahmin woman.

    For me, Indian woman is hot and fine for married.

    I am not fanning hate. I am fanning love.

    And Singaporeans are victims of racism.

  15. 'The Europeans are xenophobic for ages.'

    Europeans are not xeno. They adore inter race marriages. Thats one of the way to make this world less racist. They robbed and raided not because they were xeno but because they were not civilised. They also did that to their own kind initially.

    Singa are also not xeno. Just because some fucking moron party called us xeno or daft does not mean we are. It is because the party feels treatened so resorted to something downright despicable by calling names. Agree?

  16. The people must learn to STOP VOTING for any party that insults the intelligence of the voters.

  17. In Sin, farangs chased and beat up Sinkies.

  18. They are only really civilised after the bitter truth of the two world wars.

  19. What R u even trying to say..

    Ur examples of racism from 2 white women are weak and don't support anything.....

    And being referred to as lady is not complimentary as being ladylike,,, and being called a woman is not derogatory.

    WOuld u learn proper English???

  20. Well I am a local chinese girl that admire and love indian guys,
