
Chinua Achebe - A tribute to a Nigerian nationalist and hero

‘He also addressed corruption head on, teaching younger Nigerians not to be hungry to the point of selling our birth rights. His soul and conscience were non negotiable. He turned down Nigeria’s national honours twice because he was one who believed an elder should not eat his meal atop a heap of malodorous rubbish.

He was a gentle rebel who refused to shake the necrotic outstretched hands of corrupt leaders.  He was an old breed, a wise man from a different generation who could not stand the wanton looting of Nigeria’s public coffers.

Achebe would have loved to spend his twilight years among his own people instead of in America.  With the bastardisation of a nation he was once proud of by kleptocratic military and civilian rulers, the old man had no country to return to alive.’  

The above quote is by a Victor Ehikhamenor in his article on his Nigerian hero and nationalist, Chinua Achebe. The article is reproduced from the New York Times in the ST today.  Reading the article allows me to reflect on the situation in Singapore and I conclude how lucky Singaporeans are for not having the kind of leaders the Nigerians were blessed with. Our leaders don’t eat their meals atop a heap of malodorous rubbish for sure. And Singaporeans are definitely not selling their birth rights away as they are not that hungry. And our nation was not bastardised by kleptocratic military and civilian rulers and looting the public coffers.

Thank God we are Singaporeans and we need not have to run away to live out the twilight years in America. Singaporeans better be grateful.


  1. What's the point? As noble as history would make this guy out to be, his cuntree is fucked, and will continue to be fucked for a long time yet.

    It's not that Nigerian governments/ politics is corrupt -- the whole shit-hole cuntree is corrupt.

    The people get the government they deserve. If the people themselves are a bunch of corrupt arseholes, then what do you expect the government to be?

    It makes perfect sense to live out one's years in the USA. If you can afford it, why wouldn't you? America is a fantastic place to be -- at any age, if you have the means. I've had some of the happiest times of my life living in New York in the 1980's and then again in the Bay Area of Northern California in the early 2000's.

    It is no wonder why many young Singaporeans who go to the US o study, stay on or never return.

  2. P.S. ALL STATES (without exception) are Kleptocracies. They only vary in degree, not function nor intent.

  3. Different context mate. This guy did not enjoy the things you like. He just want to be home and be among his people.

  4. At least patriot Matilah returns to Sin knowing well Sg is not very different from Nigeria in governance.
    In some way, Matilah sees the need to wise up the daft Sinkies.

    My salute to Matilah for his love and concern for Sg and Sinkies.

    Hormat from:


  5. Morning Patriot. How's your mum?

    There are many things we have in common with Nigeria, sadly.

  6. redeban, the things Singapore have in common with Nigeria are just consequences of HUMAN NATURE lah.

    Who the fuck wants to be that basket case of a cuntree? A cuntree not short of being blessed with lots of natural resources (Singapore has zero) AND THEY'VE FUCKED IT UP.

    Achebe was an artist. That's how he "feels" and how he channels those feelings into his work. Artists/ creatives already are a rare breed of individuals. It's not about Nigeria per se, it is about the life of a fantastic human being. Race and ethnicity don't even come into the equation. Artists and creatives tend to be more "enlightened" than their fellow humans because the true ones have to face themselves and "conquer" themselves -- A QUEST THAT NEVER ENDS -- before they can even express their humanity to others in the hope that they'll "get the message".

    Most people will never "get it" because they cannot see the world through the consciousness of an artist. Their notion of "self" is FAKE. They never have to face themselves, they never get to KNOW themselves. They are simply trapped in their delusions for their ENTIRE LIVES.

  7. redbean:

    >> He just want to be home and be among his people.

    He and I share many parallels in how we view our cuntrees. His cuntree pissed him off.

    Therefore we are not so different, in that area.

  8. Chin Leng:

    A very good morning to You and All.

    My Mother at 97 is very healthy, very inquisitive and restless. She wants lots of attention from her successors, lol.
    Everytime she see the PM or his father, she brightens up and sings praises. Dont know what they gave her, more lol.

    Feel like bringing her to HLP on Mayday otherwise, may have to give the togetherness a miss. Last night got to decline Gintai's beer invitation as me was the only one left at home with her.

    My MP Irene Ng together with Minister Heng Swee Kiat offered to help me at one of their walkabout at a Tampines coffeeshop near my home but did not come to fruition due to my low income. The maids' salary and levy probably exceed my monthly income, so this senior citizen is now consign to a more senior citizen. Now, which one of them will expire earlier becomes unpredictable.

    Do hope to be at the Mayday Gathering, will contact You if and when me am there.

    Take care.


  9. Like to elaborate on my chance encounter with the Tampines GRC Parliamentarians.

    Me had given my mum's portion and was about to tuck in when there appeared a flurry of photographers and the Retinue and the MPs and the Education Minister.

    Had my mother not been with me, i would have walked off even if i had just started eating. The Minister was very polite and courteous, really down to earth at the walkabout. He asked me if i had any problem to which i pointed my mother, who the Minister was holding her hands and trying to talk to.

    Me told him that as a senior citizen looking after a much more senior person of female gender, there are many challenges. MP Irene stepped in to offer her help, saying that she was most ready to help senior citizens and that it was something she was most eager to assist. She got her helper to have my contact.

    Later on the same day her grassroot member got in touch with me and me was touched and impressed with the follow-up.

    Me told the two grassroot members that visited me that i needed a domestic helper to look after my mother and that i will work full time in order to pay the salary of the helper and the Levy. Me had domestic helpers for nearly two decades some four years back. Such that i am familiar with the conditions and rules with engaging one.
    Me told the grassroot members that i am solely responsible for my mum and requested that no other member of my siblings(all older than me) or my spouse and children be involved. I even said to them that no matter how, i will pay the expenses. Other than myself and my mother, i have no monetary burden. My five room flat which i co-owned was paid up some years back and i do get about eight to nine hundreds per month from the children, my elder brother and some nephews and nieces. One grassroot member asked if i had savings to which i replied that i preferred confidentiality.

    About a month later, i received a letter from Ministry Of Manpower stating that i APPEALED for MPs' help to get a domestic helper. It also required me to furnish incomes of family members and provide documentary proof.

    With an offer to help during a walkabout changed substantially and materially into an appeal, i have no alternative but to thank the MP and not proceed with the application.

    Like to state here that all my family members are qualified in incomes to apply for domestic helper. The only problem is that none would do so for my mother as she has been a most difficult person to live with. And i am also confident that me am able to work for the expenses needed. But, me has the impression that my rulers have no confidence in me.

    Must say that i do not blame them for the incident. However, changing an offer, done voluntarily during a political activity, to an appeal, did not make me feel comfortable.

    I do thank them for making the effort though.


  10. Matilar, another good post though I don't agree totally. Knn to u

  11. Dear patriot
    Thanks for sharing.
    I look after my 2 elderly parents. So I'm aware of all the peculiarities that does not fit easily into any government pigeon hole.

    My response to the PAP government is as follows:

    You have already made me legally liable to look after my parents.
    So please stop interfering with HOW I go about looking after my parents with your out-of-touch rules & regulations.

    And stop taxing my filial piety with your fucking maid's levy on the maid that I hire to help look after my parents.
    You bloody motherFXXkers.

    1. Hi Anon Above:

      Almost everyone feels that it is morally very wrong for the Government to tax medication for the sick, procreation and care for the infirm and elderly. And the people had said so loud and clear for a long time but, the Rulers simply refused to listen or prentended not to hear

      Personally, me feels that it is very sinful to tax , neglect and or abandon the sick, infirm and oldie. How our Rulers failed or chose to ignore to respect the dignity and sanctity of tbe wellbeing of their citizens is really beyond me.

      We kept hearing our Government claiming to work for our wellbeing and safety. But, how sincere are they?


  12. People should learn to STOP VOTING for any party that is only consumed with dollars and cents and not interested in looking after the well being of the people anymore. When will the people ever learn?

  13. Dear patriot
    I speak from personal experience with "difficult behaviour" in elderly people.

    Quite frequently, it's because of some form of undiagnosed dementia ... possibly even Alzheimer's disease.
    It's very easy to confirm with an MRI brain scan. Depending on where you do it, costs from $500 - $1,000.

    Why do it?
    A correct diagnosis and understanding of the medical condition enables the family to forgive.
    And as a result, family members become more supportive.
    It brings inner peace and closure.

    Hope this helps.

  14. @ patriot March 30, 2013 5:18 pm

    This is so typical of PAP's style of helping Singaporeans.

    A lot of wayang & concern when they first hear about your problem.
    But the problem is never solved.

    If we want to change government policy ... we first have to change the government.

    GE 2016.
    Regime change.

  15. When a govt thinks of taxing and making money from the very old and very sick, what kind of morality authority does it have to rule? Such an act is inhuman.

    And they got the cheek to say they know, they empathise with you, and go back to count the milions they are collecting from the sick and the old and having a great life.

  16. My most sincere thanks to all the Anons addressing me, really appreciate the advice and interactions.

    The Grand Old Dame me taking care now is indeed very healthy for her age. Every three monthly she will have her regular medical review and check up. Though occasionally she goes into deliriums, they were rare and short in spells. Ironically, when she is in delirium, she is much easier to care for as she is wheelchair bound.

    When she is lucid, she makes demands and interferes in most daily activities in the household. She is the Empress Dowager in which family that houses her. Since me was a kid, she had been at odd with her husband who only returned on Saturday night and left for his worksite on Sunday evening. They never had any cordial communications.

    Marriages of her children were and are all affected because she was/is unable to get along with the children in laws except one that visited for an hour or so on Lunar New Year and or whence she was warded.

    My eldest sister, 77 year old and me are the only two that bear with her all these years. But must say that when my mother was young she worked very hard and assisted her eldest daughter financially. The two daughters, around their fifties, of my eldest sister are grateful and are very caring of the maternal grand mother. They are of great helps to me most of the time and chip in financially. Without them it could be very unbearable for me.

    At her 97 years of age, it is hard to know how long she will still be around. She looks like having few more years whereas me am feeling the stress and strain mounting. Sometimes it feels like she will outlast me. Me cant blame her, just concern about her wellbeing and that of those caring for her.

    Once again, thank You All.

    Regds from: patriot

  17. hi patriot, you have my respect.

    1. Dear Anon 3:11 pm:

      Thank You very much.

      Doing the best i can.

