
US flying B2s over Korea

Those of you who know what B2s are capable of doing will behave exactly as the North Koreans. These are stealth bombers with the capabilities of sneaking through radar surveillance and defence system, and to drop nuclear bombs on the enemy, in this case, North Korea. By flying over South Korea, a change of heading will see them over North Korean in minutes and there is not way to defend before they drop their nuclear bombs. The Americans denied that they were nuclear armed. Who in his right mind will believe the Americans? As for the North Koreans, a mistake is all it takes to see their country going up in smokes.

The flying of B2 over the Korean peninsula is not only provocative but a hostile act. The North Koreans should declare a no fly zone and any B2 crossing that line, which can be 200 km inside South Korea is an act of war and will be shot down. That is a reasonable thing to do in the defense of their country.

The Cuban crisis was caused by the Soviet Union trying to station some nuclear tipped missiles in Cuba which put the missiles within range of the US mainland. The US took that as an act of war, cordoned off the access by sea and air of Russian ships and aircraft into Cuba and demanded the removal of the missiles or war.

When asked if the flying of the B2s over the Korean peninsula was a provocative act, the US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel acted so innocent and replied that it was a normal thing that countries did to defend their homeland. No, no, they did nothing unusual. He did not see it as provocative. And as usual, the western jokers were claiming that the North Koreans were fetish with their power and wanted to hold the world hostage. They are totally blind to the provocations by the Americans and the South Koreans, and condemning the North Koreans as irrational people when the warmongers were the Americans.

The fact and truth, the North and South Koreans may not be on too friendly terms, but they were trying to cooperate and live as good neighbours. It was the continuous provocative acts of the US in connivance with the South Koreans to conduct war games simulating an invasion of North Korea at the Korean borders that raised tension. And now the US provocatively and threateningly flew the nuclear capable B2 in the peninsula and claimed that it was an innocent act.

Even an Australian professor could not resist commenting that such an act was definitely provocative. How about the Russians and the Chinese flying their nuclear capable bombers along the western coasts of the American homeland and see how the Americans would squeal their heads off that such an act is hostile? It is a case of the Americans can go provoking everyone and is ok but others cannot do so, it’s not okay.

The Americans are trying their best to raise tension in Asia and in the Korean peninsula in particular, to keep the two Koreans at war to be used as justification for the stationing of American troops in the Korean peninsula and also in Japan. The real losers are the stupid Koreans, being manipulated by the Americans and Japanese to be at each other’s throat, and the hordes of unthinking Asians accusing the North Koreans of being provocative and the bad guy. The real winners are the Americans and the Japanese. The real losers, other than the two Koreans, are the rest of Asia.

Kim Jung Un has signed an order authorising the firing of missiles on American targets in Korea, Japan, Guam and even the American mainland. And the Americans are worried of a misjudgement and the missiles unleashed. If it does happen, the Americans and the South Koreans have only themselves to blame. They have been the provocateurs of rising tension in the Korean Peninsula. They created it and asked for it.


  1. Love and long to see the US fighting in Asia after their forays ang ongoing engagements in the Middle East, Afganistan and elsewhere.

    As for US using nuclear on North Korea, doubt it has the audacity nor will it be that foolish. The moment the US uses such a weapon, much of the World will not be forgiving of Americans. And it will be very justifiable for China and Russia to use nuclear on the US Allies as well as the US Mainland.

    Any engagement with N Korea will also mean a great opportunity for US enemies and haters to destroy or harm American Interest anywhere and everywhere. Inevitably N Korea neighbours and friends such as China and Russia will feel threaten. They will grab whatever reason to engage the US diplomatically as well as militarily.

    Can the US handle both China, Russia and those in Afganistan and Middle East at the same time? What about enemies going into the US Mainland to do destruction and terrorize the Americans at their homes?.

    On the whole, it is going to be just posturing by the Americans, the US and American People will not want hell for themselves. And there could be much for Americans to deal with domestically in their economy, social wellness and increasing natural calamities.

    The Japanese, South Korean and other Asian People are NOT all pro Americans and any participation of war with the US could cause much civil unrest and result in heavy losses in live and economic progress.

    Dare the US to nuke any country in Asia.

  2. rb
    You should be nicer to the Americans.
    If you get bullied by the PAPigs, I bet you will be crying father & mother to the Americans for help.

    I don't think the North Koreans or the PRC Chinese will be coming anytime soon to save Sinkies from the PAPigs.

    I also don't think you will be planning to emigrate to North Korea or China.

  3. Oh Chua,

    Why are you leaving out the fact that Korea is screwed not just by the Japanese and Americans, but also the Chinese and Russians, who are pretty happy to see Korea divided.

    It is public knowledge that the Chinese prefer status quo, but the other option of a unified Korea under South Korea is preferable to a North Korean unified one, because the NK can and will pull stunts without giving them advance notice, throwing their chess pieces into shambles.

    Not that a unified Korea is ever in the Chinese or Russian interest. A unified, vibrant, US friendly and now nuclear armed Korea will tempt Japan to go nuclear as well. They saw how Vietnam turned against China the minute the Americans are gone and the Koreans are a lot more technologically advanced, richer and connected to the world order than the Vietnamese ever were. Give them some nukes and China's manuvering space goes way down and stakes for mistakes go far higher.

    Poor Korea takes turns being either the Chinese, Russian, American or Japanese bitch depending on where they are.

  4. The US has no choice but to "rattle the sabre" -- if for any other reason than to appease their Asian satellite state ball-lickers who tend to freak out everytime a North Korean leader farts.

    I have my doubts that the N Korean ICBMs even work. Kim Jung Un is only 29 years old -- he has to make "wayang" to get Asian fascist states to take notice.

    Frankly, I think it is very funny. It is almost Pavlovian -- you show strength, I show more strength...not satisfied...then I show you I can fight you... tit for tat childish playground behaviour from adults holding the keys to nuclear arsenals.

    Damn entertaining man!

  5. Good morning Matilah. You are thinking and talking like an angmoh this morning. When the North Koreans tested their missiles, who cared other than Japan and maybe South Korea. It did not mean anything to the rest of Asia. Anyone freaked out? Only the western media said so.

    And you think like the west, the North Korean missiles don't work. But everyday screaming wolf, wolf and wolf. The North Koreans are going to blow up everyone.

    Now who is silly?

  6. And the US spokesman has the nerve to say they are not being provocative at all. Maybe China should have a joint air exercise with Cuba.

  7. Hi JayF, the losers are the two Koreans.

    The Americans and Japanese have more reasons to want to keep the two Koreas separated than the Chinese. The Russians and the Chinese were on the side of the North when they tried to reunite their country.

  8. Me watches CCTV 4(China Central Television) most of the time.
    It appears to me that there are much noise and fury in the Region about territories.
    In Europe, it is all about money and economy.
    In US, it is mostly about shootings and weather related problems. The printing of money still get the Americans plenty of good time. How long and how much can the printings go on?
    And will the anticipated big quake happens in during Obama's Tenure?
    In Sin, Sinkies jeer and dig at Sinkies; the Rulers exploit and lord over the daft and the successful derides at the less fortunate.

    Man make problems plus natural calamities make the World very eventful. Or if me may quote Matilah, very entertaining.

  9. The RationalWiki is one of the Internets most trusted resources for factual, evidential and scientific-based stuff.

    Here's the entry on N Korea:


    Here's a video:


    How about visiting N Korean as a tourist?:


    The whole fucken cuntree is a joke lah. Even other communist states find N Korea a gross embarrassment to the memory of Marx.

    Maybe they follow this Marx. :-)

    Fuck me, they're hilarious. If Sasha Baron Cohen was to make a movie about this place, he won't have to do much work -- the whole thing is a farce, an on-going comedy being written in real time in the human record of history.

    This 29 yer old goof ball a threat? Really ah? He looks like a comedian lah on an Asian variety show, everynight pah chiu cheng one...like his father :-)

    Here they are again with their sampans ready to take on the US carrier fleet

  10. Come on, you can't be serious. North Korea is a garbage country and should be destroyed if given half the chance. They're not trying to work things out with the South and neither are they part of this world as we know it. No sympathy for NK. Junk them out of the planet!

  11. Hi Chua,

    Actually, it was the Soviet Union that supported Kim Il Sung while the CCP Politburo was spilt in half with Liu Shaoqi and Zhou Enlai firmly against Chinese intervention, but were overruled by Mao.

    But the Russian Federation and the modern PRC post Mao is not the same country. The Cold War is long over and both realised capitalism won. Russia would prefer a decrepit, half starving N.Korea to keep Japan and the US rattled while China has learnt some bitter lessons on how quickly former allies could turn on you through Vietnam or how little their neighbours trust them.

    Korea today claims part of Manchuria and many Korean textbooks and media go to extreme lengths to downplay or remove any references to Chinese cultural and military dominance. North Korean textbooks and propaganda omit any reference to Chinese losses in the Korean War and graves of the Volunteers were left to rot While many South Korean media gleefully recount how they kicked out the Han Dynasty or how a hundred thousand strong Sui army was slaughtered.

    The Chinese are well aware that all things considered, any Korean unififcation will be done via the ROK and all things considered, the Chinese are not harboring any illusions of the ROK leaving the American sphere of influence.

    Time to update your strategic considerations, Chua. The Cold War is long over and any resumption of hostilities will be in very diferent circumstances.

  12. anon
    You should be nicer to the Americans.*


  13. anon
    You should be nicer to the Americans.
    If you get bullied by the PAPigs, I bet you will be crying father & mother to the Americans for help*

    ah, merika the *world cop* hehehe
    reading too much *shit time* eh ?

    +For more than 70 years, the United States convinced much of the world that there was an international conspiracy out there. An International Communist Conspiracy, seeking no less than control over the entire planet, for purposes which had no socially redeeming values. And the world was made to believe that it somehow needed the United States to save it from communist darkness. “Just buy our weapons,” said Washington, “let our military and our corporations roam freely across your land, and give us veto power over who your leaders will be, and we’ll protect you.”

    It was the cleverest protection racket since men convinced women that they needed men to protect them, for if all the men vanished overnight, how many women would be afraid to walk the streets?+

  14. The B2s, B52s and now the F22s and what not are in South Korea. The Americans are beefing up their military hardware and presence in South Korea in preparation of a war between the two Koreans. They are trying to make it happen.

    Who will be the main beneficiary when the two Koreans start to kill each other and destroy the two countries?

    Are the Koreans that dumb? JayF, you Korean?

  15. redeban:

    >> Who will be the main beneficiary when the two Koreans start to kill each other and destroy the two countries?

    Mostly the same people who benefit by keeping the 2 seperate and in a constant state of war -- temporarily halted by a shaky armistice.

    Maintaining the tensions in the Koreas give other Asian states yet another "valid reason" to welcome and encourage the presence of US Forces in Asia.


  16. An economy accustomed to ever larger injections of inflationary narcotic trembled at the thought that its deadly stimulant might be shut off. The road to war was more than ever the path of least resistance in 1952. If peace came in Korea, there might be new Koreas in the making in Indo-China and Burma. If not there, then with American troops in Korea some new "incident" might start up the war again. The dominant trend in American political, economic, and military thinking was fear of peace.
    General Van Fleet summed it all up in speaking to a visiting Filipino delegation in January, 1952: "Korea has been a blessing. There had to be a Korea either here or some place in the world." .
    It's like a drunk at the bar - have another drink and you'll feel alright. Or in this case, have another war and all will be OK. The answer is the 12-step program - the time is well past due for our nation to stand up and say, "Hello my name is America and I am addicted to war, violence, and deceit.*

  17. @633:

    >> "Hello my name is America and I am addicted to war, violence, and deceit.*

    I'm so totally cool with that. At least when the Americans do it, they do it in style, big time entertainment extravaganza. They bring out their fancy hardware, their smokin' hot babes, their rockin' music, and they throw money (printed money) around like as if the use-by-date was yesterday.

    The Commander In chief, the Leader of The Free World is a hip, black dude.

    So let's get this party started!
