
Chinese citizen's Singapore Dream


A 25 min clip in Mandarin posted by a Chinese citizen in YouTube and his commentary and perception of Lawrence Wong as the PM of Singapore and the appreciative comments of Chinese citizens. Lawrence Wong's National Day Speech was well received by the Chinese in China, for example his analogy of Hainanese curry rice as a fine example of a new culinary dish made up of a combination of Western, Chinese, Malay and Indian ingredients that could only happened in Singapore.

Lawrence Wong also touched on the pioneer generation and their attitude towards life arising from their experience of a time that was totally alien to the new generations of Singaporeans. This is the part that only pioneer generation Singaporeans could relate to and why many of the pioneers are still living a lifestyle that they are familiar with in the past, thrift, hardworking, endurance for difficult time, prudent in their way of life. When the formative years were one when kopi was 10c or 20c, a bowl of noodles was 30c or 50c, spending $3 or $5 for a cup of kopi or $7 or $15 for a plate of chicken is kind of reluctance. Of course, for those who are worth several hundred million, it is quite easy to forget about the lean yesteryears but thinking $300 is a big deal to the average Singaporeans.

What the Chinese citizen grew dear with is the Singapore Dream, to be a Singapore citizen or sending his children to study here and eventually becoming a Singapore citizen. He referred to a Singapore govt advert for a 4 year secondary scholarship for Chinese students as a possible avenue for his children to attempt but also aware of the stringent English Language criteria that is a big hurdle for non English speaking Chinese.

In the early years after our independence, masterly English or being better in English was a gate opener to more opportunities even to enter university. Students with all the A1s in science and maths but failed English would not be able to admit to university. Average students with Cs and Ds but with a credit in English could get into law school then.

The English Language criteria for the secondary scholarship is biased in favour of English speaking countries and against Chinese students. Lawrence Wong talked about 精英精华 was noted by the Chinese as a pointed to think about as 精华 is growing in importance today. The Chinese Vlogger is serious about sending his children to Singapore through the scholarship route as he is not able to qualify under the entreprenuer/investor route.

The China Chinese are like the India Indians, both have two dreams, a China Dream, or for the Indians, an American Dream ... and a Singapore Dream. Singaporeans only have a Singapore Dream that is turning to becoming a jig worker or part time worker, or a hawker.

1 comment:

  1. The Singaporean Dream is turning more like the American Dream. Just Dream on like the Americans.
