
China welcomes TikTok refugees but cannot rule out spoilers from internet brigades

 Rednote welcomed millions of Tik Tok refugees with open arms. The USA is now touting the narrative that China is going to fear that domestic Rednote users will be influenced by radicalized USA vloggers posing as Tik Tok refugees and trying to brainwash Chinese Rednote users instead about freedom of this and that which they are fictitiously enjoying in the USA, which is a now a non-issue for the Chinese Government.

Most foreigners have seen the reality, and most mainland Chinese already knew the state of the USA - its homelessness, drug addiction, gun issue and cost of living. In fact, homelessness shocked the majority of Chinese Rednote users when they heard it from those Tik Tok refugees. Of course, homelessness is well reported on Youtube, but Rednote users are mostly non-political watchers, until now.

What has the USA radicalized vloggers got to offer to Chinese citizens that they already do not have and are in fact enjoying. Domestic Rednote subscribers already have much lower cost of living, cheap healthcare, hospitalization, food, transport, cars, handphones, that most USA citizens can only dream of. How do we expect them to influence the Chinese users to change their mindsets in the face of reality? It will be an exercise in futility, which the Chinese Government has no fear of.

This is just like Christianity trying to convert the whole Chinese population in the past, which failed miserably, when the Chinese already have their own folk religion providing them comfort and succor for thousands of years as outlined by the late Lee Kuan Yew. The Anglo-Saxon Barbarians thus found out that the Chinese are not as ignorant nor naive as the Natives of North America to fall for such scams.


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