
Why reveal your strengths and weaknesses to your enemies? That is a no brainer.

 Why reveal your strengths and weaknesses to your enemies? That is a no brainer.

The USA used this tactic of revealing its superiority in weapons possession for the purpose of threatening others. USA and the former Soviet Union were countering each other in weapons proliferation during the Cold War and each revealing how many nukes they had trying to scare the other. It evoked an insecurity mindset that prevails to this day.

China and North Korea do not have to do that because those nukes are just for deterrence purposes, not for offensive purposes. Only war mongers do that to suit their agendas. China uses soft power, not war and destruction and nukes and other weapons are for defense purposes.

The USA even had to use the Japanese as cannon fodder to test its nukes in August 1945, just to show the world it was ahead of the Soviet Union. After that the USA lost the battle for the first man in space to the Soviet Union. It was a setback that the USA could not swallow. John F. Kennedy then pressured NASA it must go to the moon to restore its reputation. And Hollywood came to the rescue, with filming sets all readily available for the moon landing. 



  1. Yes, keep the west guessing. Like playing a game of poker, never show your hand.
    In the meantime, Russia should further cement their friendship with China and start using China's factory of the world to churn out more and cheaper weapons. Then they should gift the smaller countries like Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, Lebanon, Palestine some weapons including nuclear warheads. This will counter balance and deter the west, especially the hundreds of yankee military bases.

  2. The Global South have been coerced by the whites not to have nuclear weapons while the whites keep spreading nuclear weapons among themselves. The whites also provide weapons to the Ukrainians and Israelis and told China and Russia not to do so to the Global South countries.
    This one sided pro white formula must stop.
    What the whites are doing, China, Russia and the Global South must also do, and start sanctioning all the whites that sanctioned them.
