
UK is the biggest devil hiding behind the Americans but fighting all the wars without being noticed

 Good morning All

So many White Commentators are strickened with fears that their own mentally sickcos imbeciles are provoking Putin to drop his Auto oops Atomic Bombs on them.

Especially that unkempt never combed his hair and wash his face and teeth now just as an ordinary MP and still strutting around like a skunk to instigate that Urukiane should strike deep into Russia with their what's mighty missles.

Also the Chief Instigator and Shits Stirer Mafia who goaded other imbeciles to fight and died on their behalf so that they could be unscathed and be
World's Number One again with all either killed or maimed.

We are been close to WWIII where now Necular Eggs be flying.

As so many soothsayers had prophesized that the World shall ended with the Chinese Race still with half of their Population survivoring and the Rest of the Rest burned to charcoals and dust.

So the Chinese peoples shall prevailed.



  1. The UK can be claimed to be the devil in chief, the USA is the descendant of the devil itself, and together they constitute the evil twain. Little Britain does not have the military power today to do much, but it has the USA behind to manipulate and by feeding them fabricated information to prolong wars, subterfuge and sabotage.

    The UK's devilish hands in sabotaging all the peace deals in Ukraine is an open secret, with Boris Johnson directly involved. An agreement had already been reached between Moscow and Kyiv during the early stage of the Ukraine War, and it only took Boris Johnson a visit to Zelensky to turn the tables around.

    The UK is also the evilest country, and this is no idle boast, feeding fake information to George W. Bush and his war mongering gang about Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq, which led to the Iraq War. Tony Blair was the mastermind behind all this and yet he was awarded a knighthood for his contribution.

    The irony is that there are countries today still worshipping the evil twain, the father and son, if I may put it that way. Even those countries that suffered during the days of colonization. India bore the brunt of the British rule, with all its wealth stolen and even having to suffer by being forced to send food to the UK while Indians were starving in India. It is estimated that more than US$ 42 trillion (or pound sterling) were stolen by the Brits from India throughout their rule. It provided the wealth for the Brits to develop the country and became a rich country to show the world.

    Karma has wrecked havoc on the Brits. It will do the same to the USA. It is only a matter of time.

  2. Sometimes cannot blame the devils. There are so many stupid people that willingly want to be duped and conned by the devils and believe the devils are the good guys. They chose to be on the side of the devils.

  3. The devil is smart. Just proclaiming that 'You are either with US or against US' is good enough to make them shit in their pants.

    That is why joining BRICS makes lots of sense, being protected by the Russian/Chinese umbrella. Singapore is going to miss out on all that.
