
Trump's assassination ruse!

 Donald Trump's popularity is waning and is slipping behind Kamala. This is no good. The euphoria of the first 'assassination' attempt is fading away. Nobody remembers or cares about it anymore. More drastic measures must be taken to win back the supporters for Trump. The first assassination ruse came too early and losing steam and effect.

What can be better than another failed 'assassination' attempt? A gun man was hiding in a bush in Trump's Florida golf course, and carrying an AK 47 rifle, not American rifle, to make it more real, with the sly hint that it was likely foreign motivated.

And the fumbling amateurish gun man was easily spotted and fled but then caught shortly on the highway. In both assassination ruses, the gun men were anything but professionals, exposing themselves to be hunted and taken down. In this latter case, the police were so efficient. No chance to fire a shot and quickly apprehended.

Trump's popularity is going to rise again. Poor man, target of assassins. Must give him more support. The polls will swing to favour Trump again.

Would this be the last attempt or ruse against Trump's life? Point to note, the aggressive and violent Americans are the right wing supporters of Trump and all gun carrying brutes. These are the type that are likely to commit violence, like assassination.  Strange that they are not targeting Kamala, and now a second attempt on Trump.

What do you think? Real or Ruse? Hero and macho Trump is safe and sound again.

In American politics, domestic or international, everything can be scripted by Hollywood to gain sensational effect. $1.5 billion for producing fake news and disinformation. This is no small change. Only an Empire of Lies would be willing to spend such money.


  1. Dotard Trump Braggart cannot even win a debate with a woman.

    Oh. Forgot that women had two mouths!

    Sure cannot beat them ah!

    One for eating and another ahem?

    Learnt from Chen Shu Bian of Taiwan ah?

    Sympathy votes ah to win the Election?

    Aiya sia suay you know!

    Cannot win by fair means.

    Also cannot even win a shireking and laughing Hygena.

    How to browbeat the Leaders of the World?

    See Putin and Xi shakes in the pant?

  2. USA election really is a showpiece for the world or even out of this world. They really got mixed up between reality and fantasy. Hollywood makes so much fantasy movies that now fact follows fiction. Only in the USA, the laughingstock of the world.

  3. Like crying wolf, The first two times may be fake. Third time may be real and hit the target.

  4. Ukraine is denying involvement in the latest assassination attempt on Trump as accused by some sources.

    I think there is a possibility that there was an element of their involvement despite the denials. The most logical reason being that Trump, if elected, is going to end the war, or if not, Trump will scale back all the aid that Biden is giving Zelensky. Zelensky is not a fan of Trump's agenda, far from it. He even made fun of Trump's gloating rhetoric, saying that he could end the war within 24 hours.

    Now, if that is not reason enough for Ukraine's desperation to take Trump out of contention, that is also a possible mindset of the Democrats to do so.

  5. If they say the good die young and the evil have long life, Trump will survive any assassination attempt.

    Now it looks like assassination attempts are being made all over the world - against Putin, against Zelensky, against Maduro, against Hamas leaders, against Hezbollah leaders and against ICC leaders as well. Therefore, USA needs to show that it has its fingers in the game as well, to make the USA angel-like. See, they also have assassinations carried out against their leaders, LOL. But funnily not against Biden or Harris.

  6. Ukraine involvement? What a joke. The so called attempt was so clumsy and amateurish. A professional hit man would have got the job done. This guy was exposing himself in broad daylight to tell the world there is an attempt on Trump's life by just showing up. It wasn't meant to be serious.

  7. Joke or no joke, I believe there will be a third time. And likely to be successful if Trump gets elected. And it will be blamed on Russia, China or Iran connection or better still some men in a golf cart. Third time lucky or unlucky, hard to say.

  8. This hollywood production is getting bored. Perhap they should change the script & director for the next show. Maybe get those bollywood people to do it instead..what do you think?

  9. Follow the playbook is what they are told to do. Just like de-industrializing and outsourcing production to China thirty years ago and all they have to do was just print toilet papers to enjoy the finished products. What a grand idea then and a fairy tale that no other country ever thought of! But then, as with everything else, it backfired.

    Today, the USA is frantically trying to' 'insource' production by going through the basics of setting up factories and attracting foreign manufacturers to help. Alas, it is too little too late. China controls most of the raw materials, the refining logistics, the cheap energy from Russia, the skilled workers, and has the competitive edge in every sector. Sure, the USA can become a hub for manufacturing, but who do they hope to sell to? They cannot produce products that are competitive enough to corner the Global South market. And China itself is a big market, but definitely beyond the USA to muscle in.

    That means end of cheap products for USA citizens. The USA thinks that erecting tariffs will help, but it is making the situation even more dire. China will retaliate and if a push comes to a shove, China will ban essential raw materials required for the USA to industrialize. What then will the USA use to produce products without the raw materials. It is not as simple as printing toilet papers, where only ink and paper are required and just running the printing machines overtime.
