
The Story of Sun Qicheng, represents the unflinching fight against gross injustice suffered by overseas Chinese in the United States

Every Chinese must know that during the last over two hundred years our great Chinese Civilization of 5000 years was subjected to extreme barbaric Western attack and aggression by the European countries headed by the Anglo-Saxons British, America, Russia and Japan. China was like a life cockroach set upon by myriads of ants and torn to pieces. China was like a living cattle set upon by packs of hyenas, wolves or lions and torn to shreds. China was invaded, trampled and her land partitioned among the invading tribes. 

In a short span of over two hundred years China was caused to lose her dignity, self-respect and honour as well as losing large swathes of Chinese lands to Russia, England, France, Germany and Japan. However, the Chinese have their own proud national honour, dignity and self-respect. Inspite of overbearing odds in this epic struggle and fight against the hordes of barbaric invaders China put up a determined heroic struggle with grit and gumption and finally won back her Civilization on 1st October, 1949 with the establishment of the People's Republic of China by the Commmunist Party of China led by Chairman Mao Tse-Tung. 

Below is another sad story of how the Chinese living overseas in America were bullied, trampled and treated by the Anglo-Saxons Americans with derision, unfairness and great injustice. As usual Chinese dignity, honour and self-respect would never give in to such savage ill treatment without giving a fight. 

This is a story of Mr.Sun Qichen and his fellow Chinese compatriots heroic epic fight and struggle against the unfairness, lawless acts and injustice against the mighty US government in the 1980s. It was a long heroic fight against false and fake make up lawsuits in the courts against Mr Sun Qichen and the Chinese business community. It was Mr. Sun Qichen's stubborn determination and the full support of the Chinese compatriots of their just cause that finally ended up in court victory for Mr Sun and his Chinese compatriots. 

Every Chinese must read this epic story and finish it to the end and there after circulate it to as many people as possible to let the world know how despicable, dishonourable, petty and lawless the Anglo-Saxons Americans are as well as to show their irrational fear, envy and hatred for the intelligent hardworking Chinese diaspora. 

In the midst of the 2008 subprime financial crisis in the United States an inspiring story emerged. A 74 year old man of Chinese descent was arrested in the United States and became scapegoat for the US government, but the outcome was beyond everyone's expectations. The arrest of Meng Wanzhou has shocked the world. Ten years ago there was a similar arrest that also shocked the world. The defendant was just an innocent Chinese old man. He was suddenly arrested and became a scapegoat for the US government. He faced 182 charges and 240 indictments. He never expected the ending which exceeded everyone's expectations. 

He is Sun Qicheng ( English name Thomas Sung ). He was born in Shanghai in 1935. His father Sun Ruilin was a famous entrepreneur and a philanthropist who founded a large orphanage in Nanshan, Chongqing and rescued thousands of children who were displaced by the Japanese invasion of China. Under the influence of his father, the seed of national justice was planted in his young heart until it grew into a towering tree in later years. When he was sixteen years old, his family migrated to the US. At the university, he obtained a master's degree in economics and a doctorate in law. Such excellent results in the education system were rare among Chinese and even Americans at the time. After completing his studies, he could have successfully entered the upper class of the US, but he made a decision that surprised everyone. 

At that time there was no place where more Chinese gathered in the US than in Chinatown in New York. The barber shop, the small Chinese street vendors doing business on the streets, the humble Chinese shoe repair stall and theatrical performances. Everything here made him extremely comfortable. He said, Whenever I walk in Chinatown, I feel that it is like home. I want to be a part of them. 

However, behind the Chinese existence in the US, there is actually endless bitterness and injustice. The Chinese hawkers who set up stalls in Chinatown would be fined if the stalls encroached little bit into the road for a short distance of one meter, they were fined USD1,000. This is the money earned for their hard work for months. The police cars would park in Chinatown at will, occupying the business space of vendors without any restriction. He saw all this with his eyes, so when he graduated in 1964, he gave up high-paying job and the opportunity to enter the upper class, and established a law firm in Chinatown, where there were many shoe repair shops, vegetable stalls and butcher shops. What he did was for only one purpose to provide much needed and timely help for the unfair treatment suffered by his Chinese compatriots. 

After more than ten years to solve their legal woes, he discovered one of their most difficult problems, many small Chinese businesses in Chinatown paid their workers daily or weekly salaries. While several banks in the US had taken in tens of millions of dollars from Chinese deposits and made huge profits, when Chinese people wanted to borrow money from these banks, they faced difficulties as they were unable to come up with a convincing source of income. The result was the Chinese living in Chinatown found it difficult to buy a house, and even harder to invest in expanding their business. 

He tried to help his compatriots by lobbying mainstream American banks, but failed time after time. He found this very unfair. In order to help his compatriots as much as possible he decided to give up his law firm and open a bank himself. He said, "It's time I want to give back to society and the Chinese." "To many Chinese, the abacus is the treasure of China's five thousand years of culture." So he decided to call the bank Abacus Bank ( National Treasure Bank ) to work for the well being of his compatriots. He invested all his wealth and resources and finally in 1980, the Abacus Bank was established. 

The opening of the Abacus bank brought great vitality to the local Chinese community and hope from helplessness and hardship. He helped them overcome all these with low-interest loans from the US government to help thousands of low-income Chinese who had settled in the US to make a living. After twenty years of unremitting efforts, countless Chinese families regained and improved their lives. Whether it is an aunt who sold flowers or an old man who sold vegetables , with his help they could finally afford a house, have their own business and a foothold in the US. Local Chinese often said: If you have difficulty, you can find a national treasure." 

"National Treasure" became famous and became the well-known OCBC Bank among the Americans. Sun said: The unity of Chinese people abroad should be something integrated into the blood. Abacus Bank aims to enable compatriots to live in a foreign country with dignity." He opened the bank in New York and even more in the hearts of overseas Chinese. 

While he succeeded in his career, he always missed the China where he was born and raised. He knew the importance of talent to the motherland. In 2000, he preached the establishment of the "US-China Education Foundation" to contact many universities in the US. China's education department cooperated in running schools and provided China with a steady stream of talents: lawyers, accountants, computer experts, finance, corporate management, etc which deepened the exchanges between China and the US. 

Unanimously praised, he was called "the goodwill ambassador of China and the US" and the architect of the Sino-US friendship bridge." Everything was moving towards a better place but because of a huge storm that came suddenly he instantly fell into a dead end. 

In 2008 a serious subprime mortgage crisis blew up in the US. All mainstream banks panicked. Unemployment, poverty, and bankruptcy became a huge social disaster. In order to save the country's nearly collapsed economy, in October President Bush signed the "Emergency Economic Stability" bill. The bill authorised the use of taxpayers' money of up to USD700 billion in taxes to rescue those financial giants. But the American people who had been badly affected needed a reasonable explanation. To spend taxpayers' money to rescue the Bank of America, who will be responsible for this crisis. 

The government knew that the main outbreak of the subprime mortgage crisis was that the financial tycoons of Wall Street had packaged extremely risky loans and sold these to the public as well as to overseas countries . This vicious circle finally triggered the unprecedented financial disaster. But because these people were too big and strong to be offended and prosecuted, the US government targeted Sun and Abacus Bank which unexpectedly became the only financial institution at that time that was sued by the US government for loan fraud. 

The police went to the bank to arrest its employees. The scene was shocking. The staff were chained together and walked out one by one with their heads bent. This method of arrest even caused upset among the local lawyers in the US. "They were herded down the corridor like herding cows. There is no precedent before ... " Someone said: This is very unfair, it is a shame if it were a group of African-American workers, they wouldn't be treated like this!" Just because they are Chinese and living in Chinatown, they had to suffer such discrimination and injustice. 

Sun was 74 years old. He never expected that a financial turmoil caused by the American banks would make him a scapegoat. He did not expect that he would be convicted of 182 charges and 240 fines in court. The face of the big bank is too big to fail, and Abacus Bank is small enough to be prosecuted was staged in the US. His family was exposed to the eyes of the American people by the media, and suddenly became "the sinners of the US", on these absurd charges. 

The average bad debt rate of mortgages in the US was 5% at the time, while only nine people did not service their loans out of Abacus Bank's more than 3,000 loans. The bank's bad debt rate was only 3%, which had the lowest non-fulfilment loan rate in the US. It is unacceptable for such a reputable bank for the US financial crisis. US news reports severely humiliated the Chinese. 

Seeing that their father was wronged so much, his youngest daughter who was serving in the D.A. office resigned from the government. "The U.S. government's action made me fail to see the the justice and fairness preached. On the contrary, I only saw their incompetence. I was so disappointed." She took up her father's case. However, there were hundreds of lawyers on the government's prosecution side who investigated Abacus Bank. It was proposed that as long as Sun Qicheng is willing to pay a fine of USD6 million , the matter could pass. 

But for the dignity of his family and for the dignity of the Chinese, he did not compromise. "We Chinese do things cleanly, and we will never recognize what we have not done. This is a country that exercises power. I can't let the Chinese face be dulled with shame. I also want to restore my own dignity." He decided to fight for fairness and justice no matter what the price was. 

In the face of powerful government agencies, his only strength was that of his four daughters. Three were lawyers and were quite familiar with US politics, economy and law. The government doesn't know that I'm not that easy to bully, but my daughters, they are also strong, wise and capable women. The US Prosecutor's office did not expect that he was so stubborn and tenacious. He had 182 charges. 

The prosecution used hundreds of well-known lawyers to investigate the files of Abacus Bank in full, so that his family would plead guilty. In this most difficult period, he was supported by his closest compatriots in Chinatown. Every day the owner of the noodle shop presented his daughters with hot wonton noodle. They would stay in the shop for a whole day, discussing the case to "restore dad's innocence!" Many Chinese were waiting for the day when he would be cleared of his charges.

He said, "When I was in trouble, my compatriots did not abandon me. They gave me encouragement, support and told me that I would win the lawsuit." The lawsuit lasted five full years and involved more than 600,000 files. In this power disparity contest, he finally won justice with extraordinary courage. In the end none of his 182 counts and 240 counts were proven. 

After learning of the victory of the lawsuit, many Chinese came forward, "You fought for us and let us believe that we still have a chance for justice." This was not his victory alone, but a victory to defend the dignity of all overseas Chinese. 

Later, the story of Sun Qicheng's family against the US government was filmed as a documentary depicting the Chinese resisting injustice. "Abacus Bank, small enough to jail" was nominated for for best feature documentary for the 90th Oscar Award and won other film awards. This is the legacy of the elderly Sun Qicheng, and the spirit of all Chinese people who strive for and value peace. 

The backbone of the Chinese people will never be broken and the faith of the Chinese people will never be torn apart. An unyielding China will eventually win. Watch the documentary, "Abacus: Small enough to jail" (2017) - How a Chinese family fought against the US government for 5 years. https://youtu.be/75SLTTgFGTc8 https://youtu.be/JkscvUEUnJA.

Circulate this story to as many people as possible to let the world know how racist and anti-Chinese the Anglo-Saxon Americans are and how they trampled on the human rights of other ethnic races. 

 Southernglory1 Monday, 16th September, 2024 

PS. As of today, thousands of Chinese scholars, professors, scientists and academics have been forcefully, wrongfully charged by the Americans with fabricated crimes. Many committed suicide, many were killed under suspicious circumstances. These are fine young men and women in the prime of their career, the best in their respective fields. The American rogue regimes committed atrocious, merciless and racist crimes against the Chinese people even today in the fake and terrorist so called Democracy. 

Many Chinese scholars and experts have returned to China, their Motherland. Many would follow suit in a reversed brain drain to empty the top talents in America. Hopefully they could return safely before they are murdered or wrongly put in jail by the American terrorists.


  1. "White men speak with fork tongues and can never be trusted."
    People and countries of the South must forever remember this warning from the North America native Indians.

  2. White men especially the Anglo-Saxons British, USA, France, Dutch, and Germans have no honour and dignity. They all have evil common traits and behaviour. They like to cheat and tell lies without blinking an eyelid. They like to steal and grab things from others by force as always. They have nothing better to do than thinking of fighting and killing every day at the break of dawn. In fact cheating, stealing, fighting and killing have become their national psyche as per normal way of life. This neurotic psyche together with their penchant for attacking and invading other non-white countries for the last over five hundred years have severely affected all countries of the south with serious suffering of great trauma, pain, suffering and untold agony of death. But now the countries of the South led by BRICS especially by Russia and China have decided to fight back and put a stop to their senseless violent behaviour.
    Alex Morales : Venezuela

  3. White men like the blinking Jews like to claim they are the chosen race , the chosen people of God. But with their millions of limitless heinous acts and atrocities committed against other people, other races and countries of the South do they still think God will condon their criminal acts against mankind. For years heaven has given them and the despicable godless Jews enough warnings to cease their wanton demonic behaviour against mankind but to no avail. Now God has decided to punish them and therefore they are now facing unsolvable problems and choas in all white countries in the Anglo-Saxons UK and USA and in all over Europe as well as in Israel. Well do they still think they are the chosen people of God. God must be blind to do so. It is more likely they are the chosen of Lucifer their monstrous king of the devils.
    Yang Xue Ling

  4. The Chosen race? Who choose them? They choose themselves probably.

    1. It is the Jews that claimed they were the Chosen race. But God condemned them to have no nation and to wander around without a home. The Arabs are the Chosen race, given abundance of resources and wealth, nation states and plenty of children.

  5. China and the Chinese people have awakened and are now rising peacefully with honour and confidence through their own hard work and intelligence. But white men especially the Anglo-Saxons British and Americans are looking at Chinese peaceful rise with jaundiced eyes. Being wicked and evil they are now planning with some other European countries and Japan to undermine and take down China again. But this time for sure if they try to trifle with China again they will definitely meet their nemesis.

  6. Welcome to the blog, Yang Xue Ling and Chai Kwan Kong : Taipeh, Taiwan.

  7. Hopefully China and Russia together with the BRICS countries will be able to build a more peaceful and harmonious world after the downfall of the wicked and evil Anglo-Saxons Americans and their allies of troublesome packs of robbers, scoundrels and warmongers.

  8. I believe the oncoming derivative crisis would make the sub=prime crisis event like a walk in the park. They never want to talk about it, but quadrillions are involved. Wonder who they are going to blame this time.

  9. https://youtu.be/LFcN54E-rqM?si=tRl45jXEm6OSs90s

    SinkiesLAND usable to join BRICs
