
The USA/West toxic Psychiatric mindset and its endless ramifications for China and all countries of the South in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

The white Western countries headed by the Anglo-Saxon United States have a hereditary toxic psychiatric mindset that always post a great danger to China and all countries of the South in Africa, Asia, South East Asia, Middle East, South America, Central America and the Caribbean Island countries. In the past in the 13th Century they were astounded by Marco Polo's description of the great wonders of Chinese civilization and how Chinese people were living a glorious life in grandeur and prosperity. Then they learnt indirectly from the Mongols and the Arab travellers and merchants on the wonders of Chinese inventions, science and technology. All this kick start the European renaissance and their urge to go to China to see, observe and learn from the Chinese. 

However, after learning and copying the ability to make gunpowder, guns and cannons they made use of these new found inventions for evil purposes because of their hereditary aggressive warlike nature. The Chinese made use of guns and cannons to frighten away evil spirits during vibrant celebrations of national festivals. But the Western barbaric nations used it for mass killings and destruction in warfare against others. 

Soon with the improved version of their guns and cannons the European countries especially Spain, Portugal, France, England and Russia went on a wild spree of rampage of aggression and invasions against other peoples and countries both in the old hemisphere in Asia and Africa and in the new hemisphere in North America and South America. Even China the inventor of guns and cannons was caught unaware of this incoming menacing storm of great proportions. 

Every country that was visited by these Western hordes of barbaric tribes was attacked, invaded and conquered and the people slaughtered and killed without any mercy. And that was how people and countries of both the old and new hemisphere were colonized by the Europeans, trampled and enslaved by them. The first peoples and countries to succumb to Western barbaric invasions were the people and countries of North and South America. This was followed by countries of the Middle East, Africa, India and Central Asia. 

England, France, Spain, Portugal, Holland Belgium, Italy and Germany partitioned Africa among themselves. India was fully invaded and conquered by England after a hot contest with France. Russia invaded and took all the countries in Central Asia and all Chinese territories from Lake Baikal region to the Maritime Province fronting the Pacific Ocean and the Sakhalin Islands. 

Later they turned their attention to jointly attack China and to partition China among themselves. England, France, America and Japan occupied the Chinese ports and cities of Shanghai, Nanking, Ningpo, Xiamen and Canton. England detached Southern Tibet from China and incorporated it as part of British ruled India. In 1885 France took away Indo-China from China. 

While from 1850s to 1885 Russia invaded and occupied large swathes of Chinese lands in the north of the Heilong Jiang river inclusive of the Lake Baikal region and the Ussuri maritime province fronting the Pacific Ocean where the Chinese main city of Hai Hsien Wei was and in which Russia changed its name to Vladivostok meaning Russian Fort of the East. In all Russia occupied a Chinese territory of about three million square miles. 

The barbaric West especially the Anglo-Saxon British and the Americans used opium to destroy China but used proceeds of opium money to construct and develop England and America. It was the Opium Wars (1839 to 1842) and (1856 to 1860) that England imposed on China that unravelled China's way of life in peace, prosperity, grandiosity and public vibrant social life in festivals and festivities. England had for decades been importing large quantities of Chinese tea, silk and porcelains and then resold them to other European and Arab countries for huge profits. But through greed British imports of these Chinese products increased by many folds and England soon faced the inability to pay for these products. Then the Anglo-Saxon British and the surreptitious British Jew David Sassoon hit on the idea of the illicit opium trade and opium smuggling into China. 

Thus through illicit opium trade and smuggling England and all Western nations were able to make huge quantum profits though at the same time it impoverished China tremendously and weaken the country and people to no end. It is an open secret that many of the great buildings and edifice in England, France and America were built with Chinese opium money. The Americans also proudly boasted that opium money from illicit opium trade and smuggling in China contributed to the building of many prominent American universities like Princeton University, Yale University, Columbia University, New York University and California High Tech University. Moreover American infrastructures like railways, roads, ports, cities and hospitals were also built with Chinese opium money. 

Throughout this Western aggression China was reduced to a semi-colony of Western nations. From a country of grandeur and great prosperity China was plundered without end and impoverished tremendously to poverty of great dimensions. All this humiliation by the West on China lasted over a hundred years from 1800 to 1948. 

Yet during this period of great humiliation the Westerners and Japan dared to hate China and despise China and the Chinese people for being weak and poor. They labelled China as 'Sick Man of Asia" and said that Chinese people are incapable of innovation or any scientific and technological advancement. It is not until the founding and establishment of the People's Republic of China on 1st October, 1949 by the CPC of Chairman Mao Tse-tung that China and the Chinese people are able to restore its pride, self-respect and dignity. 

Now they not only hate China but also are very angry and fearful and envious of China because China is surpassing them in many fields of endeavour and Chinese people are living a good life again in the midst of vibrant social societies in the towns and cities all over China compare with the crappy lives in morbid Western societies. Thus the rise of modern China under the CPC to great economic, military, political, scientific and technological power and strength put paid to Western/American arrogant and egoistic claim that China was a 'Sick Man of Asia." 

Now they are ganging up again and trying all ways and means to destroy China again. Well, this time they can be sure to meet their nemesis and self-destruction if they dare to take on China for they must know the present China is not the same as the old decadent China and must not be trivialised with. The rise of a rich and powerful China has given hope to many countries of the South in Africa, South America, Central America, the Caribbean island countries and the Pacific Ocean island countries. China has been able to help these countries of the South to rise up with dignity economically and politically and thus thrown away the yoke of Western colonialism and imperialism. All these countries of the South are looking forward to follow the model of China's rise to power and riches and they hope they will soon be able to leave the curse of poverty and colonialism in the dustbin forever. 

Southernglory1 Wednesday, 11th September, 2024.


  1. For over 500 years the barbaric tribes from Europe especially the Anglo-Saxons of England have terrorised the whole world with impunity. They had attacked and invaded practically every continent on earth and had robbed and killed all natives without mercy . But now their days of plundering are being checked by the growing might of China and Russia and many other countries of the South. They are in fact facing Karma now in many ways of their lives in America and also all over Europe in England, France, Holland, Spain, Germany, Belgium and Italy.

    Raju Kumar

  2. There is almost total anarchy in the United States. Every American can own guns and there are gun shootings and killings every day all over the American states. There is no law and public disorder and choas is everywhere. Robbing and plundering the supermarkets happen everywhere in broad daylight and the police just don't care. Millions of Americans are poor and have no food to eat. They have no homes but have to live in the open space by the roadsides or outside shopping malls or five-foot ways in makeshift tents. It is really pathetic. If this is not Karma then what is it?

    Mendoza: Mexico

    1. Senor Mendoza, soon your country will have to deal with illegal migrants from the sickest country on earth coming to earn a living in your country. Luckily these sickos have built a wall and it's a god-send thing to keep the sickos out. Karma again.

  3. Half of the United States consists of land the Anglo-Saxons took away from mexico by force of military might between 1840s to 1870s. These lands taken from Mexico include Texas, Colorado. Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Dakota, New Mexico and California, a large swathes of Mexican land of about one million Six hundred and sixty-five square miles. Mexico must insists the pariah United States give back these lands to Mexico.

  4. The beautiful native Hawaii kingdom of Hawaii was also taken from the native Hawaiians through force, deception and subterfuge from the 1830s to 1905. Native Hawaiians bravely resisted American invasion and occupation and as a result more than three hundred thousand native Hawaiians were mercilessly and brutally slaughtered by the Anglo-Saxon American invaders.

  5. Native Hawaiians have not given up hope of taking back their islands from the barbaric Anglo-Saxon Americans. The United Nations Organisation should help native Hawaiians to secure independence from the big bully the United States. Failing which the BRICS countries and all countries of the South must step in to demand that the US leave Hawaii and allow the natives to run their own country as an independent state.

    Similarly US should leave Guam and Diego Garcia.

    Nicholas Medora: A native Hawaiian

  6. Welcome to the blog, Nicholas Medora: A native Hawaiian.

  7. There are still many Mexicans and Hawaiians alive to fight to retake their lands stolen by the Americans. Unfortunately there are very few native Americans left alive to stage a meaningful return of their land.
    The Anglo Saxon Americans were merciless in the decimation of the native Americans in their final solution to this problem. The Anglo Saxon Americans are teaching the same solution to the Israelis to finish off the Palestinians so that there will be no more Palestinians to fight for the return of their land.
