
Depopulation of the world in progress - Thank you Pfizer, thank you America


 NWO: Pfizer admits vaccinated men are being chemically castrated for globalist depopulation agenda

View the above link, 12 min, on how the spike protein from mRNA vaccine is working and doing its bit to depopulate the world. mRNA men's sperm are being chemically altered to cause still birth. mRNA vaccinated women are also having deformed eggs. Women who are not mRNA vaccinated are not safe from these men as the spike protein can infect the women during copulation.   

This development is being presented by professionals that are continuing with followup on people being vaccinated by mRNA vaccines. The official media and govt organisations are not reporting this development and even put a lid on this information. 

If the finding is conclusive, it would take more time, the depopulation programme of the Americans and illuminati is going according to plans. In a generation or two, the population of the world would see a drastic collapse which would have huge adverse and perverse consequences. To the mastermind of this perverse depopulation programme, it is good news! Lesser demand and stress on the resources on planet earth.

The two regions that would be least affected would be China and Africa. They did not inject themselves with mRNA spike protein. Japan is in panic mood over mRNA vaccines effect on its people.

PS. The reckless decision to use an experimental vaccine without going through the whole process of validation to sieve out all the adverse and deadly side effects will take a heavy toll on the lives of the people of the world. Who will be responsible for this abominable disaster, the voluntary or compulsory self termination of the human race?

1 comment:

  1. Talking about the mRNA vaccine, either coincidence or otherwise, death among the elderly seems fast and furious among my elder relatives. Two uncles and three aunties on my wife's side passed on in 2023/24. A record of sorts.

    On my side, one aunty, one cousin and a nephew passed on also in 2023/24. Also, quite a record. Apart from them, three elderly neighbors and a middle-aged acquaintance also left this world.

    These are no made-up stories. Coincidence? Hard to say and difficult to admit the obvious.
