
Mearsheimer and Sachs - American security is your insecurity


This is a good 54 minute conversation between two of the top American scholars on American policies towards China and world hegemony. John Mearsheimer's position of American security is to be the most power country in the world, with no one allowed to come near to be an equal. It is like occupying every square in a chess board, not allowing the opponent to have any square if possible. This arises from the savage instinct that if they did not kill and control others, others would do the same to them. The uncivilised white savages refused to be civilised and think others are uncivilised like them.

Jeffrey's Sachs' position is that this would lead to inevitable nuclear war. Mearsheimer agreed but being a realist, a savage in suit, this is what he stood for, absolute dominance and security. Sachs' position is that it should not be a zero sum game and America must allow other powers space like it wanted space for itself to have peace on earth. No one is a threat to the Americans, China is not a threat to the Americans.

Nuclear War is inevitable if the Americans were to push for absolute security by being the unchallenged hegemon as recommended by Mearsheimer, like what the Israelis are doing in the Middle East. The security of the Israelis is to wipe out the Palestinians and later all the Arabs in the region. The savage Americans applied this belief on the native Americans and wiped them out for their security in owning the American continent unchallenged.

The Americans are pushing ahead like Mearsheimer wanted them to, as the world's number dictator or terrorist state, to quash all potential challengers. The world is only safe for the Americans under the American Empire. Watch out Russia, China and Iran. The American terrorists are coming.

Oh, watch out for the little idiot in the clip, acting like he was a priest and everyone was evil except the Americans. He did not know the evil crimes the Americans committed and are committing around the world. And he craved for attention, demanding to be given time to speak when he was just a callefare, irrelevant. Sachs was quite pissed off with his ignorant and naive comments about China collapsing under Xi. 

In the end they all ignored him.


  1. The political elites and warmongering neo-cons in the USA are inherently evil. They wrongly assume that other countries share their desire for dominance once they gain strength and power. Xi Jinping previously stated that China does not aspire to be a global hegemon and will never become one. China upholds the principles of peaceful coexistence and believes in mutually beneficial cooperation. The Pacific Ocean is vast enough to accommodate more than two major powers. Peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation are fundamental tenets of China's foreign policy.

  2. Yanis Varoufakis will probably ask - What is wrong with China wanting to become a bigger player on the world stage? China is not starting wars all over the world. China is helping poor countries to progress by building infrastructures with loans provided to make those living in poor countries have a better life. Is that wrong in the eyes of the USA and it must make it into an issue that China is therefore challenging the USA?

    What the Anglo-Saxon cannot do, China must be prevented from doing so, as it makes them inferior. It is a mindset cast in stone since the days of the Soviet Union's existence. The Soviets must never do anything to overshadow the USA. The USA had to drop two nuclear bombs on Japan to show the Soviets it is ahead in the nuclear race. When they lost the space race, they were unable to take the insult and had to take the desperate step of faking the moon landing to uplift their bruised ego.

  3. That idiot keeps punting on the accusation that all dictators are bad hats with Xi being targeted as such. Any other country would prefer a dictator like Xi, lifting more than 800 million Chinese out of poverty. Which democratic leader has that capability to speak of.

    On the contrary, each and every successive democratic leader of the free world, the USA, never did bother to tackle the homeless problem across the whole USA. The drug infestation problem is also left to fester. All those leaders talk about is confronting China and Russia to win elections.
