
George Galloway - Get rid of all your western origin electronic devices...including iPhones

 The world has just changed for the worse. The war in the Middle East is going to escalate to a regional war. The Americans, Brits and Nato would all be drawn into the war. And so would all the Arab and Muslim states.

Israel has just launched a mass terrorist war against Lebanon, and very likely against all the Arab and Muslim states in the region. All western origin devices, especially Apple iPhones, can be compromised and will be compromised. For the safety of everyone, get rid of all iPhones, all western made electronic devices at once. All the Arab and Muslim countries must be in a hurry to get rid of all such devices.  

Every piece is like carrying a time bomb!

Galloway said, it is so stupid for anyone to be carrying a western origin electronic device when they have declared that you are their enemy. iPhone is not just monitoring and spying on you. It can also explode in your face. and kill you. Apple is going to be finished in China. China would be forced to issue a complete ban on Apple iPhones and related electronic devices to protect the lives of its citizens. Apple can close down all its factories in China. This is not just a security threat but an existential threat beyond imagination. No Chinese leader would be caught with their pants down for not taking action on this threat.

Similarly, all the Arab and Muslim leaders are cornered to make the same decision to protect their people and themselves. American and western electronic devices are finished in the Middle East. No one would be stupid enough to want to risk their lives or risk having the device blowing up in their faces or in their pockets.

Israel has done it. It is now the Americans and the West on the side of Israel against the Arabs and Muslims and the rest of the world. 

Incidentally, the warmongering American terrorists have confirmed their mid range nuclear missiles would stay in the Philippines. So, what is China going to do?  Protest and protest and protest, or send their missiles to the Caribbeans or Latin America? The nuclear missiles in the Philippines is an existential threat to China. This is no joke. This is damn serious and cannot be ignored unlike the bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade.


  1. Huawei and Chinese electronic devices are safest. Caveat, if they are not hijacked and have explosive embedded by the white terrorists.
    They are so evil that they might spike drinks and food...mass food poisoning.

  2. Made in China iPhones and other electronic devices should be relatively safe.

    Assembling the iPhone and inserting the tiny explosive will not be without the knowledge of those doing the assembly. Those pagers that exploded were traced to a source in Hungary according to some sources, with the production license granted by the Taiwan company under some kind of arrangement. I do believe the Taiwanese company is not producing pagers in Taiwan anymore as pagers are already totally obsolete for decades.

    There is also the possibility that those pagers without explosives may likely have been substituted during delivery from the factory, which is a possibility, and here the problem is really difficult to contain. Any electronic production outfit anywhere in the world could be compromised.

    And that brings into focus the question of how such terrorist attacks will also target other sectors like mass food poisoning. As I said before, this is just indiscriminate killing of innocent people who have nothing to do with the conflict in the Middle East. They are non-combatants and killing them is a crime by any definition.

  3. If electronic devices are explosive devices, that is a whole new game changer for air travel. People carry smartphones, laptops and iPads all the time. Banning them on planes is going to be a big problem now.

  4. Samsung neh? Are South Korean brands a risk as SK is a vassal of US ?

  5. Hi Anon 8.24

    Ban on planes one problem.

    Now the worst when checking in, wow one hundred percent scanning.

    The queuing up now have to be five hours ahead of flights.

    Better travel by planes less.

    Terminals one to five empty.

  6. Most dangerous must be iPhones and iPads made elsewhere other than in China.

    Now Samsung is on the downslide as well, according to reports. Samsung has little innovation to speak off, just like Apple, but is following Apple to the letter in its product range. People buying Samsung have been pissed off and the chairman of Samsung was reported to be angry with his smartphone design team for losing market share by just following what Apple does.

  7. George should tell the whole world to get rid of anything Western made, even monetary system, banking system, US$ hegemony, investments in USA as they are toxic.

  8. More or less can confirm why Boeing airplanes can suddenly nosedive !
