
EU is collapsing! Russia and BRICS rising!

 Whatever happened to the narrative that Russia is isolated and have no friends? Whatever happened to the narrative that the Russian Ruble is becoming rubble, and Russia will collapse with all the sanctions? Oh, no, Russia is doing even better than the EU countries and will become great again. BRICS is expanding, which means Russia is having more friends in its fold. What a slap on the face of Biden, Johnson, Scholz, Macron, Von de Leyen and Stoltenberg.

The biggest irony is that the EU is collapsing instead of Russia. Germany is sliding down into the sewers, never mind Olaf Scholz still strutting his stuff about providing more aid to Ukraine at all costs for Germany.

Ukraine itself is even auctioning national assets to pay for the war, which indicates aid is hard to come by. Who is buying those sitting duck assets in Ukraine? Maybe Zelensky knows it is all over, selling everything, and taking all the money and running to his private island to live in luxury. That is provided the Russians are willing to let bygones be bygones.

Despite all the game changing moves with fresh weapons, everything looks gloomy for Ukraine. Russia is advancing by gaining more territory while the Kursk invasion by Ukraine is being taken care of by other Russian troops moved from the Eastern region. It was a miscalculation by Zelensky hoping to lure Russian troops on the Ukrainian front to be diverted to Kursk and hoping to use Kursk as a bargaining chip to talk peace. 



  1. According to reports, the EU is now buying more gas from Russia than from the USA. That must be a surprise to many. After all the talk about using sanctions to stop helping Russia to fund the war, why are they doing just the exact opposite of what they set out to do? Desperation is the answer. Do they really have any moral authority to accuse China of helping Russia in their trade and accusing China of helping Russia to fund its war with Ukraine?

    The EU was and is in fact also buying Russian oil despite all the talk of keeping out Russian oil exports to stifle the Russians and collapse its economy. It is an open secret that the EU is buying lots of Russian oil, mixed with other sources and sold to the EU at huge profits. China, India and even Saudi Arabia are doing this very lucrative business and the USA, and the EU can do nothing about it. What happened to the US$60 price cap on oil masterminded by non-other than Janet Yellen? Ashes to ashes and dust to dust.

    The most ironic situation is that Saudi Arabia is keeping its own oil extraction for domestic and sale to other countries, while buying Russian oil to be sold to the EU.

    How stupid are the Europeans has been laid bare for all to see. Instead of settling for cheap Russian oil and gas without those sanctions, they are now paying for the same stuff at several times the price they were paying just before the Ukraine War. Does stupidity have no cure ring a bell?

  2. Saudi Arabia is going for nuclear energy and renewables like solar power. At first thought this must be silly when it has all the oil underground to be extracted and be used or sold instead of spending a fortune building those nuclear power stations.

    The answer probably lies in the realization that oil is a finite resource and conserving it is a smart move. Why exhaust it when money can be made just by buying Russian oil and selling it for a profit rather than extracting its own oil to sell. Smart businesspeople can always outsmart those stupid enough to think they are always the smarter race to rule the earth.
