
Coups and social unrests engineered by CIA, NED and NGOs are failing everywhere

 This is to be expected, as those are stooges cultivated by the USA to take over the country targeted for regime change when they are successful. Ukraine is a perfect example and Pakistan and Bangladesh are indications of their encroachment success using the same tactic. The CIA and USA funded NGOs will work the ground, instigating chaos, underwriting the cost of protest. Everything is worth it when they succeed. That was what happened in Hong Kong.

But then, they failed in Russia with Alexei Navalny's death, wiping out all the years of cultivation and cost of working the ground. Russians in general failed to support Navalny and he was looked upon as a traitor.

And they also failed in Myanmar, with Aung San Suu Kyi's cultivation about to bear fruit and take over the country, using her father's legacy to garner all the support. That was also an expensive foray for the USA. But they are not content and still wants to bring chaos to Myanmar today by funding the rebels.

Another big failure was in Venezuela, even using mercenaries trained by the CIA to take down the Government of legally elected Nicolas Maduro. The USA is still at it, as the oil reserves of Venezuela is such a tantalizing target for seizure.

There were other failures, notably in Kazakhstan, which with Russian help was able to put down the attempt at regime change.

The USA cultivated Muslim radicalized elements in Xinjiang were used to create chaos at the same time as events in Hong Kong were unfolding, trying to destabilize China. These radicalized elements were later arrested and sent to re-education camps, which the West spun into concentration camps to demonize China. The cat is now out of the bag as foreign vloggers are helping to counter the lies and present a true picture of the state of affairs in Xinjiang. But backfiring is never a shame for the West by being exposed naked. They have no moral sense to feel any shame.



  1. In any country that the USA has an axe to grind with, you can be sure that the CIA and USA funded NGOs are working the ground and cultivating stooges to get them ready to assume power.

    Rest assured the USA is still doing stooge cultivation in Xinjiang and Hong Kong. It is not over as long as China is seen as an enemy. Likewise in Iran, Venezuela, Russia (wife of Navalny is the chosen one) and even in lesser close countries with it like Mexico, Brazil, and countries in ASEAN like Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia which are closer to China. Their regime changing work in progress now is targeted at others like Indonesia, Vietnam and Malaysia.

    Pakistan and Bangladesh have gone over to the dark side, with Thailand almost a done deal if the Thai Military loses power completely.

  2. Coups will succeed when countries have weak leaders. Elsewhere coups are not needed when weak leaders are in charge, and they just open the gates for the enemy to move in. Many African countries fall into this category. Others like Japan, Germany and South Korea just hand over control of their country on a platter.
