
Without the American terrorists, the world would have lesser fear of war

 Poland is reported to be sabotaging the BRI. Never mind, China now has Belarus to open up as an alternative trade route to Europe. Russia and China are now also exploring the Artic route, now that climate change is making it more accessible for longer periods each year. It will benefit Russia more than China, but who knows.

Talking about bypassing choke points, the Isthmus of Kra project looks positively promising. A land bridge may be the choice now, which makes the Malacca Straits a less effective choke point in times of war. Of course, the USA and also Singapore are against it. China is also looking at the other alternative for a canal across Nicaragua to bypass the USA controlled Panama Canal. In theory it is the Panama Authorities having control, but do not be misled by the misinformation. The USA has all the leverage to decide who can and cannot use the Panama Canal in times of war. For the Middle East access, China is building a link across Pakistan towards the Southern Port of Gwadar, which should link China to the Middle East oil producers without having to go round India and Straits of Malacca.

As I always say, China thinks years ahead, not just trying desperately to build toilets when the urge to poo is intense.


1 comment:

  1. China is reported to be building large numbers of nuclear power plants to reduce its massive imports of oil and coal. When China says it is building many nuclear power plants, it means something big, nothing puny. China does not indulge in puny boasting like some other countries, and the West better take note. This is a big step forward that China is making to reduce its high dependence on energy from foreign sources, especially from the Middle East, that may be detrimental to its needs in times of war.

    While the West, like USA and Germany are reported to be decommissioning nuclear power plants or not building many new ones, China is doing the exact opposite. China knows the world's future lies in nuclear energy and hydro-electric power generation, with renewables complimenting the requirements. China has many big rivers for building massive hydro-electric power stations, which it is doing now.

    As we now know, Russia is the dominating power in the nuclear fuel supply chain for nuclear power plants in the West and therefore is instrumental for the operation of such nuclear facilities in the West. With China's rise in nuclear generation, it will provide the demand for Russian nuclear fuel exports, increasing Russia's bargaining power with the West.

    The USA and the West have not included sanctions on nuclear fuel supply chains against Russia yet, due to the above reasons, and may start sanctioning Russia's nuclear power supply chains in times of desperation. This will again benefit China most of all. Everything is ready in Russia and China to counter what the West is planning to do to bring Russia and China down, but both are now seen to be working hand in glove to counter the eventualities. Will the USA and the West work towards shooting their own feet in another display of stupidity?
