
Chinese modesty versus American braggarts and fake confidence

 Historically, traditionally, the Chinese culture was built on modesty, on the interest of group, the good of the greater whole rather than on individuals and braggarts, not on the supremacy of how good and talented an individual is. The Chinese in China and all over the world are more restrained, introvert to some extend, and not loud mouth, bragging about how good and talented they are. They just do their things quietly, mostly in the background.

Many brilliant Chinese scientists and experts of their respective fields, worked quietly without any recognition, glory or fame until their dying years. The group of scientists and engineers of the Qian Xuesen era, thousands of them, worked tiredlessly in the deserts, in remote regions of China, making advances in science and technology that went unnoticed, with many deserving of the Nobel Prize with their invention and creation. Only recently, in their advanced years, were they mentioned by the Chinese govt, some honoured posthumously, without much fanfare of inventions attached to their names.

In today's context, Chinese scientists and inventors have made great strides in science, engineering and technology that gave birth to many unicorns and successful companies that are now taking the world by storm. Naming a few and not naming the rest is not doing justice to the great works of these scientists and inventors.

This is a big contrast to the loudspeakers blasting in the West about how great and successful the western individuals were, claiming credit for this and that, demanding to be paid in the hundreds of millions when the real contributions, in many cases, were the works of the workhorses in the background doing the tedious and tiresome works to keep the company growing. The western trained braggarts would not hesitate to declare or claim how good they are, with scintillating resumes, many fakes, to dupe and con the selection committees to hire them and paying them a ransom for convincing them how good they are.

The western way of appreciating loudmouths and braggarts has put many Chinese experts and technocrats to a great disadvantage as they would often reply modestly about what they know and what they could do. As a result, many would not land the top job that they should rightly deserved in the western corporate world. They could only be successful by building their own companies, their own products and inventions to remain in top management without having to be picked or selected by a committee that judged them superficially over a few minutes.

Chinese modesty may not win the Chinese experts and technocrats the top jobs in western institutions as they would not be recognised or appreciated, with a few exceptions. But Chinese experts and technocrats would rule the world with their products and services and be recognised as such without the need to be braggarts and top salesmen. No one would hire Jack Ma, Ren Zhengfei, and the likes in BYD, Xpeng, NIO, DJI, Douyin, ByteDance  etc etc if they have to be interviewed by a selection committee for the top job.


  1. Good morning All

    The saying "Empty Vessels Made the Most Noise" is very apt!

    Why Singaporeans especially the Chinese don't land into those professions and their true capabilities in these jobs is because they don't really sell their capabilities like the Whites and the Indians with their Gifts of the Gabs.

    Had done and also took part in interviewing jobs applicants in my working as an employee as well as my own business.

    When asked " Do you think that you are able to handle this assignment or job if we were to employ you"

    The usual answers from Chinese applicants "I or we shall try our best"

    Answers from the Rest especially the Whites and Indians.

    "That's a piece of cake" They shall bragged themselves skies high on their capabilities that even the Company's Directors and CEOs must relinquished their appointments and have them in their seats.

    Usually I preferred the quiet and honest ones buy most of the interviewers are aged by these bullshits bragging ones that are usually non performers.

    This is the way Imbeciles are been fooled.

    Just see one Americunts Show in the "Wheel of Fortune" when asked about their profile which I usually muted the conversation as its too painful to hear.

    They can bragged the next sixty mins their capabilities and status if allowed to.

    So this is the difference between the real grains and the chuff.

  2. Apology shud be "awed" not "aged"

  3. Observed that, even in Singapore, if 2 equally talented individuals - one an Indian , another a Chinese - apply for the same job at an American, UK or Australian company (eg bank), the Indian job applicant is more likely to be selected . That even if the Chinese applicant is more qualified, more experienced than the Indian applicant.

  4. So true. Such is the difference in cultural refinement.

  5. Olipig closing ceremony and China TOP with the Most GOLDs and the Commentator had to announce that the UAssA has the most medals in ALL.

    Hello, then why have the most GOLD Medals on TOP of the List?

    Lose means lose lah!

    Still wants to save your Water Pockmaeked Faces ah?

    Sinkeland should have pay them off to announce that we had a Bronze.

    Still believing you living in Gardens ah?

    Going to be Jungles soon.

  6. China's modesty in full display at the Paris Olympics. 17 year old top diving queen, Quan Hongchan scored several perfect 10s and won 3 gold medals said her performance was below her expectation, giving herself only 50 marks instead of a high 80 or 90 marks.
