
Who is the biggest thief in the world?

 All the while they accused China of stealing. Who is the biggest thief in the world? Who stole the whole continent of America from the Native American Indians? Who even stole Black African humans to work as slaves in the USA? Who stole diamonds from Africa, gold, artifacts and works of art from all around the world that they colonized?

So, may I ask - Who is actually the biggest thief in the world? Can I also ask who is the biggest drug cheat in sports? They cheated, they lied, and they stole, yet they denied and accused others of doing what they did.


PS. Who is stealing the oil in Iraq and Syria? Who wants to steal from Tik Tok? There is a huge museum in London called the Thieves Museum. All the arts and craft pieces were stolen from the colonies, without paying a single cent.

1 comment:

  1. Not Ali Baba of course. Ali Baba was just a scapegoat used to belittle the Muslims or Arabs. The White thieves are the biggest thieves. But they were portrayed as angels landing in America to spread Christianity to the wild Native American Indians.
